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System: Switch (reviewed) / Wii U
Release date: March 3, 2017
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher Nintendo

The Legend of Zelda’s prolific, seminal history has been striking the hearts of players across the globe for three decades. Attachment fans have with the series has withstood the test of time thanks to its immense and vibrant world of Hyrule, memorable characters, iconic set pieces, composition, and more. Now the newest Zelda game is finally here and puts players back in Hyrule where they must protect the kingdom from the ferocious evil that is Calamity Ganon after being asleep for 100 years. Breath of the Wild breaks out of a lot of classic Zelda traits, while instilling new ones and simultaneously making the world and game familiar for veterans, as well as accessible and eye-opening to new players alike. Breath of the Wild is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, not just for Zelda standards, but for gaming as a whole.

Just a Chat finally returns after a very lengthy hiatus. What better time to bring it back now that we have access to the final Switch hardware and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

It wouldn’t be a return without some audio issues! I ended up having some problems, but fortunately it didn’t affect the discussion much since Dennis did most of the talking. After all, Dennis has been the one playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild a ton over the past few days!

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There are two big ways to play Switch. You can use the system as a traditional home console, but Nintendo is also offering an option to play it as a handheld. So as a simple question for you this week: which one do you see yourself preferring?

I’ll probably end up using Switch more as a portable system personally. These days, I’m so busy and caught up with a bunch of different things that I find it difficult to be in front of a television for an extended period of time. I really do like how the portable option lets you play anywhere and easily come back to a gaming session. That being said, I definitely won’t be playing Switch exclusively as a handheld. I know that I’ll want to at least have Zelda on the big screen at some points, for example. Thankfully the Switch dock makes moving between both modes very simple.

That’s just me though. Curious to see what everyone else has planned!

Highlights from last week’s topic: Will you still pick up Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Wii U?

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In many ways, Switch is what I’ve always what I’ve wanted out of a Nintendo console. Back during the N64 era, I dreamed of being able to take a game like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Super Smash Bros. anywhere I wanted. Sure, we did receive Ocarina of Time 3D a few years ago and a portable version of the new Smash Bros. more recently, but what Switch is offering is completely different. Switch provides a new means of moving between your television and a portable screen, and based on my early hands-on time with release hardware, it does so incredibly well.

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We recently fired off some questions to Tomorrow Corporation’s Kyle Gabler in hopes of learning a bit more about World of Goo, Little Inferno, and Human Resource Machine on Switch. What we didn’t expect were incredibly entertaining replies, making for one of our zaniest interviews yet.

We did ask Tomorrow Corporation about its initial slate of Switch titles. Additionally, Gabler teased future projects. Two are on the way, one of which is the biggest game yet from Tomorrow Corporation.

You can read our full interview with Tomorrow Corporation below.

System: 3DS (eShop)
Release date: February 16, 2017
Developer: Vitei / Nintendo
Publisher Nintendo

Tank Troopers is strong in many of the same ways Steel Diver was good, so it wasn’t surprising to see that Vitei (the developer that assisted development on that title) made this. Comparing a game’s strengths to the infamously barebones 3DS launch title isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement, and for as many strengths it shares, those weaknesses are also present – even if to a lesser extent. There’s just not a lot of stuff to do, even if it does have some of the dichotomy of cutesy war charm of the World War I dogfighting game Snoopy Flying Ace.

Like many of you, I have The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild pre-ordered on Switch. I fully intend to play the game on that new system. But the thing is, I also have a pre-order for the Wii U version, and I’m hesitant to cancel it.

I’m not entirely sure why. I don’t know when, if ever, I’d get around to playing Breath of the Wild on Wii U. The game is mostly the same on both platforms, but Switch is always where I’d play it. I only picked up the Wii version back when Twilight Princess came out. At that time, there was more of an incentive to buy it on GameCube as well due to the world being flipped. This time around, I almost feel like I’m inclined to hold onto Breath of the Wild on Wii U due to it being the last game for the system, and it may be tough to find later on. Maybe I’m being weirdly sentimental.

So here’s a question for you guys this week: will you buy Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Wii U? Will you still pick up that version even if you’ll be buying and playing the game on Switch? Maybe some of you don’t have plans to purchase a Switch in the near future, or just want to hold on to the game for other reasons like myself. Of course, I fully expect that many of you are just going for Switch, and that makes total sense. In any case, let us know about what you’re planning in the comments below.

Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – February 2017

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Sumo Digital has a new 3D platformer heading to Switch very soon. At the end of March, Snake Pass will be showing up on the eShop.

We caught up with Sumo Digital this month to learn more about Snake Pass. The team spoke to us about its inspirations, Doodle the Hummingbird sidekick, game length, and more. Sumo also had a bit to say about bringing Snake Pass to Switch.

For our full interview, continue on below.

System: Wii U (reviewed) / 3DS eShops
Release date: February 9, 2017
Developer: Ratalaika Games / VaragtP
Publisher Ratalaika Games

Have you ever played Cookie Clicker or one of its hundreds of clones? Planetra is one of those idle games, now on your Wii U and 3DS. You harvest fruit, berries, eggs, manure – the whole gambit of things that come out of a farm, for gold. More gold means investing more resources into the farm. More resources yields larger quantities of produce to sell for yet more gold. Watching numbers tick up at a growing pace then releases dopamine in your brain.

Since there was so much to talk about in January, we didn’t really have a chance to dedicate a Let’s Talk topic to the games everyone is actually playing. So now we want to know: what has your attention right now? Have you started up something new recently? Or maybe you’re continuing something you started a little while back? Whatever the case, let us know in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: Fire Emblem Heroes impressions

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