Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS – Bayonetta and Corrin to be shown during Niconico Championship in a few hours
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 8 Comments
In February, Nintendo will be bringing out Bayonetta and Corrin as the final DLC characters in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. Both will actually be appearing during the Niconico Championship held at Tokaigi 2016. During the event, a demonstration battle that uses Bayonetta and Corrin will be shown.
The event itself starts at the following times, though it’s unclear when Bayonetta and Corrin are being featured:
– 5:15 PM PT (Saturday)
– 8:15 PM ET (Saturday)
– 1:15 AM in the UK (Sunday)
– 2:15 AM in Europe (Sunday)
You can watch the Niconico stream here. If you happen to miss the event, I’m sure a recorded version will show up soon after!
Rumor: New amiibo references spotted within Splatoon’s files, possibly Squid Sisters
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 20 Comments
Last year, Nintendo released three amiibo for Splatoon. We currently have the Inkling Boy, Inkling Girl, and, Inkling Squid figures. Could more be on the way?
NWPlayer123 has built a reputation for leaking new content for Splatoon ahead of official reveals. In the past, we’ve found out about levels and weapons among other elements before they were announced. NWPlayer123 now seems to have unearthed evidence of new amiibo figures.
Eh, screw it. Squid Sisters amiibo, coming soon to a retailer near you
— Nikki ? (@NWPlayer1234) January 30, 2016
“AmiiboIdolA” and “AmiiboIdolB” have both been found within Splatoon’s files. These two were likely included in the game’s most recent update. Given the names, would one think that they’re referencing the Squid Sisters.
We’ll let you know if we hear anything else about this rumor.
Thanks to Mattrio for the tip.
NES designer reconfirms original color scheme was based on Nintendo president’s favorite scarf
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
Engineer and designer Masayuki Uemura, who worked on the creation of the NES, recently appeared at the National Videogame Arcade in Hockley. Nottingham Post caught up with him for a brief chat about the famous console.
According to Uemura, the console’s original color scheme was based on Hiroshi Yamauchi’s favorite scarf. Of course, Yamauchi was Nintendo’s president at the time.
Uemura also said the following when we asked if he believes games helped build East-West relations in the wake of World War II:
“The NES had an important role in transmitting Japanese culture to the world, and we received influences from foreign countries, too. We are different cultures but childhood is universal.”
More: Masayuki Uemura, top
Splatoon – Squid Sisters performance at Niconico Tokaigi 2016
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos, Wii U | 13 Comments
A few hours ago at Niconico Tokaigi 2016, the Squid Sisters performed live as promised. We now have the full recording, which you can watch below.
Genei Ibun Roku #FE devs on how the setting and Fire Emblem characters were chosen
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 19 Comments
Last week, we posted some translated excerpts from Nintendo Dream’s Genei Ibun Roku #FE interview. It’s a very interesting read since it gives you more of a clear picture about the project’s origins and how the game eventually turned into an RPG. If you missed it, be sure to check it out here.
We have a few final excerpts from Nintendo Dream’s piece today. Primarily, today’s topics include an in-depth explanation as to how the setting was decided upon, and how the team determined which characters from Fire Emblem to include.
Head past the break for the translation. The comments are from the interview with producer Hitoshi Yamagami (Nintendo), director Kaori Ando (Nintendo), producer Shinjiro Takata (Atlus), director Eiji Ishida (Atlus), chief director Wataru Hirata (Atlus), and art director Fumitaka Yano (Atlus).
Aonuma unsure about having Link speak in Zelda games
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 80 Comments
In an interview with GamesMaster this month, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma shared some thoughts about the possibility of having Link speak. He does believe that this could be a good idea, but at the same time, he also “feels that that air of proud independence he has because he doesn’t speak is a precious part of the individuality of his character.”
Aonuma’s words in full:
“We’ve had a lot of requests from fans to hear [Link’s] voice, and while in some ways I do feel that it could be good to have a game where he speaks, part of me also feels that that air of proud independence he has because he doesn’t speak is a precious part of the individuality of his character. I want to think long and hard about whether changing that would be for the better or not before I make any decision.”
Link has been known throughout the history of Zelda as being a silent protagonist. If he were to be given a voice, that would definitely have a notable impact on the series. How would you feel if Link spoke in a Zelda title?
More: Eiji Aonuma, interview, The Legend of Zelda, top
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam – Miiverse Miiting – lack of Paper Luigi and original characters, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 10 Comments
Nintendo held a “Miiverse Miiting” for Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam earlier today. This is the Big N’s interview series on the social community involving the game’s developers.
A number of topics were discussed in today’s Miiting, including why Paper Luigi isn’t featured in the game, and the lack of original characters. We’ve included the full interview below.
More: AlphaDream, interview, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam, top
Zelda: Twilight Princess HD story trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 16 Comments
Nintendo has come out with a new Zelda: Twilight Princess HD trailer highlighting the game’s story. Check it out below.
Unity available for use on New 3DS starting today
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in New Nintendo 3DS, News | 5 Comments
During Unite Tokyo, it was announced that Unity would be heading to New 3DS. It’s now been revealed that the engine will be available for use starting today. Just like Wii U, Unity comes free of charge on New 3DS.
Unity has already been working with developers to port some of their games to the New 3DS. You may recall that Wind Up Knight 2 went on sale towards the end of last year in Japan.
Unity actually supports the original 3DS as well, though with a bit of a caveat. It’s possible to “generate ROM images which are compatible with the original 3DS, and there are certainly some types of game which will run perfectly well on it, but for the majority of games we strongly recommend targeting the New Nintendo 3DS for maximum gorgeousness.”
Removal of Fire Emblem Fates’ petting mini-game in the west reconfirmed
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 157 Comments
Update: In an article this week, Polygon also claims to have received confirmation about the petting removal from Nintendo (thanks for the tip, Jake).
A few days ago, news surfaced about Nintendo removing the petting mini-game from Fire Emblem Fates in the west. That information came from Kotaku, who received the information from the company. Since other well-known outlets were only citing Kotaku as their source, some wondered if the site had been misinformed or shared misinformation. As it turns out, what we heard originally is absolutely true.
A comment is making the rounds from Rich George, a director of Golin for Nintendo. For those that are unaware, Golin handles all PR for the Big N in the United States. George was able to reconfirm that Fire Emblem Fates’ petting mini-game has indeed been removed in the west.
@reallyfeelingya just heard back from nintendo. here you go
— Nathan Grayson (@Vahn16) January 28, 2016