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A pair of hackers from the UK have allegedly detected a few unused cup icons in Mario Kart 8. At this time, we cannot confirm their validity.

If true though, it’d be interesting to see why they were abandoned. Were they simply images left behind during development? Or could they hint at something more significant such as DLC?

Source, Via

This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

Individual Formats

All formats:

This week’s Nintendo downloads are as follows:


Me & My Pets 3D – €29.99/£24.99


Mega Man 3 (GB) – €3.99/£3.59

3DS Special offers
Hotel Transylvania – €12.99/£9.99 (Ends August 28)

Wii U Special offers
Assassin’s Creed III – €9.99/£7.99 (Ends August 28)
Assassin’s Creed IV – €14.99/£9.99 (Ends August 28)
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth – €9.99/£7.99 (Ends August 28)
Rabbids Land – €9.99/£7.99 (Ends August 28)
Rayman Legends – €14.99/£9.99 (Ends August 28)
The Smurfs 2 – €19.99/£15.99 (Ends August 28)
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist – €14.99/£9.99 (Ends August 28)
ZombiU (Ubisoft) – €9.99/£7.99 (Ends August 28)
Just Dance 2014 – €14.99/£9.99 (Ends August 28)
Child of Light – €9.99/£7.99 (Ends August 28)
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – €8.99/£7.79 (Ends August 21)
Gravity Badgers – €3.49/£3.49 (Ends August 28)

You must own either NES Remix or NES Remix 2 to take part in the following offers:
Super Mario Bros. 3 – €3.49/£2.44 (Ends August 21)
Donkey Kong 3 – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 21)
Metroid – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 21)
NES Open Tournament Golf – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 21)
Balloon FIght – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 21)
Pinball – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 21)
Wrecking Crew – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 21)

It’s looking like there’s going to be a lot more customization with the Mii Fighters than previously thought, as Sakurai teases today:

Circle Entertainment has given us an exclusive look at its upcoming slate of games. We’re kicking things off today with Castle Conqueror EX, a real-time strategy title for the 3DS eShop.

Castle Conqueror may sound familiar if you kept track of DSiWare releases back in the day, as it was one of the more well-received DSiWare games. Now Circle Entertainment has revamped it entirely as the eShop release “Castle Conqueror EX”.

There are four heroes for players to choose from in Castle Conqueror EX. Each has tactical cards that can be used in battle, and they bring about special advantages. Cards provide enhancements for a short period of time such as a power up or ability to curse enemies.

The gameplay rules have changed in EX. If this one, troops will attack any enemies they encounter.

Castle Conqueror EX’s AI and levels have been redone, enemies are more intelligent, and the levels are more challenging. All items and hero abilities have been redesigned as well. Other elements that have been revamped/added include illustrations, UI, tutorial, bonus system, game balance, and more. Circle also informed us that there is a play coins feature that can be used to boost battle effects.

Compared to the original, EX is estimated to be 80 percent new. The only parts that remain the same are the core gameplay concept and story.

Circle Entertainment hopes to have Castle Conqueror out in early October for an affordable price. You’ll find first screenshots from the game below.

Our LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids contest has come to a close. We greatly appreciate all who participated!

Unfortunately, there can only be one winner. And that winner is Avi Lekowsky after choosing a random entry! We’ll be in touch shortly to arrange delivery of the game.

Keep track of the main site and Twitter for more giveaways. It’s something we hope to do more of in the future!

New Mega-Evolved Pokémon revealed, Horde Encounters return in the Hoenn region, and Pokémon take center stage in the Pokémon Contest Spectacular

BELLEVUE, WA—August 10, 2014—The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo announced today that players can get a special Shiny Beldum holding a Metagrossite Mega Stone during a limited-time character distribution for the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire video games when they launch on November 21, 2014, in the United States and Canada. This Shiny Beldum will evolve into Shiny Metang and then into Shiny Metagross. Players can then harness the power of the Mega Stone and Mega Evolve Shiny Metagross into Shiny Mega Metagross. The new games for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems also feature newly revealed Mega-Evolved Pokémon, including Mega Altaria, Mega Salamence, and Mega Lopunny. Fans can watch these Mega-Evolved Pokémon in action and other new scenes in a brand-new game trailer at

Be center stage at the Pokémon Contest Spectacular
Once players arrive at the Hoenn region’s Pokémon Contest Spectacular, they can enter their Pokémon in five different contest categories—Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Cleverness, and Toughness—in which the Pokémon is judged on one of these five conditions. For example, in a Toughness Contest, a Pokémon will display moves to show off its Toughness appeal. Demonstrating a move like Flying Press will get the audience excited, but using the move Play Nice probably won’t elicit the same excitement. The more excited the audience gets, the more the Pokémon will maximize its appeal.

Following up on our last report, we have another round of details about Hyrule Warriors from Famitsu and the game’s official site. The latest information further covers the Gerudo Desert and Temple of the Sacred Sword along with more story tidbits, sealed weapons, and the Manhandla enemy.

Here’s the full roundup:

Shigeru Miyamoto delivered a personal piece of artwork to Next Level Games earlier this year in celebration of Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon reaching 3 million units in sales. It features Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi.

Take a look below:


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