Nintendo shared first details about Nintendo Account (its new term for accounts) and My Nintendo (new membership service) during its financial results briefing today. Here’s a breakdown of everything we know:
– Ease of creation/use of Nintendo Accounts being emphasized
– Register with NNID, Facebook, Twitter, Google, e-mail
– Purchase software downloads on the site, see purchases, play info, and game-related messages
– Nintendo will send notices and gifts
– Ex: Animal Crossing character called Isabel may send some information or a present to those who are playing with that game, Mario Kart players may receive a notice about add-on content and we may also send a message that enables the recipient to purchase some software at an attractive price point on his or her birthday
– Games purchased can be automatically downloaded to your system
– Receive points by using and playing games or purchasing them
– This applies to both console and mobile
– Use points on digital goods (maybe DLC), original goods, and coupons
– Use your account in conjunction with the theme park, as well as theaters and stores
– Make friends with those who enjoy playing games together by establishing “Friend” relationships
– Friend relationship can be established only between two people who know each other and have consented to the relationship
– This Friend relationship can be used for software for dedicated game systems and smart device applications
– Nintendo Accounts will provide cloud storage of character and save data
– Will provide membership service benefits in other real-life facilities such as theme parks, movie theaters and retail outlets
– My Nintendo will work as a bridge between dedicated game systems and smart devices
– My Nintendo out in March
Nintendo will be “far more aggressive” with its various IPs, according to legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto.
Miyamoto shared those words during the company’s financial results briefing today. Seemingly in response to the topic of NX – Nintendo’s next system – Miyamoto said:
“We are going to be far more aggressive in using our IP, and not just stop with licensing, as in the past. The first example is Amiibo. We want our IP to better reach more children, and smart devices is just one vehicle.”
The image above comes from a slide Nintendo shared during its latest financial results briefing. As you can see, it depicts new art of Link. It actually looks pretty similar to what we saw as part of Nintendo’s new marketing material a few weeks back. And of course, it’s sparking further speculation about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD.
It didn’t seem like we’d be hearing about Nintendo’s first mobile game after news dropped that it had been delayed to March 2016, but information was revealed after all. Here’s what we know thus far about “Miitomo” courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:
The new smartphone game will be “Miitomo”. It will be free to play, with attractive add-ons that people can pay for, Mr. Kimishima says. Others will be pay-to-download, he says.
Looks like Miis go ahead and communicate with other Miis without your knowledge. This will help people who are hesitant to talk about themselves to communicate with others, and reveal a side of your friends you never knew, Mr. Kimishima says.
In the new Miitomo game, users will design their own avatars, or “Miis,” to communicate with other users. Executive Shinya Takahashi says that Nintendo will find ways to encourage people who are hesitant to talk to share things about themselves.
Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto says DeNA will help operate the smartphone games, while Nintendo will focus on ways to guide users to its hardware.
The five smartphone apps won’t soon comprise half of sales, Mr. Kimishima says. Nintendo’s goal is to use smart devices to increase the value of its IP, which will help sales of both software and hardware, he says.
On the reason for the delay of the smartphone app, Mr. Kimishima says, is the need for more lead time to fully promote and explain Miitomo. The company is busy promoting other titles in the pipeline right now, he says. It will start promoting Miitomo after the year-end holiday season. Says this will have little impact on earnings.
Curious about how the DeNA and Nintendo partnership is going. Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto says DeNA will focus on operation of the games. Which suggests game design is all Nintendo.
On second thought, not clear whether Miitomo should be called a game. It looks more like a communications app with Mii avatars that can be ported to games on Nintendo hardware.
Update: We ended up receiving first details about Miitomo shortly after this post. Information here.
Nintendo and DeNA first announced plans to collaborate on mobile titles in March. We were expecting to hear about their debut title today, but that unfortunately did not materialize.
Nintendo did touch on its mobile plans during its financial results briefing today. However, president Tatsumi Kimishima revealed that the launch of these games has been delayed to March 2016 as opposed to the end of this year. The Wall Street Journal reports that “Nintendo eyes global launch, depending on the game.”
Update: Clarification time! “Nintendo Account” is the new name for accounts. “My Nintendo” is the membership service.

During its financial results briefing, Nintendo touched on its new membership service being created by DeNA. Today, Tatsumi Kimishima revealed the name as “Nintendo Account”.
This information comes from the Wall Street Journal:
Nintendo’s new membership service will be called “Nintendo Account” — it will connect hardware users, as well as PC and smart device users, Mr. Kimishima says.
Kimishima also revealed that the company has plans to use a cloud-based data service to transfer game data between mobile games and console titles.
Nintendo is just about to kick off its Second Quarter Financial Results Briefing (and Corporate Management Policy Briefing). The event should begin at roughly 9 PM ET / 6 PM PT – 30 minutes from now.
We’ll be relaying information collected by the Wall Street Journal as well as any other sources that pop up. You can keep track of the updates below.
Live blog
– Beginning now (9:04 PM ET)
– Kimishima, Miyamoto, and more are there
– Kimishima beginning his presentation
Nintendo CEO Kimishima begins his presentation.
— Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) October 29, 2015
– CEO Tatsumi Kimishima says there are more titles–unannounced–coming this year to promote both Wii U and 3DS during the year-end holiday season
Splatoon us A great game. Know many people who bought Wii U to play the game.
— Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) October 29, 2015
– 70% of “Animal Crossing” fans in Japan are women
– Nintendo will be pushing more games to win more women users this Christmas
– “Super Mario Maker” hit 1 million sales in just three weeks
– Mr. Kimishima notes that like “Splatoon”, a single hit game can change the course of hardware sales
Amiibo then…
— Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) October 29, 2015
– 400,000 Yarn Yoshi amiibo sold
– amiibo shipments worldwide hit 21.1 million at end-September
– This is up from 14.7 million at end-June
Amiibo sales regional breakdown. Blue is north america. Red Japan. Green Europe. Zelda most popular in US, Europe.
— Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) October 29, 2015
– Nintendo can’t keep up with demand for “Animal Crossing” amiibo cards
– Kimishima apologizes, says will start sales of a new round of shipments today
– 8.6 million amiibo cards sold
Download purchase growing.
— Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) October 29, 2015
– Nintendo’s new membership service will be called “Nintendo Account”
– This will connect hardware users, as well as PC and smart device users
– Nintendo to use a cloud-based data service to transfer game data between mobile games and console games
– Launch date of Nintendo’s smartphone games has been delayed
– Launch will be March 2016, not year-end
– Nintendo eyes global launch, depending on the game
– The new smartphone game will be “Miitomo”
– Free-to-play
– Attractive add-ons that people can pay for
– Other games will be pay-to-download
– Miitomo is the first of five smartphone apps that Nintendo plans to release by March 2017
– In the new Miitomo game, users will design their own avatars, or “Miis,” to communicate with other users
– Executive Shinya Takahashi says that Nintendo will find ways to encourage people who are hesitant to talk to share things about themselves
– Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto says DeNA will help operate the smartphone games, while Nintendo will focus on ways to guide users to its hardware
– The five smartphone apps won’t soon comprise half of sales
– Nintendo’s goal is to use smart devices to increase the value of its IP, which will help sales of both software and hardware
– On the reason for the delay of the smartphone app, Mr. Kimishima says, is the need for more lead time to fully promote and explain Miitomo
– The company is busy promoting other titles in the pipeline right now,
– It will start promoting Miitomo after the year-end holiday season
– Says this will have little impact on earnings
– Curious about how the DeNA and Nintendo partnership is going. Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto says DeNA will focus on operation of the games
– Which suggests game design is all Nintendo
– Mr. Miyamoto chimes in on NX
– “We are going to be far more aggressive in using our IP, and not just stop with licensing, as in the past. The first example is Amiibo. We want our IP to better reach more children, and smart devices is just one vehicle.”
– Coy on NX
– Mr. Kimishima: How can we make a completely different kind of game that nobody has ever thought of? It’s the same issue we have always faced.
Yesterday, Atlus put out a demo for Stella Glow in North America. You can watch an hour’s worth of footage from the download below.
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes sold a little 58,600 units in its first week in Japan. How does the game’s debut stack up to other entries? Let’s take a look:
[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo) {1998.11.21} – 386.234 / 1.147.068
[NDS] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo) {2009.12.23} – 320.940 / 740.109
[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (Nintendo) {2000.04.27} – 314.044 / 601.539
[NDS] The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo) {2007.06.23} – 288.282 / 902.386
[GCN] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Nintendo) {2002.12.13} – 287.346 / 742.609
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D (Nintendo) {2015.02.14} – 236,536 / 451,990
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Nintendo) {2013.12.26} – 225,418 / 446,451
[WII] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo) {2011.11.23} – 194.894 / 337.452
[NGB] The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Nintendo) {2001.02.27} – 191.802 / 373.361
[NGB] The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Nintendo) {2001.02.27} – 190.029 / 372.693
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo) {2011.06.16} – 182.998 / 600.839
[WII] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Nintendo) {2006.12.02} – 145.068 / 554.109
[GBA] The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (Nintendo) {2004.11.04} – 92.882 / 235.400
[GBA] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past + Four Swords (Nintendo) {2003.03.14} – 84.107 / 293.989
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes (Nintendo) {2015.10.22} – 58.594 / NEW
[GCN] The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (Nintendo) {2004.03.18} – 54.782 / 127.399
[NGB] The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (Nintendo) {1998.12.12} – 49.513 / 314.224
[GBA] Famicom Mini: The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo) {2004.02.14} – 36.861 / 217.901
[GBA] Famicom Mini: Zelda II – The Adventure of Link (Nintendo) {2004.08.10} – 35.335 / 141.826
[WIU] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Nintendo) {2013.09.26} – 31.154 / 48,400
Unfortunately, there are some unknowns. We don’t have first week data for the first Zelda or its sequel, A Link to the Past, or Link’s Awakening. That being said, here are lifetime sales for all four:
[NFC] The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo) {1986.02.21} – ? / 1.690.000
[NFC] Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Nintendo) {1987.01.14} – ? / 1.610.000
[SFC] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo) {1991.11.21} – ? / 1.160.000
[NGB] The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Nintendo) {1993.06.06} – ? / 540.000
And a comparison with the Four Swords series:
[GBA] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past + Four Swords (Nintendo) {2003.03.14} – 84.107 / 293.989
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes (Nintendo) {2015.10.22} – 58.594 / NEW
[GCN] The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (Adventures) (Nintendo) {2004.03.18} – 54.782 / 127.399
Nintendo recently sent out demo codes for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes via email. This same demo will now be widely available on the North American 3DS eShop tomorrow.
Players will be able to give the game a via through local play and online co-op. For the latter mode, it’ll be open at the following times:
10/30: 3 PM – 5 PM PT
10/31: 3 PM – 5 PM PT
11/1: 3 PM – 5 PM PT
The Zelda: Tri Force Heroes demo features three costumes: Hero’s Tunic, Kokiri Clothes, and Legendary Dress.