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Sniper Elite V2 was brought to Wii U earlier this year, but its sequel won’t be heading to the platform.

It was recently confirmed on Twitter that there are no plans to bring Sniper Elite 3 to Wii U – at least for now.

According to the official Sniper Elite Twitter account:

Thanks to Onur K for the tip.


Unepic trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments


Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

The trio as joint co-stars. Who is the strongest of them all?!

Last July, Tom Create released Escape from Zombie City on the Japanese 3DS eShop. The game is now confirmed to be releasing in North America next week, based on a listing on Nintendo’s website.

You can find the first English screenshots above. An overview is posted below.

Western studios have been put in charge of prominent Nintendo IPs over the past few years. Retro has worked on Metroid and Donkey Kong. Monster Games has also been involved with the latter series in addition to Pilotwings. And let’s not forget Next Level Games, which has worked on a pair of Mario soccer titles, Punch-Out!!, and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon.

Nintendo must have a good amount of faith in the western studios it collaborates with these days, but that level of trust wasn’t always there. ONM, curious as to why this has changed in recent years, quizzed Shigeru Miyamoto for some answers.

Miyamoto told the magazine:

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