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Back in 2015, EDGE published a special issue of its magazine featuring what it felt was the top 100 greatest games of all time. This month, they’re back at it again with a revised list.

The 2017 edition makes a number of changes. One big addition is Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which has taken Dark Souls’ spot as EDGE’s best game of all time. Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time remain in the top ten, however.

The full list is as follows:


Nintendo has started the pre-load option for Metroid: Samus Returns in Japan. Thanks to that, we now know how much size the game requires digitally.

Metroid: Samus Returns takes up 5,542 blocks, or 692MB. Those numbers may vary slightly in the west, but since pre-loading should be live in North America soon as well, we should have a final answer pretty soon.


Earlier in the week, Minecraft was updated on both Switch and Wii U to support the Myths Glide Track Pack. Check out a trailer for the DLC below.


Nintendo has come out with a new Metroid: Samus Returns trailer showcasing Samus’ abilities in the game. Watch it below.

A few new 3DS themes are out now in Japan. Here’s the lineup:

Metroid: Samus Returns – 200 yen
Sumikko Gurashi – 200 yen
Little Twin Stars – 200 yen
The Hamster – 200 yen


A couple of new digital titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on September 6. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:

3DS Download

Pic-a-Pix – 500 yen
Symphony of Eternity – 800 yen



Gear.Club Unlimited

IGN has the first gameplay trailer for the Switch-bound racer Gear.Club Unlimited. Check it out below.

Nintendo came up with a unique art style in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In a way, it almost looks Wind Waker, but not quite to the same cartoonish extent.

But what would Breath of the Wild look like without its art style, you ask? Thanks to a glitch discovered by Reddit’s Rangers_Of_The_North last month, it’s possible to turn off the shaders.

If you’ve purchased Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, you may have noticed that an update is already available. Ubisoft did indeed prepare a day one update for the game.

Those curious about what the update does can read up on the full patch notes below. Ubisoft made a number of improvements and changes to the game, some of which are more significant than others.

GameXplain has a closer look at all of the new Metroid products launching in September with an unboxing video. Below, you can get a closer look at the Samus Edition New 3DS XL, new Metroid amiibo, and Samus Returns Special Edition.

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