FAST Racing Neo – “Vertigo” update due out on May 18
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Shin’en is gearing up to release a new update for FAST Racing Neo, which goes by the name “Vertigo”. We should be seeing it on May 18.
What does the update entail? Here’s the overview straight from Shin’en:
Online: Improved stability
Online: You can now choose a preferred speed league
General: Mini Map for all tracks available while playing
General: Improved loading speed for many tracks (especially from external USB devices)
More: FAST Racing Neo, indie, Shin'en, title update, top
Miitomo version 1.2.1 out now on iOS, 1.2.2 on Android
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 1 Comment
Two separate versions of Miitomo are out now. iOS users can download version 1.2.1 while the app is up to version 1.2.2 on Android.
We reported yesterday that the new email invite feature was resulting in crashes on iOS. After updating, this should no longer be a problem. At this time, we’re not quite sure what version 1.2.2 includes for Android users.
More: Miitomo, title update
Circle Entertainment planning a patch for Ash, tentative Coveni Dream release date
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 2 Comments
We have two pieces of news from Circle Entertainment. One concerns an already-released game while the other is about an upcoming title.
First, Circle mentioned on Twitter a few hours ago that a patch for Ash is coming soon. This will address some small issues with the game.
Ash will update a patch in short time, which correct some bugs and improved BGM repeat issues.
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) May 10, 2016
In other news, Circle has lined up its next title Coveni Dream for North America for May 26. It’ll cost $5.
Conveni Dream NA version targeting 26th May, pricing $5.00! Well, it's planning, not confirmed yet.
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) May 10, 2016
More: Ash, Circle Entertainment, Coveni Dream, title update
Miitomo causing crashes with email invites on iOS, fix on the way
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments
A new Miitomo update went out last night. For those who haven’t heard about it previously, it introduced a few new features such as the ability to add friends by email.
Unfortunately, we’re now hearing that there’s an issue with this functionality for iOS 9.3 / 9.3.1 users. If you send email invites by selecting “Invite” in the “Add friend” screen, Miitomo crashes.
Nintendo has sent out a notification about the situation and is already working on a fix. We’ll let you know when it goes live.

Thanks to Anthony for the tip.
More: Miitomo, title update
Miitomo version 1.2.0 now live
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 7 Comments
Update: Out now on Android.
The newest version of Miitomo is now available on iOS. I don’t believe it’s up on Android just yet, but it should be shortly. The update weighs in at 59.6 MB.
We touched on this update’s features last week. To recap, here are the official notes from Nintendo:
– Added feature for inviting friends via e-mail, SMS, etc.
– Friend requests and blocking can now be done within comment and heart lists
– When posting Miifotos in the comment list, existing Miifotos can now be edited and posted.
– An “Answer” option has been added to “All answers.”
– Implemented bug fixes and speed optimizations.
More: Miitomo, title update
New Miitomo update coming soon – add friends via new methods and more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 9 Comments
Nintendo has sent out a notice to Miitomo users, informing them about an update set to be made available in the near future.
One big addition will be new ways of adding friends. You’ll be able to connect with those you know by email, among other methods.
Nintendo also says the Miitomo update will let users answer the same question as others when looking at “All Answers” while also making it possible to edit a Miifoto before posting it as a comment. Finally, there will be speed optimizations as well.
More: Miitomo, title update, top
VoxelMaker update out now in North America
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
VoxelMaker’s new update, previously released in Europe, has now been sent out in North America as well. The update implements a bunch of features.
Here’s the full rundown via Nostatic Software’s Miiverse post:
More: indie, Nostatic Software, title update, VoxelMaker
New FreezeME patch due out in Europe next Tuesday, North America soon
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 4 Comments
Rainy Night Creations has another FreezeME patch on the way. The latest update is arriving next Tuesday in Europe and soon in North America.
FreezeME’s new update makes several adjustments and changes to improve the experience. Below are the full patch notes:
More: FreezeME, indie, Rainy Night Creations, title update
SteamWorld Heist – The Outsider DLC details and trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Image & Form has shared concrete details on SteamWorld Heist’s first DLC add-on ahead of its imminent launch. “The Outsider” is arriving tomorrow for $4.99 / €4.99 / £4.49 or the equivalent.
Here’s the official rundown:
Meet Fen: the latest member of your Heist crew, and the most unlikely of allies. A Vectron outcast, Fen breaks the ties to the hive mind and becomes one of your most formidable fighters.
The Outsider is not a conventional add-on. The new plot, missions, enemies, end boss, guns, utilities and dozens of new hats – of course! – blend seamlessly into the game. This means that, aside from starting afresh, you can pick up earlier save profiles, discover the history of Fen, and add the character to your roster pretty much immediately. And what an addition it is!
And a trailer:
In addition to The Outsider, Image & Form is also pushing out a free SteamWorld Heist update. It’ll add support for French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Russian languages while also expanding the inventory. Players will have more empty slots from the outset, and getting new slots will be less taxing on water reserves. On top of that, more utilities and hats have been added in. After applying the update, The Outsider DLC can be purchased.
Source: Image & Form PR
More: DLC, indie, SteamWorld Heist, title update, top
Next Terraria 3DS update submitted to Nintendo, details
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
The next Terraria 3DS update is now in Nintendo’s hands for certification. The developers anticipate that the process will take a couple of weeks, and then a release date will be determined.
Terraria’s new update will implement some content, make improvements, and add bug fixes. This includes the addition of the Frost Moon event, increase of save slots and inventory slots, and more.
Head past the break for the full patch notes. We’ve also attached some screenshots below.