Super Mario Odyssey devs on the game’s positive E3 reception
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
More: interview, Super Mario Odyssey
Video interview with Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle’s lead producer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo to support 3DS beyond 2018, wants it to exist alongside Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch | 133 Comments
This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…
“The way we continue to make Nintendo 3DS vibrant as a platform is first we continue to innovate from form factor standpoint. So the New 2DS XL is just the latest for us in having form factor innovation. We know colors are a key differentiator, consumers love the variety of different colors. And also the larger screen and the different form factor in the 2DS family, we think is a going to drive and continue to drive the 3DS platform.”
“We’re going to continue to bring new content, and that’s what’s going to keep this device vibrant and keep it going well into 2018 and beyond.”
“We say that it’s (Switch) a home console that you take with you and play with anyone, anywhere, anytime. It really is meant to deliver that great home console performance, you just happen to be able to undock it and take it with you, which is a key innovation. But look, in the end, what we want is we want the consumer to call it their device, right? Their preferred gaming device that they can play fantastic Zelda, Mario, third-party content, all of their favorite franchises brought to life on the platform. That’s what we want. And we’re greedy and we want Nintendo 3DS right alongside it.”
More: interview, Reggie Fils-Aime, top
Rogue Trooper Redux dev “aiming for complete feature parity” on Switch, online play included
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This information comes from a Rebellion spokesperson…
“We’re aiming for complete feature parity with those versions. As of now, we don’t know what extra features [the Switch version] will have, if any. We’re still experimenting with the Switch platform. It’s still pretty recent that we got our kits. So we don’t quite know what that will be.”
– Rogue Trooper Redux will have online multiplayer for the Switch version, just like on other platforms
– Rebellion is aiming to launch all versions of the game at the same time
– This is Rebellion’s hope at the moment, though things can always change
– The new version of the game has been “remade from the ground up with current-gen-quality materials and higher resolution geometry”
– Rogue’s new look in Redux takes him back to the classic style of the comics
– Release date coming “soon”
More: Rebellion, Rogue Trooper Redux, top
Switch sales surpass 250,000 units in France
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 11 Comments
Switch managed to sell 105,000 units in France at launch. Since then, the console has gone on to sell over 250,000 units.
Comparing that to Wii U, the older system sold 289,000 units by December 2013 (14 months). Switch did that in just four months.
Reggie: Metroid is important to Nintendo, why Samus Returns wasn’t in presentation and not on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Switch | 28 Comments
This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…
Reggie on Metroid: Samus Returns…
“We wanted to make it clear that Metroid is an important franchise for us. As we think about how to satisfy the needs to the Metroid fans, we needed to make sure they understood there was a great console experience coming, in addition to Metroid: Samus Returns coming on Nintendo 3DS. That’s what we wanted to make sure it was clear that it wasn’t one or the other, that we were going to support both of our platforms with a great new Metroid experience.”
– Metroid: Samus Returns wasn’t included in the pre-recorded presentation for two reasons
– One of those being the the company has learned people seem more interested in learning about Switch (and other console experiences) first, at least at E3
More Harvest Moon: Light of Hope details, no same-sex relationships
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 37 Comments
– 2.5D style is meant to evoke the very first Harvest Moon game
– 16-bit Super Nintendo sprites have been replaced with 3D-rendered models
– The flat perspective and grid-based, limited range of motion are all straight from Harvest Moon on SNES
– Natsume is emphatic that the studio is doing its own thing with Light of Hope, not borrowing anything back from Stardew Valley
– There still aren’t same-sex relationships available
– Natsume will introduce these “when the time is right”
Video: Miyamoto, Ubisoft’s CEO talk Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
ARMS’ Max Brass character reveal – Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3 2017
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 3 Comments
Reggie – more devs at Nintendo than past eras, Switch voice chat, VC, backing up saves
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 27 Comments
This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…
On how Nintendo has more developers now than ever before…
Fils-Aime … we have many more developers today working on our content than we did five years ago or even 10 years ago. Internal, right. Exactly. We’ve got that new development building in Kyoto that’s full of hardware and software developers. So we have a lot more development staff than we did at the beginning of the Wii U generation and certainly throughout the Wii generation.
On why Switch requires a phone for voice chat…
Fils-Aime: We actually think that the phone is going to deliver a better, more robust execution. In terms of the APIs that we can build into an app, the fact that phones are ubiquitous, the fact that it allows us to do much more rapid improvements and updates to the service, that’s why we think a phone execution—and specifically a mobile app execution—is going to be better for the consumer.
So let’s be clear. What you’ve seen is the execution by one particular supplier. That is not going to be the only solution.
It’s going to require a phone. It’s going to require a mobile device and be delivered by an app.