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Nintendo has uploaded a new Japanese overview trailer and commercial for Kirby: Planet Robobot. Both can be found below.

Several new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on April 20. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

Wii U Virtual Console

Advance Wars: Dual Strike (DS, 950 yen)
Final Fantasy V Advance (GBA, 702 yen)
Ai Cho Aniki (PC Engine, 823 yen)

3DS Download

Fantasy Pirates – 500 yen
Tsunagare Numbers – 400 yen


Nintendo released official videos for Final Fantasy IV Advance and Pokemon Ranger on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Watch them below.

Update: Going to leave this here rather than making a new post. NeoGAF’s 10k has posted more rumors about the NX (thanks Yolkghost). They’ve been verified by a moderator supposedly, but that doesn’t make them true necessarily. In any case, read the rumors here if you’re interested.

New tweets from Emily Rogers indicate that four Wii U ports are currently in development for NX. We’ve already heard plenty of speculation about the new Zelda as well as some talk about Smash Bros. However, Super Mario Maker and Splatoon could hit the new system, too. But Rogers cautions:

“Just because something is in development doesn’t mean it’ll be released. So either all four of these ports will come…or only two of them.”

Emily says that Zelda and Smash Bros. “sound like guarantees” after speaking “with at least 10 people regarding these four ports.” Splatoon is said to be “up in the air.”



In Japan, Pokemon Comaster came out on Android today (iOS to follow). You can take a look at some footage from the game below.

SurveyMonkey has an early analysis of Miitomo. Thus far, the site says the app has been “crushing it” and is “a hit”.

Miitomo saw 2.6 million downloads last week, according to SurveyMonkey’s data. It received an average of 370,000 daily downloads. About two-thirds of that amount were on iOS with the remaining third on Android.

SurveyMonkey’s report goes on to say that “Miitomo currently has 4 million monthly active users” as well as “about 1 million daily active users.” Users tend to check in for two to three sessions each day for a total of 7-8 minutes.

Finally, Survey Monkey shares the following regarding Miitomo’s revenue:

Making it rain – $280,000 per week
Monetization has also increased steadily and we estimate that the game is now making $40,000 combined per day across iOS and Android. Roughly 80% of the revenue is from iOS with Android only contributing 20%.

On a per-user basis, we estimate the app has an ARPDAU (Average Revenue Per Daily Active User) of 3-4 cents. While low compared to mid-core games like Supercell’s Clash Royale, this is actually a healthy number for a more casual game like Miitomo, especially early on.


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GameXplain hosted a Star Fox Guard live stream a short while ago for about 30 minutes. You can find the full recording below, which has all of the gameplay.

All pre-orders and day one launch copies of 7th Dragon III Code: VFD come with a 28-page art book, featuring designs from Miwa Shirow. It shows the game’s numerous character classes, enemies, environments, and more.

SEGA has now readied a preview of the 7th Dragon III Code: VFD art book. Find a sneak preview below.

A couple of weeks ago, YouTube user PtoPOnline shared a report on the cancelled WiiWare game Bonk: Brink of Extinction. He has since uploaded a ton of pure gameplay. In the video below, you’ll find 35 minutes of footage.

A new update for Pokken Tournament has gone live. After you apply it, your game will be brought up to version 1.2. The download is just 14MB.

Here are the update notes from Nintendo:

  • Correct the issue that enables Shadow Mewtwo to force opponents to continually block by using certain moves repeatedly.
  • Adjust the battle balance of the Support Pokémon Reshiram.
  • Repair several other bugs.

Source 1, Source 2

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