Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:
There weren’t a lot of people who used the Shield Breaker to break people’s shields, so we’ve now made it much more powerful. This pic is from immediately after a shield break.
Nintendo may have plans to bring SNES games to the Virtual Console on 3DS. While there isn’t any sort of concrete proof, accessing Miiverse from the handheld and checking out the Contra III: The Alien Wars community shows the game running on a 3DS XL in the header. No SNES titles are currently available on 3DS (including Contra III), so this is an interesting finding for sure.
System: Nintendo Wii U
Release Date: November 22nd, 2013
Developer: Nintendo EAD Tokyo
Publisher: Nintendo
Author: Austin
“If it ain’t broke, make it dramatically better.”
To say that Nintendo has released too many platforming Mario games in the last two years would not be particularly hyperbolic if you concern yourself with only the raw numbers. 2011 saw the release of Super Mario 3D Land on 3DS, 2012 had New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) and New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U), and now 2013 has slid soundly to a spectacular finish with Super Mario 3D World. At first glance it may seem like an annualization of gaming’s finest platforming franchise, but it would be erroneous to criticize Nintendo’s strategy when they manage to make every one of these games at the very least first-rate in fundamental design, and it would be downright dishonest to suggest that we would be better off if they hadn’t created something as lustrous and enjoyable as Super Mario 3D World.
Marvelous AQL has handled KAIO: King of Pirates rather strangely. It was announced over two years ago, but we’ve barely seen or heard anything about the project.
But fear not! It’s still in development. The game’s website was recently updated with a note that it’s coming in 2014… hopefully, anyway. With any luck, we’ll be seeing Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune’s 3DS title in the future.
Update: Full patch can be found after the break.
Nintendo has released the latest firmware update – version 7.0.0-13 – for the 3DS, and it’s a big one.
First, Miiverse is now fully supported on the 3DS. After installing the new firmware, you should see a new icon on the home menu that will allow you to access the online community.
Today’s update also brings about Nintendo Network IDs on the 3DS. Names registered on Wii U can now be used on the 3DS and eShop balances can be combined. Alternatively, a Nintendo Network ID can be created from scratch.
A StreetPass update is also available, though we’re not quite sure what it adds at present.
Namco Bandai will announce a new Digimon game in the February 2014 issue of V-Jump, which releases on December 21. That’s according to a new teaser posted on the series’ portal site. Also on December 21, Namco Bandai is expected to show a debut trailer at its Jump Festa 2014 booth.
Bravely Default does offer random encounters, but that doesn’t mean players actually have to get involved with this element if they’re not interested. The game includes a slider that can be set as low as -100% or as high as 100% (0% being the standard) for random battles based on user preference.
One player in Japan managed to complete Bravely Default without a single random encounter. Even better, not a single piece of DLC (SP Drinks) was purchased.
The total play time? 20 hours and 25 minutes, on Easy mode. That goes to show how flexible Bravely Default is in terms of play time – you won’t be forced to go through a 40-50 hour RPG.
Starting on Sunday, most (if not all) 3DS XL systems will be on sale for $150. We’re not quite sure if the Zelda bundle is included at this time. Still, if you missed out on the Black Friday sale and are still interested in picking up a 3DS XL, now would be the time to do so!