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Wii U

A bunch of Mighty No. 9 footage has popped up over the past few days, but how’s the game looking specifically on Wii U? You can see for yourself in the video below.

Mighty No. 9 finally launched today, but things haven’t exactly been going smoothly. On Wii U, some players have been reporting various issues. Perhaps most concerning is that the game is apparently bricking some consoles.

Publisher Deep Silver appears to be aware of at least some of the issues facing Mighty No. 9, and thankfully, a patch is already being deployed. We’re hearing that it’s already out in Europe, with North America to follow by day’s end.

An official statement from Deep Silver reads:

“We’re aware of some isolated incidents of consumers experiencing issues on Wii U, and they’re actually being addressed in a patch that’s deploying out on Wii U systems today. The patch is already live in Europe, and should be hitting U.S. before the end of the day.”


Deep Silver has readied its own launch trailer for Mighty No. 9 in North America and Europe. You can find it below.

Yacht Club Games posted a new blog today that covers the upcoming Specter Knight campaign from Shovel Knight in-depth. You can see some animated images and a rundown of the character’s different moves here.

As for when the Specter Knight campaign is launching, that’s still unknown at this point. Yacht Club is currently working on all campaigns at once – Specter Knight and King Knight – plus Body Swap and Battle Mode features.

Here’s the rundown from Yacht Club:

When Shovel Knight originally kicked off we focused entirely on making the original Shovel Knight campaign the absolute best! It’s the game we originally pitched and knew we wanted to spend all of our efforts and energy polishing the core campaign. After release, we gathered everyone’s impressions before cracking open the game once more to brew up Plague of Shadows! Plague Knight was a chance to build upon and deliver all new story, characters, and playstyle. We made many iterations (threw out a lot of ideas), and learned some great lessons on how best to extend and change up the existing Shovel Knight game world.

With that experience fresh in our minds, the team here is now working on all remaining campaigns and updates at once! That means Specter Knight, King Knight, Body Swap, and Battle Mode (for PC and consoles). That’s a lot more game — and it should arrive sooner than the wait between Shovel Knight and Plague Knight. Creating these updates simultaneously will allow us to plan more cohesively. How levels change between the two characters, how much time is needed for new mechanics/systems, stories interweaving, and so on. Once we’re nearing completion on one set of updates, we’ll be switching our focus to a single campaign to make sure it’s polished for release. Then we’ll be doing the same by switching to the next campaign! Here are some answers to the most frequent questions:

Before the plug was pulled on the Disney Infinity franchise, new figures were in the planning stages. One of these was a new design for Dr. Strange. It was never made into an actual product, but Infiniteer Adventures has a look at what the figure could have been.

Warner Bros. has come out with a new LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens character vignette for Kylo Ren, the dark warrior who commands the First Order. It also features original dialogue from actor Adam Driver who plays the character in the movie.

Here’s today’s video:

Minecraft: Wii U Edition’s Battle Mini Game is out now. On top of that, a new update has been made available. The full patch notes can be found below.

As a side note, players should be aware of some issues surrounding the new Battle Mini Game – specifically joining public Battle Mini Games. 4J Studios put up a note on Twitter earlier today saying they’re working with Nintendo on the problem.

Update (6/21): Bumped to the top. There are also now two more maintenance periods scheduled for this week. Here’s the rundown:

– 4 PM PT (June 22) – 4 AM PT (June 23)
– 7 PM ET (June 22) – 7 AM ET (June 23)
– 12 AM in the UK (June 23) – 12 PM in the UK (June 23)
– 1 AM in Europe (June 23)- 1 PM in Europe (June 23)

– 6 PM PT (June 23) – 2 AM PT (June 24)
– 9 PM ET (June 23) – 5 AM ET (June 24)
– 12 AM in the UK (June 24) – 8 AM in the UK (June 24)
– 1 AM in Europe (June 24) – 9 AM in Europe (June 24)

Original (6/20): Nintendo is conducting Wii U and 3DS maintenance at this very moment, but more downtime for both systems has already been lined up for early next week. The two platforms will be affected for about three hours on Monday (Tuesday for those of you in Europe). It’ll impact certain network services like online play and rankings.

Here’s when the maintenance is scheduled for:

– 4 PM PT (June 27) – 7 PM PT (June 27)
– 7 PM ET (June 27) – 10 PM ET (June 27)
– 12 AM in the UK (June 28) – 3 AM in the UK (June 28)
– 1 AM in Europe (June 28) – 4 AM in Europe (June 28)


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Shovel Knight (3DS/Wii U) – 9/8/9/8
Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers (PS4/PS3) – 8/8/8/9
The Walking Dead Season Two (PS4/PS3/PSV) – 8/8/8/9
Retsnom (PS4) – 8/9/8/8
Zettai Kaikyu Gakuen (PSV) – 8/8/8/9
Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst (PS4/XBO) – 7/9/8/8
Mr. Pumpkin Adventure (PSV) – 7/8/8/7
Touch Battle Tank 3D-4 (3DS) – 7/7/7/7
Great Race (Wii U) – 5/6/6/7

Mighty No. 9 is being released in North America today and to celebrate the occasion, Comcept live-streamed the game for a bit. Keiji Inafune was also present and answered some questions posed by viewers.

The game’s reception was middling at best – it’s currently sitting at a Metacritic score of 60. Users are also reporting several issues with the game already, such as slow load times on the Wii U version. Commenting on the general reception as well as DLC and future plans, Inafune said the following through a translator:

So there’s not any additional DLC beyond the Ray DLC. The reality is they put everything into making this game. They didn’t try to microtransaction it out, they didn’t try to DLC it out for extra money. They put it all in. So, for now, this is what you see and what you get, for the Mighty No. 9 world. But, again, we can hope that if things go well, there’ll be sequels. Because I’ll tell you what, I’m not getting my 2D side-scrolling fill. And at the end of the day, even if it’s not perfect, it’s better than nothing. At least, that’s my opinion.

You can watch the recording of the whole stream here.

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