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Adding to tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct fun is something from Atlus USA. The company re-tweeted the news about the upcoming presentation, so they’ll probably be involved in some fashion.

There was speculation last night that Atlus was teasing localization of Attack on Titan for 3DS. Perhaps we’ll be receiving an announcement about that tomorrow?

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Frizzy trailer

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment

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Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei has a final release date. We knew it’d be coming to Japan sometime in July, but Masaya has now shared something a bit more specific. Japanese 3DS owners can get their hands on Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei starting July 23.


Circle Entertainment announced on its Twitter account today that the demo for Witch & Hero has exceeded 1 million downloads. According to the company, 55 percent of the downloads were from Japanese 3DS systems.

Circle wrote earlier today:

Witch & Hero 2 was revealed earlier this month. I imagine we’ll be seeing it by the end of 2015!


Google is getting things started early with April Fools’ Day! It’s now possible to play a game of Pac-Man by heading on over to Google Maps. You should see an option in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to find an area with enough roads. Also, if you’re unable to see a Pac-Man option, try another browser. I was personally having trouble in Chrome, but everything works perfectly in Firefox!

Based on a new tweet, Curve Digital may have something in store for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct. It could be something extremely small such as being a part of an eShop reel. We really won’t know until after the presentation airs. In any case, here’s the relevant tweet:


Wobby Tooth is still supporting Battleminer with free updates. The latest patch, which was revealed on the developer’s Twitter account today, will add a major feature.

When Battleminer’s next update goes live, players will be able to partake in multiplayer co-op. This will work both locally and online.

Battleminer’s newest update is coming to Europe on April 16. There’s no date yet for North America, but it shouldn’t be too far behind.


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