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Nintendo Direct

Nintendo NY is keeping up the tradition of hosting viewing events for Nintendo Directs. When the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct airs tomorrow, fans can stop by to watch the broadcast with other enthusiasts. The Nintendo Treehouse: Live presentation will also be shown at Nintendo NY.

Nintendo NY will be showing the same feed that you can find online, but it’s more about viewing things with other fans. Plus, you can bet that the reactions will be recorded, and those are always a good time to watch after the fact.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Nintendo will hold a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct on November 1, the company has announced. Director Masahiro Sakurai will once again be sharing the latest information about the game during a 40-minute presentation.

The presentation will air at the following times:

Following today’s Nintendo Direct, trailers for games showcased in the presentation are starting to be published. We’ll round everything up below.

Nintendo has posted all regional presentations for today’s Nintendo Direct. We’ve rounded up the videos below.

Nintendo has passed along an announcement recapping all of the news from today’s Nintendo Direct. Read it in full below.

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In a new Nintendo Direct video presentation, Nintendo revealed that new games in two major Nintendo series are currently in development for the Nintendo Switch system. Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch (working title), a new main game in the Animal Crossing series, and Luigi’s Mansion 3 (working title), will both come exclusively to Nintendo Switch in 2019. The video presentation also debuted a new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Switch hardware and software bundle.

The Nintendo Direct revealed a diverse lineup of games headed to Nintendo Switch, including a massive collection of classic FINAL FANTASY games, an HD remake of the beloved Katamari Damacy game and adaptations of some best-selling card and board games like Carcassonne and Pandemic. If that’s not already enough, the Nintendo Direct also unveiled new details for Nintendo Switch Online, highlighted a solid selection of Nintendo 3DS games and revealed more details about previously announced Nintendo Switch games like Yoshi’s Crafted World, DAEMON X MACHINA and Mega Man 11.

“The announcements for Nintendo Switch keep coming,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “With the additions of new games in the Animal Crossing and Luigi’s Mansion series, as well as a surge of new games from our development partners, there really is something for everyone in the ever-growing Nintendo Switch library.”

To view the Nintendo Direct video in its entirety, visit Some of the highlights revealed in the video include:

The latest Nintendo Direct will be kicking off in an hour from now. It’ll go live at 3 PM PT / 6 PM ET / 11 PM in the UK / 12 AM in Europe. During the 35-minute presentation, upcoming games for Switch and 3DS will be covered.

We have live streams for the North American, European, and Japanese broadcasts below. Posts covering announcements and other coverage will be added throughout the Nintendo Direct and after the presentation ends.

As has been rumored over the past week, the September 2018 Nintendo Direct will now air tomorrow. The 35-minute presentation was originally scheduled for last Thursday, but was delayed following an earthquake in Japan.

The updated Nintendo Direct will air during the following times:

Last Wednesday, a Nintendo Direct was announced that would be airing the following day. However, due to an earthquake in Japan, the presentation was pushed back to an unspecified date.

We’ve been waiting on a new date for that presentation since then. There’s been some chatter about the Nintendo Direct airing this Thursday instead, in large part because of some information datamined from Splatoon 2. This is now being backed up by a report that Nintendo Life who has heard similarly from “trusted sources”.

If things had gone as planned, a new Nintendo Direct would have aired this week. Mother Nature decided otherwise, however. Following a major earthquake in Japan, Nintendo decided it would be best to push back the presentation to an unspecified date after it was previously scheduled for Thursday.

Usually Nintendo Directs have a short turnaround between their official announcement and actual broadcast. So because of the delay, we’re in a bit of a unique situation. Some possible news that may have been planned for the Nintendo Direct has come out early, including a Mega Man 11 demo, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD, and Civilization VI. This period of uncertainly also leaves the door open to speculation.

What’s everyone hoping for and predicting will happen during the Nintendo Direct? Aside from Mega Man 11 demo, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD, and Civilization VI, we’re also likely going to hear about Yoshi for Switch after the final name seemingly leaked. Smash Bros. Ultimate is also certainly a lock, as is Luigi’s Mansion on 3DS. Any other hopes or predictions? Let us know in the comments below.

A new Nintendo Direct was originally planned for later today. However, due to an earthquake in Japan, the presentation has been postponed.

Nintendo hasn’t provided a new date for the broadcast just yet. However, there’s an indication that we can now expect it next week.

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