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The latest issue of Famitsu has revealed the Japanese release date of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana: the game will launch on June 28. We don’t have a concrete Western release date yet beyond “Summer”.

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This week’s Pokemon Shuffle update has Ultra Challenge stage Arceus plus Great Challenge stages: Alolan Muk, Regice, Kyogre, Drifloon and Drifblim. The daily pokemon are Seviper, Wynaut, Torkoal, Zangoose & Luvdisc. The once per day stage is Jellicent (Female) and the competitive stage being Mega Steelix. Finally the Pokemon Safari will include: Shellder, Krabby, Goldeen, Aipom, Seaking, Cloyster, Kingler, Ambipom, Shiny Magikarp and Shiny Gyarados.


Just a short while ago, Nintendo began distributing a brand new system update for Switch – version 5.0.0. As part of that, the Joy-Con themselves have also received an update. Unfortunately though, we’re not quite sure what it does.

You can update your Joy-Con by visiting the system settings. Head on over to the “Controllers and Sensors” tab, and navigate to “Update Controllers”. The left and right Joy-Con will then be updated individually.

Thanks to all who sent this in.


Curve Digital is offering a discount for Human: Fall Flat on the North American Switch eShop. It’s currently $7.49, down from the original $14.99 asking price. You’ll save 50% with a purchase.

The Human: Fall Flat sale lasts until March 26.

Source: Switch eShop

All-Star Fruit Racing might be in development for Switch. Earlier this month, it was rated for release in Brazil. PQube will apparently be publishing, and as they’ve given quite a bit of support to Switch thus far, putting All-Star Fruit Racing on the system would make sense.

If the name didn’t give it away, All-Star Fruit Racing is a karting title. The game has single-player and multiplayer modes, including online multiplayer.

Here’s some additional information and a trailer:

Nintendo Switch

A new firmware update for Switch has just gone live. Version 5.0.0 is out now for all users.

Today’s update doesn’t feature anything quite as big as version 4.0.0 in which support for video capture was added, but there are some additions and changes. These include Facebook and Twitter friends suggestions, new ARMS and Kirby avatars, and more. Nintendo also fixed the glitch with Play Activity

You can find the full details on today’s update below.

Last week, NIS America held a lengthy live stream in which nearly an hour of Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk was shown. We have the full recording below.

Detective Pikachu

Nintendo has published the first North American commercial for Detective Pikachu. We have the advert attached below.

Atari intends to be present at the Game Developers Conference next week. Announced just recently, Switch will be featured in the company’s lineup.

Aside from RollerCoaster Tycoon, it also sounds like Atari Flashback Classics will be making its way to Switch. Atari’s titles for Nintendo’s console will be distributed by partners from Christmas 2018.

Thus far, two volumes of Atari Flashback Classics have been released on other platforms containing 50 titles each, with another one planned. It’s unclear if Switch will be getting the first edition or all three volumes (or something else entirely such as a bundle). We may learn more when GDC 2018 takes place between March 19 and March 23.

Thanks to AwesomePlatter for the tip.


Earlier today, Danmaku Unlimited 3 ended up on the Switch eShop. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

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