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Image & Form has revealed SteamWorld Heist’s first DLC pack. The studio is putting the final touches on “The Outsider”, which will drop on 3DS soon. It’ll be available alongside a free update containing new languages and features. The Outsider will be on display at PAX East 2016.

Also on display at PAX East, SteamWorld Heist’s HD version will be shown for the first time. You can view a screenshots from this version above.


During a panel at WonderCon last night, Marin was revealed as a new DLC character for the Link’s Awakening Pack in both Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends. A slightly different look at the art was snapped at the event, which may reveal her primary weapon.

An image that looks a whole lot like the Sea Lily’s Bell is included in Marin’s original WonderCon artwork. Why was it removed in the image Nintendo posted on its Twitter account? I have no idea. But in any case, I can’t see what that can be other than the Sea Lily’s Bell. And given the inclusion in the art, that could very well be Marin’s primary weapon.

For those that are curious, in Link’s Awakening, the Sea Lily’s Bell is one of eight instruments you find that are collectively known as the Eight Instruments of the Sirens. These are needed to awaken the Wind Fish.


A panel is currently underway for Hyrule Warriors Legends at WonderCon 2016. Developers Yosuke Hayashi and Hiroya Usuda from Koei Tecmo are on hand to talk about the game, as well as to share some entirely new information.

Just a couple of minutes ago, it was revealed that Marin will be added to Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors for one of the upcoming DLC packs. She’ll be the star of the Link’s Awakening Pack, which launches in July.

Here’s the news from Nintendo’s Twitter page:


Nintendo has updated the Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends website with pricing information for today’s newly-revealed DLC packs. You can find the rundown of how much each download will cost in both the United States and Canada below.

Master Wind Waker Pack (DLC Pack 1), 3DS only

3DS – $0.99 USD / $1.39 CDN

Link’s Awakening Pack (DLC Pack 2)

3DS – $6.99 USD / $9.89 CDN
Wii U – $4.99 USD / $7.09 CDN
Wii U / 3DS – $9.99 USD / $14.09 CDN

Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks Pack (DLC Pack 3)

3DS – $6.99 USD / $9.89 CDN
Wii U – $4.99 USD / $7.09 CDN
Wii U / 3DS – $9.99 USD / $14.09 CDN

November 2016 – A Link Between Worlds Pack (DLC Pack 4)

3DS – $6.99 USD / $9.89 CDN
Wii U – $4.99 USD / $7.09 CDN
Wii U / 3DS – $9.99 USD / $14.09 CDN

Season Pass

3DS – $14.99 USD / – $21.19 CDN
Wii U – $9.99 USD / $14.09 CDN
Wii U / 3DS – $19.99 USD / $28.19 CDN

Legends Character Pack, Wii U only, separate from season pass

Wii U – $12.99 USD / $18.39 CDN


This month’s issue of Nintendo Dream has a lengthy interview with Masahiro Sakurai, director of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. He discussed the two games in general as well as specific topics like DLC fighters.

We now have an overview regarding what Sakurai shared in terms of DLC stages and Mii Fighter outfits. For a summary of this portion of the interview, head past the break.

Pokken Tournament’s main lineup of content won’t be expanded – at least right out of the gate. It’s been said that there are currently no plans to release more Pokemon or stages via downloadable content. Will that change at any point in the future? That remains to be seen.


Now that the final wave of Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS has launched, we’re anticipating a ton of footage to make its way online. We’ll be rounding up all of the videos in this post. Continue on below for the footage.

The final round of DLC is now available in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Bayonetta and Corrin, along with the latest Mii Fighter outfits, can be purchased. Update 1.1.4 is also out now.

On Wii U, today’s update weighs in at 1153MB. The 3DS version takes up 3538 blocks of space, or 442MB.

Thanks to Brian for the tip.

A new Fire Emblem Fates trailer has arrived, which highlights the game’s DLC – namely Revelation and Map Pack 1. Watch it below.

Little Orbit has announced that new downloadable content has been added to Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends. DLC ranges in price from $1.99 to $3.99.

Four new characters are now available in Kung Fu Panda Showdown of Legendary Legends. These include Warrior Po, Rhino Armored Li, Armored Mr. Ping, and Jombie Porcupine. Additionally, six skins are out now: Jombie Monkey, Jombie Oogway, Jombie Croc, Jombie Chicken, Jombie Shifu and Jombie Crane.

Topping off today’s DLC are two new locations from the movie, including the fabled mystical level Spirit Realm where only spirits are rumored to exist as well as the birth place of Chi – the panda paradise known as Panda Village. Little Orbit says the two locations “are rich with detail and excitement”.

Source: Little Orbit PR

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