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Gamasutra wrote recently a piece asking 9 indie studios how’s it like to develop for Switch. Yacht Club Games, VBlank Entertainment, Game Atelier and Frozenbyte, among others, all agree that Switch has been an enourmous improvement compared to the Wii U days in terms of ease to work with. Many of them even put it on par with Sony’s PlayStation 4, while others think they are still not there, but are catching up.

Brian Provinciano, of VBlank Entertainment, said that “the tools and hardware are much better than they were for the Wii U, so devs from the previous generation should look forward to digging into the Switch”. Additionally, David Bellanco, of Game Atelier agreed in that “Nintendo did a very good job making it easier to develop on the Switch”. He also declared that “it’s very straightforward, I push play on my visual studio, it runs on the device and I can debug very easily.”

Check out the whole article on Gamasutra, as it is an interesting read.



Digital Foundry once again has a technical analysis of a Switch game. Square Enix’s RPG I Am Setsuna is the focus this time.

In its analysis, Digital Foundry points out how the visuals of I Am Setsuna are very comparable on Switch and PlayStation 4. The PS4 version has some extra lighting, but that’s pretty much it.

The main difference between the two versions is frame rate. It’s 60 frames per second on PS4, whereas the Switch edition is 30 frames per second – but it’s not a huge downgrade due to the nature of the game (being a turn-based RPG). Switch holds its frame rate well aside from a few rare instances.

View Digital Foundry’s full analysis below.

Some Super Bomberman R players have been experiencing issues with control lag, leading to even bigger problems when playing with others locally and online. Thankfully, Konami intends to address the situation.

A notice posted to the Super Bomberman R website states that Konami’s “first priority is to adjust control response times which will improve both the online experience and control lag during offline battles.” An update is being prepared, and a date for its arrival will be shared “very soon.”

Other than that, additional updates are coming “to continuously improve the experience for players, both online and offline.”


Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime stopped by CBS This Morning to promote Switch and chat about the new platform. For the most part, we’ve heard the questions and answers in previous interviews.

At one point, one of the show’s hosts brings up how Link is hot, which Reggie says is true. He then says that there are more girl gamers out there, and Nintendo takes pride in leading the way on that front. Switch is also intended to appeal to a wide demographic – anyone from the age of 5 to 95, Reggie said.

Here’s the full interview:

Yesterday, TIME posted a new interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. Reggie was finally asked about two concerns surrounding Switch – issues with the Joy-Con syncing and the dock scratching the screen. Aside from that, he also commented on availability for the standalone dock.

Read Reggie’s statements about these topics below. For the full interview, head on over to TIME here.

SEGA has pulled back the curtain on a new Act and boss included in Sonic Mania.

Here’s the full rundown:

“Green Hill Zone Act 2 presents an all-new area exclusive to Sonic Mania, expanding upon the tropical setting of Act 1, now with new mechanics, obstacles, and secrets to uncover. You like fire, right? Now you can use it to burn log bridges and collect rings and power-ups! Green Hill Zone Act 2’s boss is also notably different from the original, but we won’t be spoiling that yet.

Also revealed today is the first in a series of new bosses, called the “Hard-Boiled Heavies”. These unique foes are part of Eggman’s new arsenal, each equipped with special skills designed to make a blue hedgehog’s life much harder.

The first of these, “Heavy Gunner”, will appear at the end of the Hollywood-inspired Studiopolis Act 1, and is a large, decorated robot who can take to the sky with his helicopter. Heavy Gunner is armed with a powerful rocket launcher that he uses to discourage “speeding”. (Sources from Studiopolis confirm this method is, generally, highly effective.)”

Fans who are attending PAX East can try out Sonic Mania this weekend. We’ve included videos showing the game’s new content below.

Source: SEGA PR

Square Enix has come out with a trailer for I Am Setsuna’s Temporal Battle Arena DLC. The content will add a new party on party colosseum battle mode. For today’s video, continue on below.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild lets you do all sorts of neat and interesting things. In battles alone, there are plenty of ways to approach encounters.

One YouTuber managed to come across one humorous way of defeating enemies in particular. This is far from a major spoiler, but we’re putting the clip past the break just to be safe.

Nintendo has sent out a new wave of screenshots from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, showing off the newly-added elements from this version of the game. View the full set below.

The Japanese Splatoon Twitter account is back with another loot at a new element from Splatoon 2. Today, we have an image of the updated Ink Tank.

The Ink Tank has better resistance and is lighter. In the two years that have passed, it appears that technology has made significant strides.



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