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Nintendo has a lot of franchises at its disposal. There are obviously heavy-hitters like Mario and Zelda, but the company has created plenty of smaller series as well.

Shigeru Miyamoto explained some of the thoughts that go into revisiting franchises in the latest issue of ONM. Ultimately, as Nintendo has said before, the company tends to looking at “what type of game style we want to create and what type of new experience we’re creating” as opposed to picking a franchise and going from there.

Miyamoto explained to the magazine:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies is the series’ first game to be shown in 3D. As such, Capcom had to experiment with polygon models – including Phoenix himself – until they felt a proper transition from the 2D games had been made.

Here’s one of the first prototypes created by the team:


And this is the final result:


Localization director Janet Hsu gave an explanation of the prototype’s history in a Capcom-Unity post:

Uncade LLC’s David Byers – the studio’s one and only employee – is currently working on Another Castle for Wii U. But Byers has created other games as well, including “Haunted Hallway”, “Blast Ball”, and “Love Me Not” for PC. Could we also see some of these on Wii U?

Byers admitted to Dromble that he’s “thought about it”, but has yet to make any decisions. If these older games were to see a Wii U release though, they’d probably “be more of a remake as opposed to a port.”

According to Bryers:

“I’ve thought about it, but to be honest I’m not sure yet. I feel like console games should be larger experiences than those games offer right now, so if I ever make them for the Wii U it would be more of a remake as opposed to a port. This would take a fair amount of work, and right now my top priority is working on Another Castle.”


Two 3DS eShop games are now on sale in North America.

First up, Tangram Style can be purchased for $3.99 until October 31. Classic Games Overload: Card & Puzzle Edition is also on sale for $9.99 until October 1.


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“After Modern Warfare 3 ended, we already knew from the beginning that we didn’t want to do another one. There was no way we were going to do another one. We wanted to go in a new direction. [Ghosts allowed us to] craft a story that gave players an origin synopsis into why you want to care about these characters. We never did [that] with any characters in Modern Warfare– they were standalone in the moment, and we wanted to have players feel like they could connect to Hesh and Logan and the Ghost squad.”

“I feel like it’s not necessarily the game that gave us that sense [of a fresh start], it’s more of moving into a new studio. It’s a unique situation to be in for any studio because for us making Ghosts, not only are we putting our heart and soul into the game but we’re still really close friends with other developers. I think what we’re trying to do is create a game without anything else holding us back. We really just want to focus on creating an experience that’s new and fresh for us because ultimately if we don’t enjoy what we’re doing we’re not going to be there.”

“So yeah, our main focus is just making sure that we ourselves would go home and play Ghosts without thinking of anything else on the side.”

– Activision community manager Tina Palacios

The next entry in the Call of Duty franchise, Call of Duty: Ghosts, launches on November 5th, 2013 on PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and Wii U. PS4 and Xbox One versions come later.

Via VideoGamer

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition is now available on the 3DS eShop. Strangely, this item wasn’t mentioned in Nintendo’s download report earlier today.

You can purchase Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition for $19.99. It takes up 13,492 blocks of space.


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