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Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Fashion that’s sweet as candy! Lolita Style” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Spiral pigtails wig
– Sweetie lace dress
– Sweetie lace tights
– Sweetie lace shoes
– Fairy tale kingdom bunny ears
– Fairy tale kingdom bunny dress
– Fairy tale kingdom bunny boots
– Fairy tale kingdom bunny bag
– Fairy tale prince cap
– Fairy tale prince suit
– Fairy tale prince boots
– Fairy tale kingdom teddy bear

The returning stage will be available until November 2 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Nintendo Switch has not been on the market for long, but we already have a lot of software publishers who see Nintendo Switch as an opportunity to expand their business moving forward. More than 300 software publishers at present, including indie developers, have begun developing game titles.

This is just some of the lineup that has been announced. As you can see, the wide variety of genres among the titles will further increase interest for Nintendo Switch. Having a broader consumer base will make it even easier for software publishers to do business. We are also continuing our work to establish a collaborative framework that facilitates the creation of more successful titles for our software publisher partners.

Based on the data at hand, we can see that the growth of our appeal among children and female consumers is beginning, more so for the Japanese market than for the US and European markets. Looking at intent to purchase among consumers who have not yet bought Nintendo Switch, there are indications that purchase intent is trending upward not only among children and families in their 30s but also among junior and senior high school students, and consumers in their 20s, of both genders. Nintendo is going to continue to work hard to expand our consumer base, among families and game fans as well, to increase purchases.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Furthermore, last Friday saw the release of Super Mario Odyssey in Japan and in overseas markets. This newest title in the Super Mario series received many awards this year at the largest game shows in Western markets, such as E3 and gamescom, and consumers had high expectations leading to its release. Although Super Mario Odyssey launched just a few days ago, the game appears to be meeting those expectations, judging by its high review scores from the gaming media and players’ positive comments on social media.

While about 7 million units of Nintendo Switch hardware have been delivered into the hands of our consumers around the world, we estimate that the global sellthrough of Super Mario Odyssey has already exceeded 2 million units in just its first 3 days. The holiday sales season will soon go into full swing, and we plan to make more Nintendo Switch systems available in the market. We will endeavor to further increase the number of consumers who want to purchase Super Mario Odyssey, and eventually we would like the game to be seen as an evergreen title that has longevity in the market beyond this holiday season.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

The first holiday season for Nintendo Switch will be here soon. Sales began for Nintendo Switch in March, which is not the usual sales season. Our challenge, as we head into the year’s end, will be in our ability to gain the support of a wide range of consumers.

We are expanding our production structure to meet domestic and overseas demand, which has exceeded our initial projections. We have worked hard to ensure that we can provide as many consoles as possible. There was an announcement yesterday that we will revise our hardware sales projections for this fiscal year to 14 million units.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

I would also like to touch on the progress we have made for our download sales. This figure shows the download sales of digital content for dedicated video game platforms compared to past years. Sales through the second quarter were the highest in our history for a sixmonth period. Download sales for Nintendo Switch highly contribute to increase of total download sales.



This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Our message at the financial results briefing in April focused on expanding the energy from the launch of Nintendo Switch and on the importance of maintaining its buzz throughout the year ahead, to maximize the installed base. Two new Nintendo titles went on sale in March at the same time as the Nintendo Switch launch, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and 1-2-Switch. This was followed by the April release of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, then ARMS in June and Splatoon 2 in July, generating non-stop consecutive release with titles that let you have fun with groups of friends or acquaintances. Our goal was to further promote longer play on Nintendo Switch.

During that same period, several software publishers were able to offer an impressive lineup of titles. From our consumers’ perspectives, the sense was that there were many titles available early on that could help cement a decision to buy our hardware.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

This graph shows post-release Nintendo Switch sellthrough trends for the North American market. The above shows an overlay of sell-through figures together with Wii and Wii U data for the first years after release. While Wii and Wii U were released during the holiday season, it’s important to note that the Nintendo Switch launch was timed completely differently, in March. It now looks like holiday season sales for Nintendo Switch could catch up to the Wii figures.

These are the figures for the European market. Similarly for the European market, sales figures are tracking to
those for Wii.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

This indicates the Nintendo Switch gameplay trends. This chart is based on the figures for Nintendo Switch gameplay for registered Nintendo Account users, gathered via the Internet. There are three different Nintendo Switch play modes: TV Mode, where Nintendo Switch is docked and play occurs on a TV screen, and Tabletop Mode and Handheld Mode, where Nintendo Switch is removed from the dock. As the graph breaks it down, we can see how the different play modes for hardware use are classified, from the docked to the undocked experience. We can clearly see that consumers are playing to suit their own play styles.

Here is some information on who is purchasing Nintendo Switch. These are the results of an Internet survey that was given to consumers in the US market in October who had linked a Nintendo Account to their Nintendo Switch system. Please keep in mind that these figures are only for the US market. As you can see, purchases are primarily made by male consumers in their 20s and early 30s. The results also show good interest among consumers in the 10 to 19 age range. This lets us look forward to future growth in our consumer base.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

The palm-sized Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition, a home console that recalls the nostalgia for Nintendo’s 1990s hardware, went on sale overseas in September, and in Japan in October.

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition has reached a sell-through of 2 million units worldwide, at latest tallies.

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Kimishima on 3DS’ lineup

Posted 7 years ago by in 3DS, News | 5 Comments

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

We have continued to introduce software titles to maintain the Nintendo 3DS business momentum. As you
can see, multiple titles, including download-only titles, were released in September, well in advance of the holiday season.

From October onward, additional new titles include Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions, Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique 3 – Styling Star, Kirby Battle Royale, and Mario Party The Top 100.

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