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Update: Bumped to the top. Yet another video interview is below.

The Completionist recently spoke with Shigeru Miyamoto about all things Star Fox. In the video below, you can listen to him answering several questions about Star Fox Zero as well as the series in general.

Disney Interactive is among the latest companies to be pulling away from E3. GamesBeat received confirmation from the publisher that it will not have a booth at this year’s expo in June. Disney will instead opt for “additional direct to fan engagements through the summer this year.”


The Fire Emblem Fates news for Europe continues, even after yesterday’s Nintendo Direct. For the game’s May 20th launch, new cover plates based on the game will be available. You can see what they look like below.


One announcement that went under the radar during yesterday’s Nintendo Direct is Futuridium EP Deluxe for Nintendo platforms. Yesterday, MixedBag revealed that Futuridium EP Deluxe is coming to both Wii U and New 3DS. This shoot’em up was originally released in 2014.

Here’s an overview of Futuridium EP Deluxe:

Futuridium EP Deluxe is a psychedelic retro inspired shoot’em up with a modern twist, that blends together frantic action, puzzle elements, a vibrant low poly aesthetic and an heart pumping electronic soundtrack. As a lone starship pilot lost in a dimensional loop just before a big space battle, with a limited and constantly depleting energy tank, your only hope is to fly as fast as possible over enormous space dreadnoughts, destroying their defenses and the cyan power cubes to get some energy back.

Try to escape the infinite loop of Futuridium: you can count only on your reflexes, your dual lasers, the nimbleness of your starship and… the ability to turn 180° on the spot! Can you beat all the 50 levels, the 5 bosses, unlock all the extra game modes and collect the 150 medals?

Good luck! You’ll need it…

Futuridium EP Deluxe will be out “soon” on Nintendo’s systems. Both versions run at 60 frames per second, and the New 3DS version will offer 3D support.

A few screenshots from Futuridium EP Deluxe are in the gallery below.

Source: MixedBag PR

Simon Gerges and Lee Jackson, two former staffers from Rare, have joined on with Yooka-Laylee developer Playtonic. Both have already started putting their skills to the test at the studio.

Gerges is an experienced engineer, have been previously hired 12 years ago by Playtonic co-founder Chris Sutherland. He worked on the Banjo-Kazooie, Kameo and Kinect Sports franchises.

Jackson is a QA manager who was involved with the likes of Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and the Viva Piñata series.



Mutant Mudds Super Challenge was expected to launch this month, and this is confirmed today with a final release date as relayed by Nintendo Life. The title is officially slated for March 17 in both North America, Europe, and Australia. Pricing is set at $9.99 / €9.99 / £8.99.

If you purchase Mutant Mudds Super Challenge on Wii U, you’ll get the 3DS version for free (and vice-versa). There’s also a 15 percent discount if you have the original Mutant Mudds or downloaded the Nindies@Home Preview demo during the first 30 days of launch.


Some outlets have been reporting on Foxconn Technology’s Q1 earnings, such as Yahoo and MoneyDJ. It was already known that Foxconn is involved with NX, but a key takeaway from recent articles is that the system will be making the company’s operations “hot” in the second half of 2016. In other words, it sounds like Foxconn’s involvement with NX will really be picking up after June.

There is a language barrier since the original articles are in Chinese, unfortunately. Because of that, we’re marking this post as a rumor – even with what we’ve heard before pointing to a possible NX release this year.


Nintendo’s Kensuke Tanabe has long been associated with Retro Studios. While working with the company, Tanabe acted as producer (or co-producer) on all of its games – the Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country titles. Now, however, the two sides “are allegedly no longer on good terms,” according to a report from Liam Robertson.

Here’s one excerpt from Robertson’s report:

“Last year, I was investigating Tanabe with regards to this. This involved speaking to a number of developers who had worked alongside him. The way in which they all described Tanabe’s directorial style was fascinating. Their words built up a portrait in my mind of a Gordon Ramsey esque figure who strived for perfection and berated anything short of it. It’s difficult for me to fully convey my impressions of him without explicitly detailing the anecdotes shared with me in confidence, which could compromise those involved; but I will try my best to elaborate.

What was Shigeru Miyamoto’s favorite movie of 2015? That honor goes to Star Was: The Force Awakens.

Speaking with Game Informer, Miyamoto shared some thoughts as to why he was impressed with the film:

“There were a lot of good movies last year. One movie that I would have to talk about is Star Wars. It was a movie that I was very worried about. I really enjoyed the original three movies. But as they started to rely more on CG and computer graphics, I gradually stopped watching the Star Wars movies.

I felt that for the people who were taking that on that it was a very big challenge for them. My expectation is that they’d maybe find a way to barely meet that challenge. But when I saw that movie, I was very impressed with what they were able to do.

As a creator, I really respected their ability to take on the challenge and bring back some of the feelings that people had the first time they watched the movies. I really liked that some of those actors from Episode IV came back after all these years, and you can see how they had aged. As a fan, it was a really great movie.”

Miyamoto also discussed his favorite games of last year: Splatoon and Super Mario Maker.

“I haven’t seen as many video games. Two of the games that I have been really happy with. One is Splatoon. We had a very young staff work on that game; particularly in the Japanese market, they’ve introduced a whole new genre of shooter.

And then Super Mario Maker, which Mr. [Takashi] Tezuka worked on, we’re seeing a lot of dads are playing together with their kids. That’s made me really happy.”


Nintendo has concluded its new retrospective video series for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Check out the last episode below, which has a few staff members reflecting on bringing the experience to Wii U.

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