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Atlus has issued the latest demon showcase video for Shin Megami Tensei V. For today’s update, we have a closer look at Orthrus.

Here’s the full video:

Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

Thanks to GamesIndustry, we have new insight into the UK gaming market for July 2021.

Zelda: Skyward Sword was the best-selling boxed retail game. New Joy-Con based on the title also debuted during the month, and the controller was the third best-selling accessory.

Nintendo as a whole was the second biggest publisher of July – EA was first and SEGA was third. Switch held a 21.5 percent share for console software sales, behind the PS4’s 35 percent.

Here’s a look at the best sellers of July:

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Sonic Colors: Ultimate

SEGA has prepared a new batch of screenshots (and art) for Sonic Colors: Ultimate, which largely highlight the game’s various Wisps.

Here’s a rundown of the different Wisps:

Dengeki Online recently published a lengthy Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity developer interview. Producers Yosuke Hayashi and Masaki Furusawa, along with director Ryota Matsushita, were all involved with the discussion.

At one point, there was some interesting discussion about the game’s characters. The three first shared the following when asked about how the playable characters were chosen, as translated by Nintendo Everything:

No More Heroes 3

The countdown to No More Heroes 3’s launch continues, and we have another trailer with the release fast approaching. Check out the latest video below.

Target has revealed a new pre-order bonus for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl Double Pack. If you reserve the bundle, you’ll receive the journal pictured above. Note that the offer doesn’t apply for the induvial games, so it’s the Double Pack only.

Target is taking pre-orders for the Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl Double Pack here. The games launch on November 19.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set

Bandai Namco published the latest trailer for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set today that focuses entirely on the game’s story. Give it a look below.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set launches for Switch on September 24.

Update (8/20): Amazon now has pre-orders here. Doom 2016 is physical, but everything else in the package is digital.

Original (8/19): A collection of DOOM games called DOOM Slayers Collection has been listed at Best Buy for pre-order. This collection comes with DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 3, DOOM 2016, and DOOM 64 all in one physical package.

This listing does not specify if these games will all be included on the cartridge or if an additional online download will be required. But, there is a release date of September 2, 2021 and a price of $49.99.

All these details and more can be found at this link and screenshots from the listing are included below. 

The Wild at Heart

The Wild at Heart, a story-rich action-adventure game that first debuted earlier this year, is now making the jump to Switch. Humble Games and Moonlight Kids confirmed plans to release the title on Nintendo’s console later in 2021.

Here’s some additional information and a trailer for The Wild at Heart, straight from Humble Games:

Roki physical

Super Rare Games, in partnership with United Label and Polygon Treehouse, is planning a physical release of Roki. 4,000 units will be up for grabs.

Each copy contains all the current content on its cart, a full-color manual, interior artwork, an exclusive sticker, and three trading cards randomly selected from the five-card set.

You can pre-order the physical version of Roki starting on August 26 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM in the UK / 7 PM in Europe. It’ll be up on Super Rare Games’ website here.

Source: Super Rare Games PR

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