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This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

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Nintendo Switch

Nintendo has updated its maintenance schedule for the coming week. At least thus far, only one session is planned for Switch involving the distribution of update data.

The full schedule is as follows:

Are you a die-hard fan of The Legend of Heroes? Perhaps you’ll be interested in the various DLC items planned for Trails of Cold Steel III on Switch. There’ll be around a dozen in total, and if you want to get everything at a bit of a discount, that’s where the eShop-only “Digital Deluxe Edition” comes in.

Here’s what’s included aside from the main game:

This month’s issue of Nintendo Dream has a massive Fire Emblem: Three Houses developer interview. Directors Toshiyuki Kusakihara and Genki Yokota addressed a variety of topics, including inspirations, world-building and character writing, depictions of characters, themes, and lore, plus more. As part of this, we get to hear about Byleth and keeping his facial expressions to a minimum as well as Dimitri’s eyepatch.

You can read out full translation of the second half. In case you missed it, we shared a translation of the first half here. Note that the final page contains information related to spoilers, so please keep that in mind before proceeding.


Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


On our podcast last week, voice actor Joe Zieja was kind enough to stop by and discuss his work on Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Zieja played the part of Claude, leader of the Golden Deer house.

Aside from Claude, Zieja actually auditioned for other potential characters as well, including Dimitri and Dedue. Zieja spoke about his readings for those parts, telling us:

This month’s issue of CoroCoro has announced that a physical version of Together! The Battle Cats is on the way. It will launch at retail on July 16 for 3,850 yen. All copies come with a pouch, character set, 1,000 Cat Food, and Grandon Mining Corps characters.

Together! The Battle Cats is out now on Switch via the Japanese eShop. An update will be distributed on July 16 to add a new battle mode.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses

This month’s issue of Nintendo Dream has a massive Fire Emblem: Three Houses developer interview. Directors Toshiyuki Kusakihara and Genki Yokota addressed a variety of topics, including Cindered Shadows, user feedback, increasing the amount of save slots, the new outfits, the roles of Nintendo, Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo (including Nintendo’s requests), how the team went about creating the houses and students, and plenty more.

Due to the length of the interview – which is more than a dozen pages long – we’ve decided to split up the interview into two parts. We’re publishing the first half today and the second half tomorrow. 

Here’s our full translation of the first half:

Given how serious the coronavirus pandemic has become, people are cleaning and disinfecting the things they come into contact with more than ever before. Switch and its Joy-Con are no stranger to this as many people are using the system to keep themselves entertained. However, you may want to keep in mind that using alcohol could actually cause damage.

In a statement issued on its Japanese customer support Twitter page and translated by Kotaku, Nintendo wrote:

R.B.I. Baseball 20

It’s been announced that a new R.B.I. Baseball 20 update is making its way to Switch soon. It’ll include fixes as well as ballpark updates and behavior improvements.

For a look at the full patch notes, continue on below.

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