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Nintendo’s earnings for the fiscal year ended March 31 are in. Below are the full details:

– Fell 60.6 percent to 16.5 million yen, or $148 million, on revenue of $4.53 billion (down 8 percent)
– Nintendo’s stock price has fallen slightly in trading, down 0.9 percent to $18.72 a share
– Nintendo saw diminished assets, cash flow, and profits during the year

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Following Miitomo, Nintendo has started to share what else it has in store for mobile. It’s now confirmed that both Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing content are planned for these types of devices.

Nintendo shared the news on Twitter with the following message:


Nintendo’s latest financial report has updated information on the company’s million sellers. Additionally, we have an updated release schedule. Find all of the information below.

Wii U

Mario Kart 8 – 7.50 million
New Super Mario Bros. U – 5.19 million
Nintendo Land – 5.07 million
Super Mario 3D World – 4.82 million
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – 4.80 million
Splatoon – 4.27 million
Super Mario Maker – 3.52 million
New Super Luigi U – 2.49 million
Mario Party 10 – 1.76 million
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD – 1.72 million


Pokemon X/Y – 14.70 million
Mario Kart 7 – 13.26 million
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 11.84 million
Super Mario 3D Land – 10.73 million
New Super Mario Bros. 2 – 10.25 million
Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 10.00 million
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS – 8.12 million
Tomodachi Life – 4.98 million
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon- 4.82 million
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D – 4.04 million

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The Legend of Zelda Wii U

NX will not be featured at E3 2016 next month, according to the Wall Street Journal’s Takashi Mochizuki. He further reports that Nintendo will focus on Zelda at the expo.


Nintendo has just made a significant announcement regarding the upcoming Zelda game for Wii U.

First, the title is no longer slated for release this year, and is now expected in 2017. It’s confirmed for NX as well in addition to Wii U. The new entry in the Zelda series will launch simultaneously on both platforms.

Nintendo said it will use the extra time to improve the quality of the project.


NX will launch around the world in March 2017, Nintendo has revealed.

That news comes straight from the Nintendo’s latest financial report. In it, the company states: “For our dedicated video game platform business, Nintendo is currently developing a gaming platform codenamed ‘NX’ with a brand-new concept. NX will be launched in March 2017 globally.”

Further details about the new system were not revealed. We’ll see if we receive any additional nuggets during the investor’s briefing later today.



Update: Added the official announcement after the break.

Nintendo has returned to Humble Bundle after nearly a year. This time around, the sales aren’t just limited to indies, and it’s also available in Europe. Check out the full bundle here.

If you pay $1 or more, you’ll receive Retro City Rampage: DX, Affordable Space Adventures, and Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse. Paying more than the average will also net you Freedom Planet, Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure, and Citizens of Earth along with a Retro City Rampage: DX 3DS theme (and more games coming soon). Finally, if you hand over $13 or more, you’ll be provided with Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition and Darksiders II.

We’ll be seeing which other games are included on May 3 at 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT. The bundle will be sold until May 10 at 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT.

Nintendo will be issuing its earnings release in just a matter of hours. The festivities will kick off with a conference where some interesting information could be shared.

Dr. Serkan Toto, who is known as an analyst and somewhat of an insider, has heard that “Nintendo will actually announce news on future products and pipeline” unlike the previous event. That could mean more on mobile, though it’s unknown how much the Big N will have to say about NX.

A word of caution: how much news we’ll be seeing from the earnings conference is unclear. The briefing that follows later in the day could be potentially more interesting. That’ll be tomorrow evening in North America, and very early on Thursday for European folks.



Update (4/26): Bumped to the top. Nintendo has now made this 100% official with the following announcement:

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– On Sunday, April 24, 2016, federal Judge Jed Rakoff in New York ruled that the Nintendo 3DS does not infringe a patent on 3D display technology originally asserted against Nintendo by plaintiffs Tomita Technologies USA, Inc. and Tomita Technologies International, Inc. in 2011. Judge Rakoff’s ruling follows Nintendo’s successful appeal of an earlier verdict, and is the result of a 2015 re-trial. This decision fully reverses and corrects a 2013 verdict against Nintendo. Specifically, Judge Rakoff found that the Nintendo 3DS performs in a significantly different way and does more than was contemplated by the Tomita patent.

“We are very pleased with the court’s finding that Nintendo does not infringe,” said Ajay Singh, Nintendo of America’s Director of Litigation and Compliance. “Nintendo has a long history of developing innovative products, and we aggressively defend patent lawsuits when our products do not infringe, even when we must do it over many years and through multiple trials.”

Original (4/25): In January 2014, a U.S. judge ruled that Nintendo would need to pay Tomita Technologies 1.82 percent of the wholesale price on every 3DS sold. This was due to a lawsuit that sprung up involving 3D camera technology apparently used without permission.

A new article from Nikkei now reveals that the court’s previously decision has been overturned, and Nintendo has won the case. It’s been determined that the 3DS did not infringe on the patent. In a statement, Nintendo said the ruling affirms the company’s original assertion, and is an appropriate decision.

Source, Via


Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 now has a final release date in Japan. The game will arrive on the 3DS eShop on August 25 for 1,960 yen.

Additionally, Inti Creates will be bringing out the Azure Striker Gunvolt Pack on the same day. It includes both games in the series as a retail package for 4,800 yen. A limited edition will also be distributed for 6,800 yen, which features a drama CD and creation materials.

The following bonuses are planned from various stores:


  • Animate – B2 cloth tapestry
  • – Downloadable content
  • Amiami – Acrylic multi-stand
  • Biccamera / Sofmap / Kojima – Downloadable content
  • Imagine / Imagine WEB Shop – Large cloth poster (A1 version)
  • Gamerz – Item not yet decided
  • GEO – Downloadable content
  • NeoWing – 44mm tin badge
  • Sofmap – Item not yet decided
  • Trader – B2 tapestry
  • WonderGOO – Item not yet decided

Here’s a trailer for the Azure Striker Gunvolt Pack:


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