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Nintendo Life caught up with several indie developers to field their thoughts about Switch. For the final question, they were asked if they’d like to support the system in the future.

Unsurprisingly, that was a resounding yes. These developers are either interested in Switch, or are already working on the platform.

Read up on comments from Yacht Club Games, Engine Software, Drinkbox, Choice Provisions, Atooi, and Shin’en below. Some are very brief as you would expect.

In North America, a new My Nintendo reward can now be redeemed. A 3DS theme featuring Isabelle was added in today, costing 100 Platinum Points. It looks to be a permanent reward as no expiration date is listed.

For now, the Isabelle 3DS theme doesn’t appear to be up in Europe. Nintendo will likely put it up soon though, and we’ll let you know when that happens.

Thanks to Roto for the tip.

Much has been made of the controller cord included in the NES Classic Edition. Some have been worried that it’s a bit too small to stray too far away from the television.

Nintendo previously estimated that the cord would be about three feet. Now we have a more specific measurement, and it’s pretty similar to what was said in September. GameXplain reports that the cord should be roughly 30 inches.



During the days of Club Nintendo, members were able to register product on the service. In return, they’d receive points, and ultimately access to rewards.

The same setup is now returning on My Nintendo. With the press starting to receive the NES Classic Edition, we have confirmation that a code is included. You can use that to earn 300 Platinum Points on My Nintendo.


Yesterday, an unboxing video surfaced of the European Nintendo Classic Mini. Now we have a North American equivalent for the NES Classic Edition. Watch it below.

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Our latest look at the NES Classic Edition shows the original Mario Bros. running. See some off-screen footage below.


Update: Added in another video below.

Original: Animal Crossing: New Leaf is now available to all players. YouTube user Crystal Dreams has shared some footage of the new content, available via the video below.

Full footage has come in showing the Miitopia preview that just launched on the Japanese 3DS eShop. Get a look at it below.

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We’ll have a better idea about what Miitopia is after the latest Nintendo Direct airs on Saturday. Even with the Japanese eShop preview, it’s still not entirely clear. It does at least give off the vibes of action and adventure.

Also, with one of the videos included in Miitopia’s preview, it appears that amiibo support will be included. As you can see with the screenshot we’ve taken above, the amiibo logo is featured quite heavily. It’s not an official confirmation, but it wouldn’t make much sense for it to be there if Nintendo didn’t have some plans for its integration.

Following today’s Animal Crossing Direct, Nintendo published a brief preview of Miitopia on the Japanese 3DS eShop. We now have the first images below.

In the eShop preview, you can select five Miis. These characters then appear in a pair of videos.

On a separate note, Miitopia can now be pre-loaded on the Japanese eShop.



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