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GamingBolt recently spoke with Coldwood Interactive’s Martin Sahlin, the director who worked on Unravel.

When asked if he’d be interested in bringing the game to NX, Sahlin said:

“I wish I knew more about it, but they’re really secretive about it. I actually had a really fun discussion with a person from Nintendo a while back. It was basically ‘I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours’ (laughs). So he wanted me to pitch something for the NX, and then he could tell me more about what it was. But basically, it’s kind of hard to pitch something when you don’t even know what it is! So if you manage to guess it right, we’ll tell you what it is. So, I don’t know. But I am just as curious as everybody else to see what they’ve been making.”

EA was actually the publisher behind Unravel. I imagine that if anything were to happen, they’d need to be involved as well.

Source, Via

Update: Some additional rumored details from Nintendo Life:

– Information comes from “several” EA staffers
– EA was apparently one of the first publishers to get access to NX development hardware
– Nintendo is citing EA as a key ally when it comes to making its next console a success
– Multiple meetings in March
– Meetings will apparently decide how much support EA (EA Sports) arm will be giving Nintendo in the near future
– EA wants “a detailed plan” on how Nintendo intends to win over sports fans with NX
– EA is keen to learn how Nintendo intends to build up a large enough “sports” audience on NX
– This was apparently one of the key reasons for the publisher abandoning Wii U
– EA is asking Nintendo to spend more advertising dollars during televised sporting events like NFL games, NBA games, MLB games, World Cup matches and the World Series in order to claim this audience
– EA is citing the fact that both Sony and Microsoft spend a large portion of cash during such events, and that EA’s titles are given prominence in promotional campaigns
– Sources see Nintendo not bundling EA games with consoles as an insult; both Sony and Microsoft are involved with such bundles
– The company will be asking Nintendo to consider shipping NX consoles with leading EA Sports titles, such as FIFA and Madden
– During a December meeting between EA and Nintendo executives, an EA exec “criticized Wii U for not having entertainment apps for MLB.TV, NBA, WWE Network, NHL Gamecenter Live, and the NFL”
– EA believes PS4 having these apps is a key reason for the machine’s success among sports fans
– EA wants NX to be able to run such apps or offer similar functionality

As relayed on Twitter by Liam Robertson, someone well-known for discovering information about cancelled games and other industry news, EA is in rumored to be in possession of NX development kits. Furthermore, they’ve apparently had them for awhile.

Robertson has also said that Nintendo and EA will meet in March “to hash things out and discuss potential plans.” It sounds like EA wants to pursue cross promotions such as sports console bundles. Robertson added that “EA wants Nintendo to help them cultivate an audience for sports fans if they’re going to go on board with NX.”

Here’s a roundup of everything posted by Robertson:



In 2013, when The Witness was first announced, creator Jonathan Blow left the door open to a Wii U version. The game has now debuted on PlayStation 4 and PC. Could a Wii U version still be a possibility?

On Twitter, Blow told one fan that his new game is “unlikely” for Wii U. That being said, he added that he’ll “see about the next Nintendo console” – NX, in other words.

Here’s the full tweet:


Bulgaria-based game studio Kyodai is developing Project Elea, a new first-person sci-fi interactive storytelling adventure. The game focuses on “humanity’s place in the universe, the nature of intelligence and the meaning of faith.”

Here’s an overview of Project Elea:

Playing as Elea, you will navigate the hallways, control rooms and ecosystems of Pilgrimage II, the ship set to colonize Solace, a yet unexplored Earth-like exoplanet. In order to save the ship and uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of pioneering mission Pilgrimage I 15 years ago, you’ll have to aid crippled Kazumi in fighting off an eccentric invasive intelligence that wants to take control, that has been waiting in the darkness of space, preparing…

As Elea explores clues and executes manual overrides to restore Kazumi’s hijacked virtual memory, she will slowly come to realize it’s the lapses in her own memory and the imprints of a personal tragedy that she must deal with first.

Project Elea, made with Unreal Engine 4, has a “fully explorable and beautifully created fictional world” ranging from claustrophobic space environments to open vistas and detailed interiors. Kyodai promises “a rich and unsettling narrative” and plenty of original gameplay scenarios. Interaction “with almost anything in the game” will be possible, and there will be logic puzzles to take on such as “periodic physically based distractions.”

Project Elea is targeted for a few platforms, including NX. You can check out the first teaser below.

A few hours ago, Nintendo published a transcript of the Q&A from its financial results briefing earlier today. It’s not up in English yet, but Cheesemeister3k translated some of the comments.

Below are a couple of questions and answers pertaining to mobile and NX:

Q1. More than a game, Miitomo could be called a communication-themed app. Please tell me about the remaining 4 titles due by March 2017.

Kimishima: Again, there are no limits on usage of IP for smart device titles. We must consider how to make and time console and smart device titles in order to achieve synergy. We are also thinking about developing things not linked to existing consoles. I think it’s extremely important because we’re Nintendo to connect smart device apps and console games in some form. The next title we’re making uses Nintendo’s character IP, so please look forward to it. We’ll announce it at the right time in the future.

Q2. Will games and apps from the 2nd title onward share release timing and business synergy on smart devices and NX, or when might that be?

Kimishima: First, we have no plans to talk about the NX today. I believe your question fundamentally has to do with NX. Our consoles include 3DS and Wii U in addition to NX, so future titles have to do with these platforms. However, we are planning new ways of on smart devices. We cannot announce any new information on the NX at this point, so you get this kind of answer. Please understand.


Update: Some are wondering if the Wall Street Journal’s quote about NX news was referring to how the platform will interact with mobile, rather than the system itself. We’re attaching the relevant excerpt below. Make of it what you will!

Analysts expect Miitomo, developed in partnership with mobile-game platform operator DeNA Inc., to contribute little to earnings. It will be free to download and built around communications features, meaning users won’t spend a lot for add-on items in a race for high scores.

Analysts have been watching for indications of how Nintendo’s mobile game will interact with a next-generation system that Nintendo has under development, code-named NX.

Mr. Kimishima said Tuesday that the company will provide an update “not too late in the course of this year.”

Analysts expect Nintendo NX to be unveiled in spring, with a possible release in October or November.

“Nintendo’s NX and smartphone games will be a test case for the videogame industry’s trend of trying to merge smart-device games and console-based games,” said Junko Yamamura, an analyst at Nomura Securities.

Nintendo didn’t have much at all to say about NX as part of the release of its financial results today. However, president Tatsumi Kimishima did share a slight tease regarding when we can expect to hear something concrete about the platform. Kimishima mentioned that the company will share an update “not too late in the course of this year.”

Many are counting on Nintendo to showcase NX at E3 in June. Given Kimishima’s statement though, maybe company may have something to say before then. Or maybe not. We shall see!



Let’s Talk #38: What do you want to see out of NX?

It was almost a year ago that we first heard about NX. Late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced the platform during the same conference where the mobile partnership with DeNA was made known, which was a move to assure fans that the company is still dedicated to core gaming systems.

We’ll finally be hearing more about NX this year. At the very latest, news will be coming in June at E3, though I’d be surprised if Nintendo didn’t touch on it a bit before then. We’re only a month into 2015, yet the rumor mill is already stirring with plenty of speculation. And as the months go on, we only expect this to continue. Rumors will persist so long as Nintendo remains quiet!

Everyone is anxiously awaiting new information about NX… which might not be an entirely bad thing! It allows us all to keep dreaming and imagining different elements about the system. We want to hear from you guys on this very subject: what do you want to see out of NX? Tell us in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What would you like to see from a new Paper Mario game?

More: ,

During the conference call for its Q4 2015 financial results, Macronix International declared that the company will provide memory products for NX. One report from the event suggests that the platform will be launching this year.

A rough translation of an article found on Yahoo’s site reads:

Japanese video game maker Nintendo will launch this year a new machine NX, Macronix (2337), general manager CY LU said Macronix will provide products to NX, NX and considerable expectations.

Macronix online Investor Conference held in the afternoon, legal attention, Nintendo will launch a new machine this year NX, has many years of partnership with Nintendo is still in the column NX Macronix supply chains.

CY Lu said, Macronix will be provided to the memory slots NX, NX and considerable internal expectations.

Although CY Lu would not say whether the supply NX products for the read-only memory (ROM), but, he said, looking forward to this year’s performance can be a meteoric rise ROM.

Source, Via


Rumors about the NX continue to persist. This time, analyst and consultant Dr. Serkan Toto has made bold claims regarding Bandai Namco. The publisher is supposedly working on a number of titles for the system, including Smash Bros. – which will apparently be a launch game. Given that Smash Bros. just came out on two systems a little over a year ago, a port would be more probable than an entirely new entry.

Toto isn’t sure about any dates. In terms of where the information comes from, he’s connected to a number of industry sources, though it remains to be seen if this speculation will pan out in the end.

Toto wrote on Twitter:

Source, Via

PuzzleBox Setup came to 3DS a little over a year ago. Bplus is now working on a “successor” of that title for Steam, which the developer is looking to have on NX as well.

Creator Bernd Geiblinger told one fan on Facebook the following when asked if an update to the 3DS version is planned to bring it in line with the Steam version:

“Not possible, this game is made for NX but modified to be released on Steam earlier, because sadly I’m not able to wait til NX and need to release this game soon.”

Geiblinger added that the Steam version will continue to grow with updates, and it will be possible to create levels that can be shared with NX players. Also, Bplus intends for the NX version to make use of eight colors as opposed to Steam’s limit of four thanks to the controls, “which opens possibilities to completely different pictures and modes for NX version.”

Here’s a look at the new version of PuzzleBox Setup:

Finally, regarding Bplus’ other 3DS game/franchise Bit Boy!!, Geiblinger teased the following for NX:

“You will definitely see Kubi traveling back to the old Bit-Eras on NX. Stay tuned. Cannot talk about something specific before Nintendo announces the new platform.”

It’s unclear how much Bplus actually knows about NX. It’s also unknown whether or not the indie developer currently has access to a development kit for the system.

Thanks to Arison for the tip.

Source, Via

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