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A few of Target’s Black Friday 2013 deals have been revealed in the form of a preview. While there isn’t too much to see just yet, it appears that a discount will be available for the 3DS XL. Target will be selling the system for $150 later this month for $50 savings.


Treyarch has been making the Nintendo versions of Call of Duty games for years now.

For the Wii U Call of Duty releases, a specific team inside the studio handles all aspects of development. The group started out as a Wii team, but turned into a Wii U team for the creation of Black Ops II. Ghosts was also made by the same set of staffers.

When asked who created Call of Duty: Ghosts for Wii U, Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin said:

Treyarch. Treyarch has a Wii U team specifically for just doing Wii U. That’s all they do. They only do the Wii U games for every title. It was a Wii team that turned into a Wii U team. But still, yeah, five platforms.


Senran Kagura Burst will launch in North America on November 14, XSEED has announced. Pricing is set at $29.99. The game will be available as a download on the eShop.

You can find the newly opened website here. Screenshots are posted above.

Source: XSEED PR

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