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Nintendo has released a new infographic highlighting impressive stats about Pokemon X/Y. You can find it above.

Source: Nintendo PR

This was serious — we all have a deep love for the platform, and that type of money would allow us to hire someone full time to ‘down-port’ the game. Of course, it would be a hefty task and there would be significant differences — fewer enemies, effects and animation frames due to memory limitations — though I think we could adjust and make something incredibly special with ‘Super Hyper Light Drifter’ regardless. It’s a dream goal to put it up on my favorite console of all, and I hope to accomplish that dream sooner than later. Maybe once we release the game we will have the opportunity to accomplish this.

– Hyper Light Drifter creator Alex Preston

Alex spoke with RedBull Gaming about plenty of other things, particularly mentioning the potential inclusion of an area of the game that uses Mode7-like traversal– a ‘fun vehicle section’ as he calls it. Plenty of things to be excited about here!

Via NintendoLife

Head past the break for the video! Spoilers, of course.



EDGE is out on the Wii U eShop today. If you were hoping for a portable version though, you’ll be pleased to hear that Two Tribes has officially confirmed EDGE for the 3DS.

Cosmigo is handling the port. It’ll be largely the same game as its Wii U counterpart, including the same number of levels. On Wii U, EDGE’s map is located in the corner of the main screen, but on 3DS, it’s been moved to the touch screen.



Next week, Nintendo will begin selling the “Mario Mega Bundle” for Wii U in Europe. The package comes with a Wii U Premium Pack, Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros. U, New Super Luigi U, a Mario hat, and a Mario Wii Remote Plus. Pricing is set at £299.99. You can find the official page here.

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