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Two videos for the price of one tonight!

Unfortunately, there isn’t much footage from Nintendo’s E3 2002 conference. That leads to more trailers rather than content directly from the briefing. We did end up with one of the first clips from F-Zero GX, as well as new looks at titles such as Super Mario Sunshine and Zelda: The Wind Waker.

E3 2003 was certainly more exciting from the perspective of available footage, but it is sort of known as one of Nintendo’s duds. Two big aspects were highlighted during the conference: GameCube to Game Boy Advance connectivity and partnerships. Zelda: Four Swords and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes were arguably the two biggest announcements. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles was made public as well. Shigeru Miyamoto popped up on stage to reveal that he was working on a Pac-Man title for the GameCube… which was kind of Nintendo’s main announcement for the show.

Check back tomorrow as we take a look at Nintendo’s E3 2004 conference, featuring the unveil of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

The first season of Eggbusters has come to a close! This episode is really long. Like, real-life-TV length. So get a bucket of popcorn and take a seat at your computer, because there’s a lot to digest, from party tricks to exploration glitches, and even some you may have heard of. Thank you all very much for watching and supporting (especially you guys on NE instead of just Youtube), and I hope you look forward to the return of this shin-dig sometime in the future!

Artwork courtesy of Andrew Nixon. :]

This picture is how I feel about our podcast.

It’s a long one, but a good one for you this week! Some pointed discussions during “what we played” start us off, and we continue onwards with a silly news section (with Laura trying her hand at some news!), a fantastic discussion of Sonic Lost World, and a truly meaty talk about The Starship Damrey for the book club. Good stuff all around, complete with listener mail to boot.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura

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Nintendo won’t be holding a large-scale media briefing at this year’s E3, but press conferences have been an important part of the company’s past. And with E3 2013 right around the corner, I thought it’d be a great time to revisit some of their events – starting with E3 2001.

Nintendo’s E3 2001 conference was quite interesting. It was Nintendo’s big display of the GameCube: Smash Bros. was announced (and received a fantastic reaction!). Luigi’s Mansion and Pikmin were shown for the first time, too. We got a first look at the GameCube controllers, game disc, and even learned when the system would be launching around the world.

I’ve tried to incorporate some randomness/humor in our previous two videos. This time around, there’s no funny business. Watch it and let me know what you think! More E3 videos to come.

The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves released on the 3DS eShop just a few days ago. Amidst our glowing review we sat down with Genius Sonority CEO Manabu Yamana to discuss some of the… finer details of the series.

Read the full interview here.

The Lost World: Jurassic Sonic

This is a survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could be read on the show! So don’t say anything ridiculous.

Thanks very much. As stated above the topic for you guys this week is “Let’s talk about Sonic: Lost World.”

Take the survey here! (more details inside if you’re confused)

I haven’t been publicizing this much, but yes: Nintendo Everything now has a YouTube channel. There isn’t much there at present, but it should be a whole lot more interesting once E3 2013 is done and over with.

In the meantime, I’ve started to produce some completely random and silly videos. Case and point: this Sonic Lost World – 15 seconds edition trailer. I cut away (most) of the CG, highlighted (most) of the interesting gameplay bits, and crammed it all together. If you ever wanted to give a friend a quick idea as to what Sonic Lost World is about, perhaps this would be the video to show… or maybe not.

Think this is too stupid? Let me know – you’ll never see it again! Hopefully I’ll start to get better at this video stuff as time passes.

Genius Sonority’s quirky 3DS eShop RPG gets sequel-ized, but is there enough depth here to warrant a purchase?

System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: May 30th, 2013
Developer: Genius Sonority
Publisher: Genius Sonority

Author: Jack

When The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave was released this past year, 3DS gamers all ‘round the world were treated to not only one of the greatest advertising campaigns in videogame history, but an excellent, simple-yet-effective pure dungeon crawler that oozed accessibility and charm. This time around, developer and publisher Genius Sonority– a group comprised of fragments of Enix (of the Dragon Quest series) and Creatures Inc. (of the Earthbound series)– decided to further fill the Denpa Men mythos by expanding the first, quaint excursion into a full-blown adventure.

I’m not going to lie: this may go down as the dumbest and possibly worst-produced thing I’ve ever posted on Nintendo Everything.

But now that we’re a little over a week removed from the latest Nintendo Direct and the E3 presentation hype is in full swing, I thought it’d be fun to take a look back at the May 17th broadcast.

This originally started out as a plain summary, but that changed a bit (okay, a lot) as I continued working on the video. So it’s “kind of” a summary. Or something.

Watch it and let me know what you think. This was my first attempt at anything video-related ever. Hopefully it wasn’t too terrible!

LEGO Batman makes its Wii U debut just under a year after releasing on PS3 and Xbox 360. Is the added functionality worthwhile?

Author: Laura

Alright, so I know what you guys are thinking, “Why on earth would Warner Bros. Interactive and Traveller’s Tales release a year-old game on the Wii U when I can just buy it for less money on a different console?” Well I’m here to tell you that LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes on Wii U stands strong on its own with the integration of Wii U Gamepad controls. Not only is it a sequel, it’s a unique game on its own, allowing players to enjoy exploring the Batman Universe for a second time.

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