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Nintendo has now uploaded the full video for today’s Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS new content presentation. Watch it below.

Nintendo previously announced that Lucas would be coming to Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS today. However, it’s now confirmed through the game’s latest presentation that two additional characters have joined the roster as well. Ryu and Roy, who were officially discovered via leaks yesterday, will be added to Super Smash Bros. in a matter of minutes. All three characters will be available for purchase today. Additionally, new stages and Mii Fighter costumes will be launching today as well.

Nintendo has released an official trailer for the reveal of Ryu in Smash Bros. Check it out below.

As was announced during today’s Smash Bros. presentation, it’s been confirmed that the Wii U game will be getting YouTube uploads for replays. A release date hasn’t been announced just when. When it arrives, the feature will be free to use.

Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai provided an update on the Wii U game’s “Tourney mode” during today’s presentation. Here’s the latest:

– Compete for the highest amount of points in a certain amount of time
– Regular tournaments as well
– Both types have been finished with development
– Testing now
– Coming in August

Several new amiibo have been announced during today’s Smash Bros. presentation. Mii Fighters, R.O.B., Duck Hunt, and Mr. Game & Watch are all coming in September. Falco is due out this holiday season.

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Nintendo has released an official trailer for the reveal of Roy in Smash Bros. Check it out below.

The live stream for today’s Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS presentation kicks off at 10:40 PM ET / 7:40 AM PT / 3:40 PM in the UK / 4:40 PM in Europe. It should last about 20 minutes.

We should be getting a look at Lucas, the Wii U Miiverse stage, and Splatoon costumes for Mii Fighter. Ryu and Roy should be featured in some capacity as well!

You can watch the presentation as it happens below. If any important news is announced that we don’t already know about, it’ll be up on the site as soon as possible.

Enjoy the presentation, and let us know what you think about the news!

This falls a bit into spoiler territory, so to be safe, head past the break for the story!

With E3 2015 just on the horizon, lots of news has popped up over the past few days. That includes the Hyrule Warriors 3DS leak, upcoming Smash Bros. presentation, and resurfacing of Devil’s Third. We also heard about Mega Man Legacy Collection and Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice for the first time, as well as the localization announcements of PopoloCrois and The Legend of Legacy. Phew! Brian and newcomer Jon talk about of the latest news in this week’s Just a Chat.


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