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It’s tough to believe, but Shovel Knight’s journey is almost at its end. After the original game’s debut way back in 2014, Shovel Knight: King of Cards and Shovel Knight Showdown will finally be wrapping things up later this year. While we’ll have to wait a bit longer than expected since a delay was announced a couple of months ago, the last bit of Shovel Knight content should be wrapped up very soon.

We recently spoke with Yacht Club Games pixel artist and animator Sandy Gordon about Shovel Knight: King of Cards and Showdown, along with a bunch of other things. Gordon commented on how the two titles have changed since we’ve first heard about them, what to expect from Showdown’s story mode, and more. Other topics include a special “Dumb Ideas” document Yacht Club Games has, Switch sales, what lies ahead for the future, and we even tried to ask about Shovel Knight’s appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – with limited success.

Bandai Namco released Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Complete Edition on Switch yesterday. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Cooking Mama: Cookstar was unearthed for Switch this past week thanks to a couple of classification filings. It seems that there was actually an announcement back in February, but no one noticed. Additionally, the game was known as “Cooking Mama: Coming Home to Mama” at the time.

Planet Digital Partners shared the news earlier this year, stating that Cooking Mama: Cookstar “will be the first game to integrate blockchain technology on major consoles.” The site mentions a few other details, including a “Vegetarian Mode”:

This week, the ESA revealed that Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are all adopting new policies that will require games on their platforms to disclose drop rates of loot boxes. The Big N has now issued a statement about the initiative.

As shared by Eurogamer, Nintendo said:


This week, Dragon Ball FighterZ received a brand new DLC character in the form of Janemba. View some footage from a GameSpot live stream below.

Nintendo has shared the latest milestone for Super Mario Maker 2. According to the company, over five million courses have been uploaded.

It was previously announced that there were four million courses back on July 31.

In its first three days, Super Mario Maker 2 sold nearly 2.5 million copies worldwide.


Two Tribes is teaming up with Super Rare Games to celebrate 18 years of the company’s history. Announced today is the Two Tribes 2001-2019 Mega Pack, including a wealth of information on the developer’s games and hidden extras.

Here’s what’s included:

No Man’s Sky, a game about “exploration and survival in an infinite procedurally generated universe,” got off to a rocky start when it debuted in 2016. However, Hello Games has continued to update the game since then. With the many improvements and features, the negative reception has kind of turned around.

Given Hello Games’ commitment to No Man’s Sky and its future, some might be wondering if we’ll ever see it on Switch. Director Sean Murray definitely seems open to the idea, having told Game Informer that he’d “be interested to see what’s possible.” He was quick to caution though that the team is “focused on what we’re doing right now.”

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Complete Edition is out on Switch today, and Bandai Namco has prepared a launch trailer to celebrate. Check it out below.

M2 today issued the first trailer for ESP Ra.De. Psi, which is coming to Switch in Japan at the end of 2019. View it below.

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