ARMS – Nintendo character models used during development, Barq originally imagined as a support item
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 7 Comments
A recent issue of Famitsu contained an interview with Kosuke Yabuki, the producer of ARMS. Much of what was said has been covered in interviews that have appeared over the past few weeks, but there were a couple of highlights we wanted to mention.
First, during development, Nintendo temporarily used 3D models of characters such as Mario, Link and some others. But because their heights didn’t fit well with gameplay, they decided to use Wii Fit Trainer who is taller. She has well-trained muscles and it was easier to differentiate each part of her body. It was a good fit as your character or your opponent.
More: Arms, interview, Kosuke Yabuki, top
Starlink: Battle for Atlas – “Customization and Seamless Exploration” video
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 3 Comments
A new Starlink: Battle for Atlas from Ubisoft has creative director Laurent Malville explaining how you can customize your starship on the fly and why the freedom to explore is an important aspect. You can view the video below.
Another off-screen The End is Nigh video on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nicalis has given us another look at The End is Nigh on Switch with another off-screen video. Have a look at the game running on the system’s screen below.
More: Nicalis, The End Is Nigh
Nintendo not specifically making games for eSports, Doug Bowser on what went right with Switch and third-parties
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 43 Comments
alistdaily published its own interview with Doug Bowser, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America. Among other things, Bowser weighed in on eSports, Switch’s success, and the status of third-parties now that the system is catching on with consumers.
You can read these excerpts below. alistdaily has the full discussion here.
More: Doug Bowser, interview
Mario Odyssey director on having Mario travel the world, says he’s human, considering “many characters”, more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 11 Comments
Vice recently spoke with Super Mario Odyssey director Kenta Motokura. Motokura talked about why Mario is traveling the world in this game, noted that Nintendo is considering “many characters” for the game including potentially Luigi, and more. The developer also confirmed that Mario is human even though he may look out of place in New Donk City.
We’ve picked out the notable highlights from Vice’s interview below. For the full discussion, head on over here.
More: interview, Kenta Motokura, Super Mario Odyssey, top
[Let’s Talk] Zelda: Breath of the Wild – The Master Trials impressions
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk, Switch, Wii U | 5 Comments
The first of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s DLC packs launched this week. Nintendo began distributing The Master Trials on Friday. While the big DLC we’re all waiting for is coming this holiday with The Champions’ Ballad (featuring an original story and new dungeon), this is a nice way to return the game and hold us over until then.
Probably the biggest addition in The Master Trials is the challenge that has players taking on room after room and defeating enemies without dying. Completing the challenge lets you power up the Master Sword even further. Other highlights include the tougher Master Mode, Korok Mask, and more.
How many of you have tried out The Master Trials? If you have, did you beat the Trial of the Sword? Have you given Master Mode a try? Share your impressions with us in the comments below.
Highlights from last week’s topic: E3 2017 reactions
Switch surpassed Nintendo’s global estimates, bolstering manufacturing facilities and trying to increase production
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 11 Comments
UK retailer GAME noted to investors this week that its full year profits will be “substantially below previous expectations,” in part due to the lack of Switch stock. While demand for the system is “very strong,” GAME said that “the level of supply to the UK market has been lower than expected.”
In the wake of GAME’s remarks, MCV reached out to Nintendo for a statement about the stock situation with Switch. The company said that demand “surpassed our estimates globally.” Nintendo also promises “to bolster our manufacturing facilities and strive to increase production in preparation for the Christmas period”.
The full statement from Nintendo is as follows:
More: top
Pitch of the tap on Switch’s Home Menu is directly related to the surface area of your tap
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch | 7 Comments
Here’s a little something that you may or may not have known about Switch. When touching the screen on the Home Menu, the sound is directly related to the surface area of your tap. With a larger surface, there’s a lower pitch.
The pitch of the "tap sound" on the main menu of the Switch is directly related to the surface area of your tap. More surface = lower pitch.
— oniony (@LolicOnion) June 24, 2017
I admit that I could be genuinely oblivious here, but I honestly had no idea about this – in part due to how little I use the touchscreen. Hopefully I’m not the only one.
Constructor now planned for an October release on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 1 Comment
Constructor is taking longer than anticipated to land on Switch. The game was first thought to be set for April 28. On that day, it was pushed back to the summer. Now we’re hearing that an October launch is planned. Hopefully there won’t be any further delays.
More: Constructor, System3
ARMS Japan Grand Prix 2017 announced, next update targeted for the middle of this month
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 2 Comments
Nintendo has announced the ARMS Japan Grand Prix 2017. The tournament will be held this fall, with local qualifiers held at four major cities: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka. A champion will then be determined with a large tournament. More details will be shared through the official Twitter account later.
Nintendo held a tournament for Japanese ARMS players earlier today, and towards the end, producer Kosuke Yabuki appeared. It was reconfirmed that Max Brass will be delivered as a playable fighter, along with his stage. Yabuki also indicated that Nintendo will be adding another game mode, new Arms, and fixes based on gathered data from online battles. Yabuki noted that Nintendo is trying its best to release the update in the middle of July.
Here’s today’s tournament in its entirety for those who’d like to view it: