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Nintendo surprised us today by revealing the new 3DS messaging and doodle application Swapdoodle. While it’s free to download, there’s already a bunch of content to purchase. Head past the break for the full lineup of packs.

A bunch of footage from Super Mario Maker on 3DS is beginning to emerge thanks to new press previews. Take a look at several clips in the video below.

Nintendo has announced Swapdoodle, a new application for 3DS that allows users to write messages, draw 3D pictures, and share them with friends. It’s out today on the eShop.

Swapdoodle also lets you experience doodle lessons featuring characters from Splatoon, Zelda, Super Mario, and more. Screenshots from select games can be shared as well.

Here’s a trailer:

Swapdoodle is free to download. However, it’s possible to purchase more doodle lesson packs for other characters. Additional details are past the break.

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This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Exile’s End – $9.99 (available Tuesday)
Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese – $4.99
Swap Fire – $14.99

Wii U Virtual Console

Excitebike 64 – $9.99

TOMY has come out with a trio of videos for the real-life Z-Ring for Pokemon Sun/Moon. Find a promo below plus two commercials.

Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese is out today on the Wii U eShop. For a look at the game, check out the video below.

The Voice launch trailer

Posted 8 years ago by in Videos | 0 comments

The Voice is set to release on Wii at the end of next week – that’s right, Wii rather than Wii U. We’ve posted the official launch trailer below.

Nintendo announced today that Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (known as Rhythm Heaven Fever in North America) will be released as a Wii download on Wii U in Europe next week, on November 24th. One of the last first party games to be released on the Wii in 2012, this game flew under many people’s radars back when it first came out. Are you planning on picking it up next week?


The Pokemon Company has already shipped over 10 million copies of the games between the two versions. This will be the biggest initial shipment for 3DS games. Hopefully it means that there’s no shortage of copies for fans hoping to get the physical version.


Banadi Namco released a new commercial for the Japanese 3DS game Kamen Rider: Rider Revolution. Have a look at it below.

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