Indie World Showcase live stream – March 17, 2020
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo will soon be kicking off its latest Indie World Showcase live stream. The event begins at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 5 PM in the UK / 6 PM in Europe. It will feature around 20 minutes of information regarding indie games for Switch.
You can watch the event as it happens below. We’ll be reporting on the Indie World Showcase while it’s live as well as after it concludes.
Sakurai talks about coronavirus, may impact Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC development and announcements
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai is again publishing a new column in this week’s issue of Famitsu. It’s actually a bit of a special one, as there’s a conversation with manga artist Saho Yamamoto. It’s also Sakurai’s 600th column in the Japanese magazine.
The full magazine isn’t available just yet, but as usual, some of the tidbits have leaked online. A major highlight is that Sakurai states that he had plans to present a new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighter to a publisher at some point, but it’s being delayed due to the coronavirus.
More: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, top
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town coming west in July
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Marvelous today announced that Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, a remake of the Game Boy Advance classic, is releasing in Europe and Australia on July 10. The North American release is expected around the same time – we should be hearing something from XSEED soon.
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town will support English, French, German, and Spanish text localization. The game will be sold both physically and digitally.
Here’s an overview of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, along with a trailer:
Trials of Mana demo announced
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Square Enix has officially announced that a demo for Trials of Mana is on the way. You’ll be able to play it very soon, as it’s due out on March 18.
The demo will let players experience the beginning of the game, including the Fullmetal Hugger boss fight. You’ll be able to get your hands on the six playable characters as well. Progress can be transferred to the full version.
If you’re looking for the full game, Trials of Mana launches on April 24. We have a bunch of footage below.
More: demo, Square Enix, top, Trials of Mana
[Review] La-Mulana 1 & 2
Posted on 4 years ago by Campbell(@CampbellSGill) in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: March 17, 2020
Developer: Nigoro / Playism
Publisher: NIS America
It seems like every other game released lately is a retro throwback to the golden gaming days of the past, just with all the rough edges smoothed out. La-Mulana 1 and 2 are a bit different. This infamous pair of puzzle games is designed in the vein of classic PC adventure and puzzle games on the MSX – rough edges included. Whereas most throwbacks tend to tone down the retro difficulty of their inspirations, La Mulana thrives on it. Make no mistake: La-Mulana 1 and 2 are perhaps two of the most challenging puzzle games ever created. While this will likely prove overwhelming for many players, those who long for the incredible payoff that come with overcoming the absurd challenges of La-Mulana’s puzzles will be more than satisfied.
More: highlight, La-Mulana 1 & 2, NIS America, top
[Nintendo Everything Podcast] – episode #71 – Coronavirus cancelled E3 2020
Posted on 4 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Podcast | 0 comments
Hello my lovely legos! This week on NEP, we’re tackling the sad news of E3’s cancellation as the corona virus pandemic grows globally. With E3’s cancellation, how will companies drive business strategies for this Summer and Fall? And how will this affect consumers? Will we see a Nintendo Direct and other such pre-recorded presentations this June? The sky is falling. However! We keep things light-hearted, too, as we talk about the recently released Kemono Heroes, Murder By Numbers, and the Animal Crossing: New Horizons special edition Switch console. Do you have a square to spare?
If you’re enjoying NEP, please consider giving us a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts, aka new iTunes. It’s incredibly helpful in getting us exposed to new listeners through algorithms, so we would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for listening!
More: Breath of Fire, E3 2020, highlight, Kemono Heroes, Murder By Numbers, top
Kamiya talks about his early meetings with Nintendo, how the art direction for The Wonderful 101 changed
Posted on 4 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in News, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
In a recent issue of Famitsu, PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya bonded with game director and scenario writer, Taro Yoko, over their mutual unwillingness to compromise on their creative visions. This prompted Yoko to bring up the topic of The Wonderful 101, as he had heard that the art direction for the game was quite different in the very beginning of development.
Kamiya explained the situation in our translation below:
More: Hideki Kamiya, interview, The Wonderful 101, top
[Let’s Talk] E3 2020’s cancellation and the expo’s future
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 0 comments
This was a big week for cancellations stemming from the coronavirus. Announcements were being made about the temporary closing of major events, sporting leagues, and venues. E3 2020 has also been impacted, as it’s been cancelled outright.
Not having an E3 this year is a pretty big deal. Yes, the conferences will go on, as the likes of Ubisoft and Square Enix are probably going to shift from live in-person conferences to digital events. Nintendo will likely have its usual Nintendo Direct as well. But it’s just not the same. Many gaming aficionados look to E3 as a Superbowl of sorts. It’s not just about the announcements, as we also get to see tons of footage of new games, learn about those games through interviews, and hear about how they’re shaping up in previews. Something else that isn’t widely discussed is that E3 gives an opportunity for all types of industry members from around the world to interact and connect in one central space.
More details on LEGO Super Mario and its creation, no Switch connectivity
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 0 comments
Right around the announcement of LEGO Super Mario, The Brothers Brick spoke with digital design lead Jonathan Bennink. Bennink shared additional details about how the whole thing works and the actual creation process.
Here’s the roundup of tidbits:
How LEGO Super Mario came to be, been in the works for over four years, LEGO wants long-term relationship with possibly other Nintendo IPs
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
After it was teased on Mario Day, Nintendo and LEGO unveiled a new partnership featuring the well-known platforming character. Mario and friends will be offered in LEGO form later this year with a new type of experience.
Speaking with The Brothers Brick, digital design lead Jonathan Bennink revealed that this project has been in the works for over four years. He also spoke about how to partnership with Nintendo came about, stating: