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This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“You know, for us, we believe that having hands-on opportunity married to an announcement is really the best way to do it. And so let’s take Super Mario Odyssey for example. We could have announced it months ago, but we weren’t yet ready, the team wasn’t ready, to show it and to let the consumer really understand visually how the hat mechanic works, how the capture mechanic comes into play. And so that’s how we think these through.”

“For certain games, games that will be in development for, let’s call it a decent amount of time, like Metroid Prime 4 — also, given that it’s a franchise that we know people have been very eager to get some news — that’s when, fine, we’ll share it. We’ll share it early. Others, we want to hold closer in and reveal it when the gameplay is going to be available. It literally is game by game, title by title, how we make that decision.”


The third and final day of Nintendo’s E3 2017 festivities will be kicking off soon. Treehouse Live will be back at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM in the UK / 7 PM in Europe and will be airing all day long.

You can watch Nintendo’s latest E3 activities below. We’ll bring you any notable news we come across as well as recordings of each Treehouse segment.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

ARMS – $59.99 (available Friday)
Cave Story+ – $29.99 (available Tuesday)

Switch Download

ACA NeoGeo Sengoku – $7.99
Mighty Gunvolt Burst – $9.99

This message comes from Monolith Soft’s Tetsuya Takahashi…

“A young adult story with a taste of boy-meets-girl. Lately it feels like all I’ve been doing are games full of devastation, like where your hometown burns down at the start, or the spaceship you’re riding crashes(oh wait, that is all I ever do). Sometimes I just wanna try something different!

I want to make something that people can look back on fondly one day as something that really shaped their lives. Something like what I loved as a boy, like Oliver!(by Carol Reed) and Galaxy Express 999(by Rintaro).
— That’s why I started working on this game.
I’ll leave the stories about the solemn old men and hot stylish guys to someone else(even though there’s way more demand for that stuff), and go ahead with this.

This information comes from Shigeru Miyamoto…

On whether Super Mario Odyssey was influenced by Zelda: Breath of the Wild…

Miyamoto: I think starting with myself, there is an underlying philosophy that goes across Nintendo. For example, the Mario team and the Zelda team are in two different places – one is in Kyoto, one is in Tokyo – so they don’t have direct communication. But the people who are leading that and organizing that have this underlying philosophy that they have a pretty direct connection with myself.

In terms of Breath of the Wild and Odyssey, honestly if we were to have waited until the success of Breath of the Wild to make Odyssey it would have been too late. So it’s not that they influenced each other. I think what I did with both teams was when I touched any of the prototypes or tests that they would bring me, I would try to make sure that it feels good, and that it feels good being in that world, and that’s what I did for both teams. That was my role.

This information comes from Shigeru Miyamoto and Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot…

On how the game came to be…

Shigeru Miyamoto: It started out when launching Just Dance in Japan – and the idea to have Mario in there. Ubisoft has provided a lot of support for [Nintendo] hardware and they understand how it works. They’ve made products which are very satisfactory and fit the market we’re shooting for. We’ve had a relationship now for over 20 years, but this is the first time we’re operating at the level where we’re sharing characters.

In terms of major games in both companies – Ubisoft has Rayman, it’s a similar sort of platformer. We thought about ways of collaboration and then Rabbids came up – and that them collaborating with Mario might be a fun idea. We also wanted to create a new genre with this collaboration.

This information comes from Xbox boss Phil Spencer…

“I don’t know yet. I’m guessing no. And this is a collaborative relationship between Nintendo and I; they don’t have Achievements on their platform. If they want us to, I would love to be able to do it… The relationship with Nintendo is incredibly strong. We obviously did the Mario mash-up pack into Minecraft; that doesn’t happen that often.”


Here’s a surprise: the handheld versions of Mighty No. 9 are still on the way. And if everything goes according to plan, the game will be on 3DS before year’s end or earlier.

A message was sent out to Kickstarter backers today with the news. In the message, the team explained that the porting process to portables was put on hold “due to the other versions being delayed and the recent adjustment we had in comcept” – that being Level-5’s acquisition of the company. Everything is said to be “back on track now,” with the porting process restarted in May.

Head past the break for the full message.

This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

On Virtual Console for Switch…

“We know that our fans, our players, want access to all of our digital content, we know that. What we’re working through is, ‘okay, what’s going to be the best way to make that happen, to make that available?’ Certainly, we recognize there’s an appetite for all of our great legacy content.”

On My Nintendo…

“From the Nintendo of America standpoint, we have it as a priority to make My Nintendo much more meaningful moving forward.”

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