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Yo-Kai Watch will finally be released in Europe tomorrow – the game has been out in all other territories for a while. To further promote the title, Nintendo have published two new trailers, one about the game’s theme song and another more general trailer. Check them out below:

The Pokemon Company has just released a new trailer for Pokemon Comaster, the currently Japan-only figure battling game for mobile phones. Give it a watch:

As Japan gets the latest Kirby game, popular instant-messaging app LINE has added some animated Kirby stickers to their lineup. Retailing at 240 Yen/1.99€/£1.49/$1.99 or 100 LINE coins, they’re the perfect way to add a little more of the pink puffball to your life.


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The new screenshots from Ace Attorney 6 showed off a few features of the game that Capcom has now detailed: Bracelet Power and Detective Memo.

Bracelet Power is a returning feature that lets Apollo (and the player) pick up on tiny details that might mean a suspect is lying or hiding information. The bracelet will react whenever there is some suspicious about an opponent’s dialogue, at which point the player can tap the lower screen to put the testimony in slow-motion and try and get the truth. Detective Memo, meanwhile, is a feature that lets players see what their current goals are, ideally for players who left the game for some time and forgot what to do.


Capcom has sent out a handful of new Ace Attorney 6 screenshots. Find today’s images in the gallery below.

This information comes from Nintendo’s investors briefing as stated by president Tatsumi Kimishima…

This concludes today’s presentation.

Finally, about three hours ago, at Safeco Field which is the home for the MLB’s Seattle Mariners, Mr. Howard Lincoln, who is the CEO of the team and a board member of Nintendo of America Inc., announced the planned sale of its majority interest in the Seattle Mariners to other members of the team’s current ownership group. An agreement has been reached that Nintendo of America will retain a 10% stake in the team, while the remainder of its holdings will be sold to other members of First Avenue Entertainment LLLP, namely, to other existing minority owners of the team. First Avenue Entertainment LLLP is the limited partnership that owns the Seattle Mariners, and a majority interest in ROOT Sports NW. Closing the transaction is subject to the finalization of legal contracts and approval from Major League Baseball which is expected in August of this year. We will then close the sale and Mr. Lincoln will resign as the Mariners CEO.

This information comes from Nintendo’s investors briefing as stated by president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Now I would like to explain about the changes in Nintendo’s corporate governance system as resolved in the meeting of the Board of Directors held yesterday. We resolved to transition to a system with an audit and supervisory committee, and to introduce an executive officer system.

The intent of this transition is to create an audit and supervisory committee with a majority of external directors to strengthen the auditing and oversight over the Board of Directors and enhance our corporate governance.

As for the timing of this transition, we will transition once we have the necessary changes to the company statutes approved at the general meeting of shareholders for the 76th fiscal term, to be held this year on June 29th.

The purpose of introducing an executive officer system is to separate business decision-making and oversight from business execution, and to delegate authority for executing business.
This clarifies the responsibility for business execution and enables us to create a flexible management system that can respond quickly and effectively to sudden changes in our business environment.


This information comes from Nintendo’s investors briefing as stated by president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Along with Miitomo, we also began service on our new membership program, My Nintendo. Consumers can obtain a dedicated Nintendo Account to use the My Nintendo services.

For example, consumers receive Platinum Points for playing Miitomo, and can exchange these points for services related to many of Nintendo’s games, such as in-game items or tickets for use in Miitomo or discount coupons for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games.

Since the launch of global service for Miitomo, the number of My Nintendo users has also been increasing steadily.

We expect that the launch of new applications using the Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing IPs will expand our membership even more.



This information comes from Nintendo’s investors briefing as stated by president Tatsumi Kimishima…

As for Miitomo, our first priority was to bring more consumers around the world in contact with Nintendo entertainment. Items are available as in-game purchases for consumers who want to deepen their experience, but we have designed Miitomo so that it is possible to have plenty of fun enjoying this new mode of communication even without making in-game purchases.

As a result, users are enjoying Miitomo across the globe, with over 75% of users outside of Japan at present.

We expect this percentage to rise even higher in the future as we consider service expansions to South America and Asia.

We believe this shows that Nintendo has made real progress in advancing our smart device business on a global scale.

We will follow Miitomo by releasing new applications using the Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing IPs globally, and our plan has not changed in terms of releasing around five titles by March 2017.


This information comes from Nintendo’s investors briefing as stated by president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Yesterday, we announced that we will follow Miitomo with Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing, two new applications based on our IPs, as the next steps in our smart device business.

We will provide more details about these applications closer to the launch period, but I will provide a brief description of both of them today.

The first IP is Fire Emblem.

Fire Emblem is a pioneering role-playing simulation game series, combining the tactical elements of a simulation game with the character customization elements of a role-playing game.

It is also well known by the catchphrase “tough-to-beat simulation.” This high-quality simulation game depicts intense battles in a sword-and-sorcery world inhabited by unique and charming characters, making it well-loved by fans.

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