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FreezeME file size

Posted 9 years ago by in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

Rainy Night Creations’ 3D platformer FreezeME came to the North American Wii U eShop today. If you download it, you’ll need 904.7MB of free space. That amounts drops to 868MB once installed.

Earlier this month, we heard that Fire Emblem Fates’ petting mini-game had been removed from the western version. Review copies are going out, and it’s now clear how Nintendo handled the change in the west.

The Live2D interactions remain in tact, and you can still increase your support rank. The main difference here is that only the portion where you touch the person’s face with the stylus has been removed.

You can see this in action via the video below.

Thanks to Brian for the tip.

Bravely Second AR movie

Posted 9 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

We now have a look at the Bravely Second AR movie in English. Check it out below.

The Wii U and 3DS eShops, Wii Shopping Channel, and DSi Shop will be unavailable for a few hours early next week. Nintendo has maintenance penciled in for Monday.

Here’s when the maintenance is set for:

– 12 PM PT – 4 PM PT
– 3 PM ET – 7 PM ET
– 8 PM in the UK – 12 AM in the UK
– 9 PM in Europe – 1 AM in Europe


With members of their media getting their hands on Fire Emblem Fates, more English footage is starting to pop up. A couple of additional videos are below.

Peg Solitaire from RCMADIAX landed on the North American Wii U eShop today. Some footage of the game is in the video below.

Update (2/4): Bumped to the top. SEGA 3D Classics Collection is now up on GameStop here..

Original (2/3): Amazon has opened up a pair of pre-orders for upcoming releases. SEGA 3D Classics Collection is up here, and 7th Dragon III Code: VFD can be accessed here. You can save 20 percent on each with an Amazon Prime membership.

Never did an unboxing video, but here you go: a quick and dirty look at the Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition. It includes Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation along with an art book and carrying pouch.

Circle Entertainment has its next game scheduled for the 3DS eShop. On March 3, Parascientific Escape: Cruise in the Distant Seas will be available. That date applies to both North America and Europe.


Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale will launch in North America on March 1, XSEED Games announced today. It will be sold physically and digitally for $39.99. The game’s website can be found here.

For those that missed it, a new trailer can be seen here.Continue on below for an overview of the game.

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