Nikkei recently put out a report discussing all the trials and tribulations going on internally with Konami. Lots of interesting tidbits are in there regarding drastic changes as well as a good look into why everything has shifted so much in the last couple of months, but one of the most notable points is to hear that Konami has lent the license for Momotaro Dentetsu to Nintendo to release on their platforms.
For those unfamiliar, there has been quite a bit of animosity between Konami and the series creator Akira Sakuma lately in regards to Momotaro Dentetsu – the extremely popular board-game style video game in Japan – due to creative issues, power struggles, financial disagreements and more. A couple of months ago, that all came to an end when Akira Sakuma had announced via Twitter that he was done with the Momotaro Dentetsu series due to repeated disagreements, stating in early June “Konami hasn’t gotten in touch with me at all. This is how they’ve tossed me aside for a while now. I’m announcing here that Momotaro Dentetsu is officially done. Ishikawa at Konami squelched everything.”
Fast-forward to now and it seems the series will continue even without its beloved creator with Konami lending the license to Nintendo for a planned 2016 release, only asking for the licensing fee in this partnership. Konami owns the IP as well as former developer Hudson Soft, so they have every right to continue developing and licensing Momotaro Dentetsu, even if fans and its creator say it’s done.
It’s certainly an interesting choice that Nintendo would scoop this particular title up and not some of their other well-known properties. Though this is certainly something that will only be released in Japan, what are some of Hudson Soft’s IP that you’d like to see revived and on Nintendo platforms?
Update: Balloon Fight, Bowser and Fire Mario themes are also up in Japan:
A retro Ice Climbers 3DS theme is now up in the Japanese eShop! Check out some footage of the theme below:
A brand new Pokémon Safari stage is back on Pokémon Shuffle and is once again bringing along a variety of Pokémon both obtainable and unobtainable through normal play.
This return of the Pokémon Safari brings along Furfrou, Staryu, Starmie, Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp. Each Pokémon will be randomly generated every time you attempt the stage. This new Pokémon Safari will run until August 17th!
As usual with these special events, be sure to update your game to grab the newest patch – Version 1.2.10 – to be able to gain access to the event! Good luck!
For a limited time, Pignite has joined the list of a wide variety of Pokémon to get dedicated events in Pokémon Shuffle since its release!
Pignite will be available until August 17th. Once that date arrives, it will be immediately followed by its final evolution Emboar! As usual with these new challenges and events, be sure to Check In once you boot up your game to update your game and gain access to the stage!
Damon Baker is Nintendo of America’s Senior Marketing Manager of Publisher and Developer Relations. He’s also the new face of the company’s indie efforts.
Over the past few months, Baker has led the way on a couple of surprising and interesting eShop programs from Nintendo. The Humble Nindie Bundle was made available in late May, and just a few weeks later, Nintendo introduced Nindies@Home. Along with providing Wii U owners with the opportunity to try out new indie titles well before their release during E3 week, Nindies@Home had the added bonus of giving those who downloaded the demos a 15 percent discount when the full games launch.
We recently had a chat with Damon Baker to go more in depth regarding Nindies@Home. Our discussion included talk about how the idea came to be, the challenges of bringing it to fruition, and the possibility of seeing it again in the future. Head past the break to read our full interview.
As part of its E3 2015 plans, Nintendo launched Nindies@Home in June. This was a special one-week promotional period in which Wii U owners were given the opportunity to download and play demos from upcoming indie titles. For gamers who couldn’t make it to E3, it allowed them to experience some of the excitement of being at the expo.
We reached out to five developers who were involved with Nindies@Home to share some thoughts about participating in the program. Below you’ll find some musings from 13AM Games (Runbow), Brainseed Factory (Typoman), MixedBag Games (forma.8), Ripstone (Extreme Exorcism), and Wales Interactive (Soul Axiom). What was it like for these studios to participate in Nintendo’s newest eShop initiative? How was it getting the demos up in time for E3? How do they feel about the program as a whole? These were just some of the topics the developers we reached out to touched upon, and each team shared some very interesting insight about the process of being included in Nindies@Home. Continue on below for their thoughts.
Let’s Talk #17: Thoughts on the latest Smash Bros. update/DLC
Nintendo gave Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS a whole bunch of content last night. While there weren’t any new characters, we do have access to a number of new things.
Both versions of Smash Bros. added two classic levels: Hyrule Castle and Peach’s Castle. Several new Mii Fighter outfits came out as well.
On Wii U, Nintendo finally launched the game’s Tournament Mode. Uploading replays to YouTube is also now possible.
The latest Smash Bros. content has only been out for about a day, but I still wanted to have this week’s discussion focused on what’s new in both games. Have you been able to give the new stages a whirl? What are your thoughts on the Tournament modes? I’m also curious: how many of you are actually interested in the Mii Fighter costumes? Sound off in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: Most anticipated Wii U games
My most anticipated announced games for Wii U would be (in no particular order):
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Lego Dimensions
Guitar Hero Live
Star Fox
Shin Megami Tensei X FE
Fatal Frame
Devil’s Third
Zelda U
For 3DS (I know it’s not part of the survey, but just to include): Fire Emblem Fates and Monster Hunter X
while I’m interested in Yoshi’s Wooly World and Mario Maker, they’re not on top of my list.
Fatal Frame V, Rodea: The Sky Soldier and Star Fox Zero are the games I’m looking forward to, I’lI probably add Devil’s Third and that’s it for this year. Zelda and SMT x FF so far for 2016
David Arkema
The wii u games I looking forward the most are
Skylanders superchargers, because I love the amiibo support, this will ve my first skylanders game and the gameplay looks really fun.
Devil’s third, because I need an action game next to bayonetta and singlepalyer gameplay looks amazing and what you can do the online multiplayer looks funny like hell, but may need some patches.
Xenoblade chronicles x, because I loved the first one the wii and I love wandering in a massive openworld with gorgeous enemies and you can ride in a mechsuit.
Pokken Tournament, because I need a (wii u) pokemon game that isn’t a mainstream pokemon game (fire red/emerald/y) and I really love fighting game, especially street fighter and ssb. graphical it looks amazing, but the cast (playable characters) needs to be expanded.
Super Mario Maker – As someone who really enjoys level design and wants to go into the field of game design after graduating college, Super Mario Maker’s creation tools seem like a godsend to me. I will get to make levels with what looks like to be a very easy and intuitive interface, practice my skills and creativity with designing levels, and get inspiration from other creators while enjoying playing the levels as well.
Yoshi’s Woolly World – It pained me to see the North American release date of Yoshi’s Woolly World be so far away in comparison to the European, Oceania, and Japanese launches. The game looks like what many have been wanting from the Yoshi series since Yoshi’s Island. Throw in some awesome looking levels, hidden goodies, and a reported challenge, and I can’t wait to be able to play this game.
Star Fox Zero – I’ve waited a long time for a new Star Fox game that I really enjoy. I did love Assault, and of course I greatly was enamored with 64. Command was okay, but now we have another traditional Star Fox game to look forward to. I trust Nintendo and Platinum Games to create a compelling and engaging campaign to blow me and other players away.
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release: August 4, 2015
Developer: Atlus
Publisher: Atlus
Author: Dennis
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold is an epic dungeon-crawling experience in which you and a fixed group of party members embark on a journey. The objective is to complete a century-old ritual by a princess you randomly run into inside the forest close to the town your newly formed guild stumbles upon, High Lagaard. It is here you familiarize yourself with the townsfolk and collect quests to help you on your way to completing this ritual with the Princess. However, while deep in the dungeons heading towards the location where the ritual will take place, you come across a large monster in which you are forced to fight. It is here you stumble into other adventurers from faraway places and transform suddenly into an inhuman monster— wielding the power of a legendary sentient being once known as the Fafnir Knight. From this point forward you aim to figure out exactly why, and how, you were bestowed this power. You must uncover this mystery all while trying to complete this ritual with new friends and allies. Just as you have your own special skills and abilities—so do your allies, each with their own individual strengths and weaknesses. You are the hero of this tale, with your guild and a princess; you embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind the origins of the powerful Fafnir Knight.
Capcom prepared another two weapon videos for Monster Hunter X today. Trailers for the Hunting Horn and Hammer can be seen below.
It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! Dragon Quest VIII and Monster Hunter X have both maintained their positions towards the top of the chart.
Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between July 16 and July 22.