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Game & Wario’s disc art looks quite colorful. Take a look:


Here’s what Nintendo’s E3 2013 schedule looks like for Tuesday…

GameTrailers will be live-streaming E3 demonstrations and interviews on Monday and Tuesday of next week. That Tuesday will feature a “Nintendo Power Hour” at 2 PM ET / 11 PM PT. Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto will be making appearances, and the first Sonic Lost Worlds E3 demo for Wii U will be shown.

The full description reads:

“It’s the interview you’ve been waiting all E3 (well let’s be honest, ALL YEAR!) to see. Geoff Keighley sits down with REGGIE FILS-AIME for an in-depth two part interview about the state of Nintendo. Will Reggie yell at Geoff again or will he check all the boxes and leave the competition in the dust? Find out live! Plus, the legend himself SHIGERU MIYAMOTO joins Geoff as well for a special chat about what’s new at Nintendo. Finally our friends from MEGA64 join us to discuss their thoughts on E3 so far and we show the first E3 demo of SONIC LOST WORLDS for the Wii-U.”


Tom Ivey, a longtime staff member at Retro Studios, is now with Armature Studio. Ivey worked at Retro for nine years before leaving in March and was the final senior designer of Donkey Kong Country Returns – Mike Wikan and Kynan Pearson being the other two.

Of course, Armature was originally founded by key members of Retro, which makes the news even more interesting. The company is currently developing Batman: Arkham Origins – Blackgate and previously worked on the cancelled Mega Man first-person shooter, Maverick Hunter.

Source, Via

After hosting a screening for Super Mario Bros.: The Movie in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago, two additional ones will be held in New York City this month. Fans can attend midnight showings at the Sunshine Cinema on the 21st and 22nd.

Samantha Mathis, the actress who played Daisy, will say a few words prior to the screening.

More details about the event can be found here.

New Youkai Watch trailer

Posted 11 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Medabots 7 came out in Japan close to a year ago – September, specifically. Now that we’re in June of 2013, time is running out for the game’s possible localization.

You can probably write off a western release of Medabots 7 at this point. When the 3DS game was mentioned on Natsume’s Facebook page, the company said that it “doesn’t look like Medabots 7 is in the cards.” Although, Natsume gave a small glimmer of hope for the localization of a future Medabots title by saying: “Hopefully maybe the next one.”

Source, Via

Jupiter is once again taking the Picross series to the 3DS eShop, this time in the form of Picross e3.

In Picross e3, players can tackle 150 puzzles and a “Mega Picross” mode. Mega Picross incorporates more difficult puzzles with hints that span two rows or two columns. “Easy Picross” and “Normal Picross” modes are also included.

The first Picross e launched on the European eShop last year. No games in the series have been made available in North America.


Additional Wii U titles could be in Renegade Kid’s future – and perhaps one of them will be a 3D game.

In an interview with Nintendo Life, co-founder Jools Watsham made note of the fact that the studio is “eager to explore 3D games for the Wii U”. The team is “currently looking into the Unity engine for that.”

When asked about future Wii U support, Watsham said:

“Well, we now have a snazzy 2D platformer engine for the Wii U that we’ll certainly be taking advantage of in the future. We’re also eager to explore 3D games for the Wii U and are currently looking into the Unity engine for that.”


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