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Danganronpa Switch update

Spike Chunsoft has issued an update for a few of the different Danganronpa games available on Switch. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Anniversary Edition and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Anniversary Edition are both at version 1.0.1 while Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp is at version 1.0.3.

Below are the full patch notes:

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Clawroline

A new Kirby and the Forgotten Land video has emerged that focuses on Clawroline.

We actually got a brief look at Clawroline, a leopard boss, during the latest Nintendo Direct. In a trailer shown during that presentation, she was briefly shown as one of the beasts Kirby will need to fight.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus unused room

Dataminer DeepGamingResearch/Nekorun has come across an unused modern day room in Pokemon Legends: Arceus that has fans wondering what it could mean.

YouTuber Faz Fan showed off the room in a video published a few days ago. It features a flat screen TV as well as a Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu Switch. At the moment the area can’t be accessed under normal circumstances. Given how Arceus takes place long before Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, some are surprised that it’s in the game’s files at all.

Pokemon Legends Arceus review

System: Switch
Release date: January 28, 2022
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo

The Pokemon games have always been traditionally known for their turn-based “catch ’em all” mantra that sees a trainer take on a new adventure set in a region with many different types of creatures, attaining badges and friends along the way before making it to the Pokemon League and inevitably becoming champion. For over 25 years now this has been a steady formula with each new generation that has been consistently released in two separate versions containing different Pokemon in each, with sometimes a third tagged-on entry, and has also brought with it many new spinoffs to take Pokemon into a different direction. However, nothing has ever been done so drastically different as it has now with Pokemon Legends: Arceus. For a formula that has become tried with little known innovation outside of debut generations on each new platform (despite consistent fun) from entry to entry, this new Switch game reinvents the wheel of what Pokemon has become and can be moving forward in the most exciting way possible. It’s not just a matter of catching them all as a personal goal, but it’s also become a gameplay element that incorporates research into it as well.

River City Girls Zero trailer

WayForward has readied a new launch trailer for River City Girls Zero, the 16-bit beat ’em up game that was originally only released in Japan as Shin Nekketsu Koha: Kunio-tachi no Bank. The title makes its debut on Switch and in English today.

Here’s everything you need to know about River City Girls Zero:

Batora: Lost Haven

Developer Team 17 has today shared a new story trailer for upcoming story-driven action RPG Batora: Lost Haven, which was previously announced for Switch last year. 

For more information about Batora: Lost Haven, see below:

Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires Switch

Ahead of its launch on Switch tomorrow, fans interested in Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires can now check out 35 minutes of gameplay footage.

For more information about the game, see below:

yomawari 3 trailer

Nippon Ichi Software has debuted a brand new trailer for Yomawari 3, the third entry in its survival horror series. It provides a general overview of the game – in Japanese, of course.

Here’s the full video:

Pokemon Legends Arceus gameplay

This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

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It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. The shuffling of Switch games continues with Dragon Quest X Offline overthrowing Bayonetta 3 for the top Switch spot.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between January 27 and February 2.

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