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It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate remains the most wanted Nintendo title while Persona Q2 drops a spot.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between October 25 and October 31.

Katamari Damacy Reroll

Katamari Damacy Reroll will be sold physically when it launches next month. The only downside is that it will be retailer-exclusive in the United States. GameStop’s latest ad shows that Katamari Damacy Reroll will only be available at its stores.

It’s likely that the same also applies to Canada. If we had to guess, Katamari Damacy Reroll is probably exclusive to EB Games in that region.


WILL: A Wonderful World

WILL: A Wonderful World made it to Switch last month. As of now, it can only be found on the eShop. But could we be seeing a physical version as well?

This week, WILL: A Wonderful World received a new rating from the ESRB. It’s noteworthy due to the publisher listed: PM Studios. PM Studios has worked with Circle Entertainment and Flyhigh Works to bring a number of Switch games to retail, including Voez, Deemo, Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, and the recently-announced Opus Collection. WILL: A Wonderful World could be next.

It’s worth noting that news about Opus Collection’s physical version originally leaked from the ESRB as well. We could be seeing a similar situation here with WILL: A Wonderful World.



Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


Nintendo has uploaded the latest video for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Rather than showing gameplay, the video is animated and gives us a look at the game’s many characters. Check it out below.

PAX Australia has been and gone for another year and us gamers will now go back to playing the game we know best, the waiting game. Luckily for me, I had the opportunity to chat with some folk who made it down to Australia’s largest gaming convention. This interview is with Dave Crooks (or a Mimic) from Dodge Roll; the developers behind the hugely successful game Enter the Gungeon in which we discussed unused guns, content for the future, and the team’s next project. Please enjoy the interview!

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo’s maintenance schedule has been updated once again. Quite a few sessions are planned for the coming days, including several for Switch.

The current maintenance schedule is as follows:

This weekend, Nintendo held the latest Japanese Splatfest in Splatoon 2. It was entirely Pocky themed, and once again, players were given two options. They could either go with standard Pocky or Pocky Gokuboso (ultra thin).

After a day full of battles, the event has concluded. Nintendo has now posted the results for players.


Nippon Ichi has made it known a few times in the past just how well Disgaea 5 Complete did on Switch. Earlier this year, it was revealed that the game was sitting at 200,000 copies sold in the west alone.

In last month’s issue of EDGE, Nippon Ichi president Sohei Niikawa reiterated Disgaea 5 Complete’s success on Switch, stating that “it sold incredibly well both in Japan and abroad.” Niikawa also spoke about Nintendo’s strong support of the company having visited their offices to teach the developers about Switch. Right now he believes it’s an “ideal piece of hardware” since the dual console and portable nature makes it appealing to both the west and Japan.

Shinya Kumazaki, director of Kirby Star Allies, has provided more insight into the game’s creation. In a post sent out to Switch owners, Kumazaki details the process of creating the design for Hyness – one of the major bosses players encounter.

Here’s the full post:

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