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Max Limited has come up with a new way for Switch owners to store their game cartridges. A series of miniaturized cases are in the works, based on their original boxarts.

Designs based on Splatoon, ARMS, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Odyssey, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild are planned. Each one is 1/3 scale and can hold a single cartridge. They can also act as keychains.

Max Factory intends to release the Nintendo Switch Dedicated Card Pocket Minis in April. Pricing is currently set at 648 yen each.


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta host their own winter sports competition by choosing some winter themed levels from some of their favorite Switch games. Check out the full episode below.


Three months after its initial launch, Doom is receiving a new patch on Switch. Bethesda shared the news on Twitter just a few minutes ago.

The new patch will make a number of improvements. Audio issues, menu fixes, and more will be included in the update. Full patch notes will be coming leading up to release this month.


Nintendo has worked with a few third-parties in the past to distribute their games at retail in Europe. Previous examples of this on Switch include Doom, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and the German title Schlag den Star.

Next up will be Dark Souls: Remastered. At retail, Nintendo will behind the game’s distribution on Switch. We don’t have the specifics on the deal, but the game will at least have pricing parity with other platforms at €39.99.


When The Longest Five Minutes releases next week, it will be accompanied by a limited edition. Get a closer look at the full contents in the video below.

Dragon Quest Builders is out now on Switch. For a look at the game’s launch trailer, continue on below.

The North American website for Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Switch has gone live. To access it, head on over here.

The site has plenty of information about both games, plus videos and more. You’ll also find the trailer for Bayonetta 3 on the main homepage.

Thanks to TDude73 for the tip.

The Japanese website for Attack on Titan 2 updated today with a fresh batch of content. New information and screenshots published cover bases, policies, equipment, Affinity, and side elements. You can find everything below, courtesy of Gematsu

Nintendo Sneak Peek recently traveled to Wilmot Mountain Ski Resort in Wisconsin to warm up skiers with games on its console. Check out the full report in the video below.

Following the original announcement from Japan last night, Nintendo has provided an official translation of the comments from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 director Tetsuya Takahashi about version 1.3.0. The news primarily goes over everything you’ll find in New Game Plus, but covers other aspects of the patch as well.

Here’s the full rundown:

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