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Update (4/29): Bumped to the top. Nintendo has updated the press site, which now simply shows “2017” instead of “March 2017”.


Original (4/27): Nintendo made several announcements earlier today, including the news about the new Zelda game being delayed to 2017. However, the company didn’t say when the title will be launching specifically.

If Nintendo’s press site is anything to go by, we’ll be seeing the new Zelda next March. Since the NX version is launching simultaneously, that version would arrive at the same time. It’d definitely make sense to have Zelda out for NX’s launch – I feel like that’s the big point behind this latest delay.

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

Limited Run Game has been receiving a bunch of attention as of late. The company has been giving digital titles a retail release that never made it out physically in small runs. However, their efforts have mainly been limited to PlayStation platforms thus far.

Some interesting news did surface on Limited Run Games’ Twitter account recently that could very well appeal to some Nintendo fans. In an interaction with a gamer on Twitter, it was mentioned that they are “trying to work towards a Fatal Frame 5 release” – Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, in other words.

The tweet is as follows:

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water did get a physical version in Europe, but North American players weren’t offered the same opportunity. If Limited Run Games does somehow manage to work with Nintendo on this, that’d be a huge win for the company as well as for fans of the series.


Nintendo just put up the Q&A portion of its latest investors briefing. An official translation will likely be posted next week, but Cheesemeister has provided a summary for some of the topics discussed.

In what’s been translated, Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima touched on how Nintendo will be focusing on 3DS in the near-term. For NX, he touched on the need to build up NX’s software lineup, profitability (what that means for pricing), and how Nintendo will be missing the holiday season. Head past the break for the translation.

Q: It seems the great reduction in the Wii U hardware sales forecast is influenced by the timing of the NX release, but how about 3DS?

A: This fiscal year, the 3DS has big titles as previously presented, and in sufficient quantity. Both hardware and software will make large contributions to sales. Also, while Wii U sales are forecast to drop to 800,000 units, the upside is that we can focus on the 3DS.

Axiom Verge is making its way to Wii U soon, but that might not be the only Nintendo platform it ends up on. The game’s developer recently made a comment suggesting that a port could come to the NX as well.

The full statement reads:

I got a piece of good news today that indicates I might be able to have Axiom Verge ready for NX at launch…but basically that was as far as my source even knew. So I still have no idea what the system is like and still am reading sites like this to try and guess.

We’ll have to see what happens over the next several months. Hopefully by the end of the year we’ll have a clearer idea about which games will end up on NX.


Emily Rogers has returned with some new speculation about Retro Studios’ new project. As one would expect, this new title would be on NX.

Rogers wrote on Twitter a short while ago that the title in question isn’t Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, or Diddy Kong Racing 2. She adds that the project is planned for 2017.

Below are Rogers’ tweets:



SEGA was a strong proponent of the Wii Virtual Console back in the day. The company also has quite a number of titles up on the eShop. It sounds like SEGA wanted to work with other companies like Capcom and Bandai Namco on VC titles, but things sadly never came together.

SEGA told Yosuke Okunari in a recent interview:

“During the Wii Virtual Console days, we worked with other developers and were able to port games that were on Megadrive and other Sega systems. Those were all made on our side. However, negotiations with some publishers, like Capcom and Bandai-Namco, didn’t go through. We did consider negotiating again when the 3DS came along, but business-wise, nothing really came together.”


Today, Atlus unveiled a special launch edition for Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. All pre-orders and launch copies will include a metal emblem set while supplies last.

There are three in total, each one measuring roughly .75″ in diameter. They also have a high shine finish.

Source: Atlus PR

Nintendo has sent out more information about Fire Emblem Fates ahead of its European launch on May 20.

Fire Emblem Fates Map Pack 1 will be available for purchase on release day. It can be accessed via the Dragon’s Gate once Chapter 6 has been completed. The eleven DLC maps “will be released periodically from launch through to July, providing a series of extra challenges, opportunities to gain more experience and money, and even recruit a new character.”

Map Pack 2 will follow in late July, featuring another six DLC maps. An additional free piece of content will also be made available during the distribution of each Map Pack.

On top of this, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation – the third story path – is due out on June 9.

My Nintendo members will be able to exchange 20 Gold Points for a 10 percent discount on the digital version of Fire Emblem Fates that can be applied between May 20 and June 16. Those who pick up the game on the Shop in the first four weeks after launch will also receive a free download code for the Two Kingdoms theme.

Source: Nintendo PR

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

The Deer God – $4.99
Lost Reavers – free
Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge – free

Wii Download for Wii U

Xenoblade Chronicles – $19.99

3DS Retail

Disney Art Academy – Pre-Purchase – To help you start playing as soon as possible, if you pre-purchase the game in Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, it will pre-load the game to your system. That means you’ll be able to play after a small game update when it launches on May 13. Be one of the first to play! Game playable in 2D only.

SEGA 3D Classics Collection – $29.99

3DS Download

ASH – $3.99
Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge – free

3DS Themes

Star Fox Zero : Space Battle
Shovel Knight Campfire Dream
Plague Knight’s Theme

eShop Sales

Wii U / 3DS

– Gardenscapes (Nintendo 3DS), Jones on Fire (Wii U) and more games from JoinDots are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 5.

Wii U

– Journey of a Special Average Balloon and Outside of the Realm from Eli Brewer are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 5.
– The Letter is 50 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $0.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 5.
– Explody Bomb and Hold Your Fire: A Game About Responsibility from Alkterios Games are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 19.
– SDK Paint is 25 percent off (reduced from $3.99 to $2.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 11.


– To celebrate the developer’s 10th anniversary, Swords & Soldiers 3D, Tappingo and more games from Circle Entertainment are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 5.
– Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan, Etrian Mystery Dungeon and more games from ATLUS are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 9.
– Real Heroes: Firefighter 3D is 50 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 5.
– Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $8 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on May 25.

Source: Nintendo PR

A second wave of Fire Emblem Fates downloadable content is coming to North America starting next week, Nintendo has announced. Players can get their hands on DLC from Map Pack 2 starting May 5.

Nintendo has provided the following overview of the upcoming DLC:

Unlike the contents of Map Pack 1, the stages included in Map Pack 2 tell an ongoing story. Across dimensions, other versions of the Hoshidan and Nohrian children are under attack. Born and raised in the Deeprealms, these fledgling warriors must now rise up to save themselves and their parents as they unravel the mystery of their adversaries. In this six-map series, units leveled up in the main game cannot lend support. Players must devise a strategy using a fresh team to reap the rewards, but only if all units survive.

Here’s the full schedule:

May 5-June 9 – Map Pack 2 ($7.99)
May 5 – I: In Endless Dreams (49 cents)
May 12 – II: Realms Collide ($1.99)
May 19 – III: The Changing Tide ($1.99)
May 26 – IV: Light’s Sacrifice ($1.99)
June 2 – V: Endless Dawn ($1.99)
June 9 – End: Lost in the Waves ($1.99)

And some screenshots:

Note that even players who have purchased I: In Endless Dreams can still pick up Map Pack 2 to receive a discount when compared to buying the subsequent maps individually. Map Pack 2 content is priced at more than $10 when purchased individually.

As a bonus, those who already own Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright or Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest can download Another Gift from Anna for free on May 5.

Source: Nintendo PR

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