Media Create software sales (9/25/17 – 10/1/17) – Top 50
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch | 52 Comments
This week’s expanded Japanese software sales are as follows:
01./00. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III #
02./00. [PS4] FIFA 18 #
03./00. [NSW] Fire Emblem Warriors #
04./02. [NSW] Splatoon 2 #
05./01. [NSW] Pokken Tournament DX
06./00. [3DS] Fire Emblem Warriors |New Nintendo 2DS/New Nintendo 3DS| #
07./05. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
08./00. [NSW] FIFA 18
09./00. [PS4] Genkai Tokki: Castle Panzers #
10./03. [PS4] Winning Eleven 2018
11./15. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild #
12./06. [PS4] Destiny 2
13./00. [PS4] Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
14./12. [NSW] Monster Hunter Double Cross: Nintendo Switch Ver. #
15./00. [PS4] Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain #
16./10. [3DS] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age #
17./14. [3DS] The Snack World: TreJarers
18./00. [PSV] Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu: Kanmitsu Hana Emaki #
19./21. [NSW] Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch
20./09. [PS4] Everybody’s Golf
More: charts, Japan, Media Create, sales
Super Mario Odyssey changes since initial reveal comparison video
Posted on 7 years ago by Nick in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
There have been a number of notable changes to Super Mario Odyssey since its official reveal, GameXplain has made a video comparing the most recent trailer with the first one. Check out the video down below.
More: Super Mario Odyssey
Sonic Forces producer on not regaining rings, game length / price, no DLC plans, darker tone
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 22 Comments
Game Informer spoke with Sonic Forces producer Shun Nakamura at the Tokyo Game Show last month. Nakamura talked about the big change of not regaining rings similiar to past titles, how long the game will be and why it’s priced at $40, and the darker tone.
You can read up on Nakamura’s responses about these topics below. For the full interview, head on over here.
More: interview, SEGA, Shun Nakamura, Sonic Forces, top
The End is Nigh will come with a mini-Ash toy at launch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Nicalis has clued fans in on what The End of Nigh will contain at launch. If you pick up a first-print copy at retail, you’ll receive a squishy silicone Ash toy. Also, per usual for Nicalis, a full-color instruction manual will be included.
The End is Nigh is expected to release on Switch later this year. A specific date has not yet been confirmed.
More: Nicalis, The End Is Nigh
Bandai Namco community manager says make your voice heard if you want Project CARS 2 on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 98 Comments
Project CARS 2 isn’t on Switch, and at least for now, that’s unlikely to change. However, if fans are vocal, it may not be entirely impossible.
In an interview with Fragments of Silicon, Bandai Namco community manager Cyrus Wesson was asked about a potential Switch port of some kind. Wesson responded by saying that if fans are interested, they should make their voices be heard by sharing comments on Bandai Namco’s social media pages or on the Project CARS website. The development team is said to be “extremely, extremely receptive” to feedback.
Cyrus’ full words:
More: Bandai Namco, Cyrus Wesson, interview, Project Cars 2
Full North American Mario Odyssey site open – Kingdoms video, amiibo info, updated map
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 8 Comments
The full North American website has gone live for Super Mario Odyssey. You can access it right here. It contains the usual sort of information and media you’d expect to see, but there are a few other things we should highlight.
First, the site has a few clips, all of which are rounded up in the video below. A lot of it is rehash, but there are some new snippets plus sound effects for previously-shown footage.
More: Super Mario Odyssey
Terraria should launch for Switch at version 1.3, update won’t be on Wii U / 3DS
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
Terraria has a big update on the way. Version 1.3 adjusted existing elements, brought in new events such as Martian Madness and Slime Rain, new furniture and potions, and an Expert mode.
When Terraria makes its way to Switch, it should come with the new version. Also, due to various restrictions, the update will not be distributed on Wii U or 3DS.
Footage of Terraria 1.3 can be found in the video below.
More: 505 Games, Pipeworks Studio, Terraria
Retro City Rampage DX will be sold physically for Switch starting next week
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 12 Comments
Update: Via PR, we have a look at the reversible cover below. The collector’s edition comes in at $44.99, while the standard version will be $29.99.
Original: Retro City Rampage DX is getting the physical treatment on Switch, Vblank has revealed. The game will be sold as a retail item on the company’s website beginning October 9.
The Retro City Rampage DX Collector’s Edition includes the game, manual, soundtrack, keychain, 3D glasses, and a reversible cover. A standard edition also available.
Watch a trailer for the Retro City Rampage DX Collector’s Edition below.
Resident Evil Revelations Collection playable at New York Comic-Con 2017
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 3 Comments
Capcom announced its lineup for New York Comic-Con 2017 toady. Only one Nintendo-related title (or should we say titles?) will be present, but it’s a notable one.
Those attending Comic-Con can go hands on with Resident Evil Revelations Collection for Switch. It sounds like both Resident Evil and Resident Evil Revelations 2 will be playable.
New York Comic-Con begins today and runs through the weekend. Resident Evil Revelations Collection is due out on November 28 for Switch.
LEGO Worlds’ draw distance will be improved on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
LEGO Worlds’ latest update on Switch wasn’t exactly the best. In an attempt to improve performance, TT Games severely pulled back on the game’s draw distance.
Many players weren’t happy with the change. Thankfully, the team has listened to feedback, and the situation will be addressed. A patch is already being sent off to improve draw distance while also adding the Monsters DLC pack. TT Games is also committed to further improving draw distance while maintaining stability.
Here’s the latest news update from TT Games: