Several new passwords for the North American version of Pokemon Rumble World have been revealed. They are as follows:
Charizard with Fire Blast & Dragon Claw and a Charizardite X: 16607716
Pikachu with the Super Star trait: 71001385
Turtwig with the Super Star trait: 88252527
Treecko with the Speed trait: 70095874
Froakie with the Super Star trait: 80458867
Acro Storm is an upcoming Wii U game by indie developer Blue Comet Games. Heavily inspired by games like F-Zero, it is an 3D high speed sci-fi racer with vehicle customization, individual story modes for each playable character, online multiplayer and a track editor.
The game doesn’t have a release date yet. Check out a bit of footage in the video below:
Update 2: Bumped to the top. Added a second boss video after the break.
Update: And another video!
Another Splatoon video has come in showing the Octostomp boss fight in Hero Mode. View it below.
This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:
1. Cube Creator 3D
2. Mario Kart 7
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
5. BoxBoy!
6. Shovel Knight
7. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
8. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
11. Zelda: Oracle of Ages
12. Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
13. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
14. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
15. SteamWorld Dig
16. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
17. Super Mario Bros.
18. Story of Seasons
19. Yoshi’s New Island
20. Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition
1. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
2. Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition Trailer
3. Splatoon Direct – 5/7/15
4. Cube Creator 3D Trailer
5. Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition Trailer 2
6. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Mewtwo Strikes Back
7. Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains Teaser Trailer
8. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Launch Trailer
9. Upcoming Fire Emblem Teaser Trailer
10. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate May DLC Pack Trailer
11. Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains Episode 1
12. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Lucas Comes out of Nowhere
13. Puzzle & Dragons: Depth and Dynamics
14. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate April DLC Pack Trailer
15. Super Smash Bros. Mii Fighters Suit Up for Wave One
16. New 3DS XL Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
17. The World of Xenoblade Chronicles X
18. New 3DS XL Trailer
19. PAX East Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition Trailer
20. Photos with Mario Trailer
Source: 3DS eShop
Yooka-Laylee’s Kickstarter campaign has been updated with yet another stretch goal. At £2 million, the studio will prepare DLC that will be free to backers. This content will only be created once the game itself has been completed.
Playtonic wrote in a Kickstarter update:
Smashing it up like a student in Yates’s, Yooka-Laylee backers have strawpedo’d their way through the latest stretch goal, and so now an orchestral soundtrack will be enjoyed by all. But before you stumble towards the high street intending to disseminate a large donner meat and chips – wait, because there’s more…
The entire Playtonic team would like to offer its sincere thanks to everyone who has backed the Yooka-Laylee campaign so far. Our intention from the beginning was to use Kickstarter as a means to improve our game, and by helping us reach an incredible £1.5 million you’ve shaped it into one fine specimen.
From the start of the campaign we also pledged to do best by your amazing support by only setting stretch goals that would improve the game, without negatively affecting core development.
Our next stretch goal, if reached, will be used only to further improve and polish Yooka-Laylee, and give something back for your amazing support. Namely, we’ll release our first post-release DLC pack free of charge for all backers.
When – and only when – we’ve finished and shipped the full version of Yooka-Laylee, we’ll start work on additional content that will be distributed to backers free of charge for their platform of choice. And again, all additional funding will of course go towards improving and polishing the game.
You can donate to the Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter campaign here. It ends on June 16.
Nintendo has uploaded the North American commercial for Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition. Check it out below.
Without any sort of announcement on Nintendo’s part, it appears that the prices of physical rewards on Club Nintendo have been reduced. Items like the Fierce Deity Link Jigsaw Puzzle, Majora’s Mask 3D Messenger Bag, and Retro Mario T-shirt are discounted by up to 50 percent.
All of the new prices are shown above. Here’s a look at how much each of the items costed previously:
Mario & Luigi Greeting Cards – 300 coins
Nintendogs Greeting Cards – 300 coins
3DS Game Card Case: 2015 Edition – 400 coins
2016 Desktop Calender – 400 coins
3DS XL Pouch: The Legend of Zelda – 600 coins
Retro Mario T-Shirt – 700 coins
Fierce Deity Link Jigsaw Puzzle – 800 coins
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Messenger Bag – 800 coins
North American Club Nintendo members can redeem their coins up through June 30 at 11:59 PM PT. The site will then be shutting down, though a new Nintendo rewards membership service will launch later this year.
Update: Yooka-Laylee has now reached £1.5 million on Kickstarter, which means that the game will be receiving an orchestral soundtrack (thanks Maxime).
£1.5 Million! #YookaLaylee will have an orchestral soundtrack @David_Wise @grantkirkhope @SteveBurkeMusic
— Playtonic (@PlaytonicGames) May 11, 2015
Playtonic shared a first look today at one of Yooka-Laylee’s support characters. It’s none other than Trowzer, who is pictured above.
Playtonic posted the following description of the character on its website:
Trowzer is a business-snake whose career never took off. Not that he knows it – the smug, serpent salesman thinks he’s the bee’s knees (not that he has knees), and for a little dosh he’ll teach you some of the slick moves he picked up on the high-stakes sales floor.
Yooka-Laylee’s creative lead, Gavin Price, shared the following about Trowzer:
Trowzer thinks of himself as the best salesman ever, but with his downbeat appearance and 1980’s mobile phone, life never took off for him. He’ll take your money and count it (he’s an Adder…) and because he knows best he’ll even demonstrate the moves you just bought for you to replicate… if you can follow his jiggling.
Character artist Steve Mayles added:
I didn’t want him to be a snake in the traditional sense, and when Gav suggested he should have shorts on (do I have to add shorts to all of my characters?!), a great idea for this was his body could curl back up through the other leg hole. So he’ll move with a certain springiness, which will be fun to animate.
We’ve now seen three core characters from Yooka-Laylee. Along with Trowzer, players will take control of both Yooka and Laylee. You can read up on their naming origins here.
A new video from YouTube user “justonegamr” has 70 minutes of footage from Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains. View it below.