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Last night, Nintendo held its 75th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Ten proposed candidates were re-elected to the board, including the following key figures:

Director and President – Satoru Iwata
Senior Managing Director – Shigeru Miyamoto
Senior Managing Director – Genyo Takeda

We’re also hearing that Nintendo is remaining in a position of strength in the stock market. You may recall that after Nintendo made its announcement about bringing games to mobile devices in partnership with mobile, it spiked to over 20,000 yen per share. Shares took a slight dip during E3, but they’ve now returned to their new norm of 21,780 yen.



GamesIndustry published its own interview with Nintendo of America executive VP of sales and marketing Scott Moffitt. Metroid Prime: Federation Force, amiibo, shortages in general, and the Humble Nindie Bundle (not ruling out its own bundle) were among the topics discussed.

You can read up on what Moffitt had to say in this latest interview below. Be sure to check out GamesIndustry’s original article here as well.

Nintendo eShop

Damon Baker, who heads up Nintendo of America’s third-party relations and indie development, has told Polygon that the company is “certainly exploring options and capabilities” regarding an early access program.

He said:

“We don’t have anything to announce, but I can say that we’re certainly exploring options and capabilities. So anything is possible. I guess the important part of it is we’re very conscious of it and definitely looking at it.”

In terms of the benefits of what an early access program would program, Baker noted that it could act as a beta program of sorts.

“Working out some of the kinks, the server loads or what matching those expectations so that it’s a prime experience when it does, when the full version actually launches. So there could be some benefits there, but I think it’s a very sensitive topic, because you wouldn’t ever want to ask for money for something that doesn’t become fully-realized.”

Lastly, Baker also commented on the Nindies@Home initiative that was held during E3 week.

“We had to change policies over this, guidelines. I mean we basically created almost an early access-type of situation because some of this content isn’t even coming out until towards the end of the year. So to be able to give such early visibility to some of the developers and these builds, there was a lot of work that went into it.”


Update: All over! You can find the information rounded up below.

Nintendo’s 75th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is currently progress. We’ll be posting everything that was shared during the event below, courtesy of translations from Cheesemeister.


– New 3DS selling well, but the old 3DS did not, so HW sales were 8.73m. SW selling well. Pokemon, Smash numbers.
– Mario Kart 8 at 5.11m, Smash Wii U at 3.65m. Wii U HW 2.88m.
– Entertainment has value, centering on dedicated platforms. Providing premium experiences only available on such. Making more SW.
– Xenoblade for New 3DS released. Rhythm Heaven, FE: if released. Supporting 1st-party and strong 3rd-party SW.
– On Wii U, Splatoon, Yoshi’s Woolly World, and Super Mario Maker are being released.
– Card-based and yarn amiibo are being released. The NFC dongle for old 3DS and 2DS being released. Looking to increase demand.
– Supporting amiibo on Smash 3DS with the NFC dongle.
– About DeNA, starting smart device apps this year. Smart devices different from dedicated consoles, so even w/ same IP, adapting play styles to suit smart devices will maximize value and drive the expansion of the gaming population.
– Continuing with film adaptations and character merchandising to increase mind-share of IPs. Ex: Universal agreement. More later.
– Making a marketing appeal for the IPs through experiences only possible at theme parks.
– Making progress with QOL. (No details given.)
– 1st measure: distribution of dividends.
– 2nd measure: selection of board members.


Nintendo’s Yugo Hayashi is the director of Star Fox Zero. Prior to this, he was involved with level design on Zelda: Twilight Princess and directed Wii Fit.

Having developers work on a variety of different projects is part of an intentional plan from Shigeru Miyamoto. In an interview with Kotaku, he explained:

Miyamoto: In terms of trying to develop a developer I always try to get them to do lots and lots of different things. Mr. Aonuma is kind of always working on Zelda but for most other people I like to try to get them to try lots of different things. So someone who worked on the art direction for Zelda would then go on to Wii Fit U. That’s kind of how I like to do things. And now Mr. Hayashi is working with me pretty much every day.

Hayashi and Miyamoto went on to discuss something a bit random. Hayashi actually mentioned that he feels that him being the closest to Miyamoto in terms of seating helped him land the job for Star Fox Zero.

Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto has been responsible for some of Nintendo’s biggest gaming franchises. Without Miyamoto, the likes of Mario and Zelda wouldn’t exist today.

Nintendo games will always be the most important element for Miyamoto, but the company’s Shinya Takahashi feels that his creativity could be extended into other areas. Speaking with USA Today, Takahashi stated:

“For me, because it’s Mr. Miyamoto, I want him to continue making things as long as he wants to continue making things. I really think that Mr. Miyamoto will continue to be creative — and not just in the area of video games.”


iDigitalTimes has some comments from Nintendo of America’s Scott Moffitt specifically about the 3DS. Moffitt addressed the 3DS’ success and lineup, why older models remain in the market, and commented on the lack of the standard New 3DS version in North America. Read on below to get a look at what was shared.

IGN has posted its full interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. When the two sides met at E3 2015 last week, Reggie discussed things like Yo-Kai Watch, amiibo, toys-to-life partnerships, and the Digital Event.

We have a number of excerpts from the interview below. You can read the full talk on IGN here.

Masahiro Sakurai once again published a new column in the latest issue of Famitsu. In his piece, Sakurai writes about the new downloadable content that came to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS.

Details from the column can be found below. If you’d like a full translation, head on over to Source Gaming.

– Sakurai mentions that the 3DS “isn’t suited for successive downloads, and there are people who don’t have Wi-Fi in their homes and go to convenience stores to connect, so we made sure to put a lot of forethought into the process.”
– He’s amazed that Ryu is in Smash, and was excited to work on him
– Sakurai put a bunch of effort into the small details
– When putting Ryu in Smash, there are limits based on the number of buttons and the control scheme
– Composer Yoko Shimomura and illustrator AKIMAN each played a little bit of Ryu in Smash
– Shimomura exclaimed “Even I can do a Shoryuken!”
– AKIMAN was shocked, saying “are you sure it’s okay to make performing a Shoryuken so easy?”
– The thing that left an impression on Sakurai when making Roy was recording his lines
– Same actor from Melee (Fukuyama) was used
– Fukuyama remembered details from the recording session for Melee extremely well like the names for characters, and even the other actors
– Sakurai was happy about this since he’s an actor who’s done a ton of projects since Melee
– Lucas, Roy, and Ryu were made before the ballot was created
– Sakurai “had a grasp on their popularity and demand, though”
– “From now until the end, it is going to be fan service”
– Since Sakurai can’t keep the team together forever, there will only be several more characters
– Sakurai asks for fans’ patience in making more content


GamesBeat caught up with Animal Crossing director Aya Kyogoku at E3 2015 last week. While much of the discussion was focused on Happy Home Designer, Kyogoku also shared some comments about amiibo Festival, the series’ future, and even Smash Bros.

You can read up on some of Kyogoku’s comments below. The full interview is located over on GamesBeat.

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