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If you’re still looking to nab the Bravely Second Collector’s Edition, Best Buy has you covered. The retailer is now taking pre-orders here. Note that shipping is only available, so there are no in-store pickups currently.

We’re just two weeks away from Fire Emblem Fates’ North American release. With the game being so close, Nintendo has now started pre-loading on the 3DS eShop. You can purchase and download most of Fates now, with only a small update required on launch day to begin playing.

Birthright and Conquest can both be pre-loaded. However, you should make sure not to purchase both. As Nintendo explains on the eShop page:

“Please make sure not to purchase both Birthright and Conquest at full price on Nintendo eShop. To purchase second path at a discounted price, please select the Explore Fates option that appears at the beginning of Chapter Six, or purchase a download code at retail to redeem within the in-game shop Dragon’s Gate.”

Thanks to Brian for the tip.

The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses – Master Quest will be returning to the UK on April 23 at The SSE Arena in Wembley, London. A commercial promoting the event can be found below.

Three more Twilight Princess HD tweets have hit the Japanese Zelda Twitter page. Malo once again provides the information, and today he focuses on some of the game’s new features.

Below are the translations:

“…It’s Malo. The information about the world I live in and the new features added this time have come… You can also look thoroughly at Wolf Link’s amiibo, so I guess I shall go [see it] after closing up my shop…

…It’s Malo. The stamps that can be used in Miiverse are sleeping inside dungeons and all over the field… There are also Hyrule alphabet stamps, so please do find them…

…It’s Malo. So with the GamePad screen, you can freely shift the items, huh… It can also be changed to showing maps that also show the destination point, so the screen at your hand will be of much help in both fields and dungeons…”


NintenDaan has a new video up which unboxes the Wolf Link amiibo. Get a closer look at the figure in the video below.

A separate game page on Nintendo’s Japanese website offers up a few extra Zelda: Twilight Princess HD details.

The game itself is 4509MB, or 4.5GB. It’s actually up for pre-load on the Japanese eShop right now. 3 save slots are available for each user, weighing in at 256KB per file.

Zelda: Twilight Princess HD will work with the Wii U GamePad, complete with off-TV play. In addition, the Wii U Pro Controller is supported.


Cheesemeister3k has translated one more excerpt from the Q&A portion of Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing. When asked about his strategy as president, Tatsumi Kimishima said:

Kimishima: Yes, when I became President, I said that it was my role to continue the strategy established under the prior management. From this point, we need young people to come in as a new generation and give lots of new ideas. It’s important to create an organization in which they can thrive. To do so, we’ve established a system in which many people with potential can play active roles. It may be hard to see from outside the company, but our organization has changed greatly. We also want more game developers to become known, so we’ll be sending more out to be public-facing. As for strategy, our hardware/software game business is central, but we’re integrating smart device activities into our actual business, and will derive synergies between them. My Nintendo is an important part of that. We want to create connections with customers by having them become My Nintendo members. Also, although QOL wasn’t asked about we’re not at the stage for the sleep and fatigue [sensor] to become a product, so it won’t be released (as a product) by March. We do, however, think that we can do something in the area of QOL, so we will continue to consider expanding into this field.


A number of outlets have uploaded additional videos comparing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD to the original release. We’ve attached them to this post below.

A few hours ago, Nintendo published a transcript of the Q&A from its financial results briefing earlier today. It’s not up in English yet, but Cheesemeister3k translated some of the comments.

Below are a couple of questions and answers pertaining to mobile and NX:

Q1. More than a game, Miitomo could be called a communication-themed app. Please tell me about the remaining 4 titles due by March 2017.

Kimishima: Again, there are no limits on usage of IP for smart device titles. We must consider how to make and time console and smart device titles in order to achieve synergy. We are also thinking about developing things not linked to existing consoles. I think it’s extremely important because we’re Nintendo to connect smart device apps and console games in some form. The next title we’re making uses Nintendo’s character IP, so please look forward to it. We’ll announce it at the right time in the future.

Q2. Will games and apps from the 2nd title onward share release timing and business synergy on smart devices and NX, or when might that be?

Kimishima: First, we have no plans to talk about the NX today. I believe your question fundamentally has to do with NX. Our consoles include 3DS and Wii U in addition to NX, so future titles have to do with these platforms. However, we are planning new ways of on smart devices. We cannot announce any new information on the NX at this point, so you get this kind of answer. Please understand.


Yesterday, rumors of the acclaimed indie game Undertale possibly heading to Nintendo platforms spread like wildfire after it discovered that someone from Nintendo of America’s developer support reached out to creator Toby Fox on Twitter. Fox, in response to the speculation, decided to share an official update on his own page.

Bringing Undertale to Nintendo platforms won’t be easy. The game was created in Game Maker, which doesn’t export to Wii U and 3DS. That means it would probably need to be completely reprogrammed. That being said, it sounds like Fox is open to giving things a shot.

Undertale would have a better shot at coming to Wii U than 3DS. Fox actually referred to Wii U specifically in his final tweet regarding a Wii U port. He’s also unsure as to how he’d use both screens on 3DS.

Here’s everything he posted on Twitter:


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