F-Zero inspired by back Back to the Future Part II, Batman
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Takaya Imamura had a legendry career at Nintendo where he spent over thirty years at the company, working on franchises like F-Zero and Star Fox.
In a recent interview with Famitsu, Imamura shared some insight into the inspiration for F-Zero. Along with the second Back to the Future movie, it also looks like the team was influenced by Tim Burton’s Batman. He went as far as to say that director Kazunobu Shimizu wanted to emulate the Batmobile.
Our translation of the interview excerpt is as follows:
More: F-Zero, interview, Takaya Imamura, top
Five Nintendo franchises that would make for a great movie
Posted on 2 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
The Mario movie is coming out next year and while very little is known about it, its delay in April hasn’t given Nintendo fans a lot of confidence in the production. Of course, it’s too early to tell if it will be a good movie or not, but what is interesting to discuss is what other Nintendo properties would be good movies.
When we consider this, it’s fair to ask – what makes a “good” movie? Is it the plot, memorable characters, an amazing soundtrack, or lots of Morbin’? I would say all that helps (especially the Morbin’), but when it comes to conceptualizing a movie from a video game, there’s a greater thing to consider: how does the core premise fits into a cinematic wrapper?
Reggie shares his thoughts as to why there hasn’t been a new F-Zero
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Nintendo has many franchises that it supports, but F-Zero is one IP that’s been neglected for many years. F-Zero Climax on the Game Boy Advance – which only released in Japan – was the last entry in the series, and it came out way back in 2004. You have to go back to the GameCube in 2003 as the last home console title with F-Zero GX.
Reggie Fils-Aime retired as the president of Nintendo of America back in 2019, but he was around for all of those years that F-Zero went on hiatus. In an interview with GamesBeat, he shared his own thoughts as to why the franchise has been “abandoned”.
More: F-Zero, Reggie Fils-Aime, top
Vitei founder pitched an “ultra-realistic” F-Zero game, but Nintendo passed on it
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Speaking with GameXplain, Vitei founder Giles Goddard revealed that the company once pitched an “ultra-realistic” F-Zero game. In the end though, Nintendo passed on the idea.
Goddard said the following about the pitch:
More: F-Zero, Giles Goddard, interview, top
Retired F-Zero artist Takaya Imamura says that the series is not dead, “but without a grand new idea, it’s hard to bring it back”
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Takaya Imamura retired from Nintendo in January 2021 after 32 years of working for the company. He served as a character artist and designer on numerous Nintendo classics such as F-Zero, Star Fox 64, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Now, in a new interview by IGN, he spoke about his time at the big N and what he wishes they would’ve been able to do.
He commented that bringing the F-Zero series back after its stagnation in 2004 is something “of course, I’ve thought about it many times.” However, it’s a feat that “without a grand new idea,” it would be “hard to bring it back.” This is because Imamura considered F-Zero GX (the last F-Zero game to come out on home consoles in 2003) to be “the ultimate F-Zero” and to top it would take a completely new, fresh perspective on the game.
Imamura made sure to stress that the F-Zero series is not dead, and he still hopes to see its return despite his departure from Nintendo.
More: F-Zero, Takaya Imamura
F-Zero GX producer Toshihiro Nagoshi open to working on the series again, would want new game to be challenging
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Nintendo hasn’t done much with the F-Zero series in well over a decade. F-Zero GX, one of the series’ last major entries, came out way back in 2003 for the GameCube.
Toshihiro Nagoshi is known for the Yakuza series these days, but fans may remember that he held an important role on F-Zero GX. Nagoshi was actually a producer on the game all of those years ago. It seems as though he still has fond memories of the project, as he’d be open to revisiting the series.
More: F-Zero, interview, top, Toshihiro Nagoshi
[Nintendo Everything Podcast] – episode #101 – F-Zero: Dancing All Night
Posted on 4 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Podcast | 0 comments
This week on Nintendo Everything Podcast, Galen can’t play Minecraft Steve while Oni Dino appreciates mediocre JRPGs. Galen also shares his thoughts on the Baldur’s Gate 3 early access stuff going on. Good-Feel is teasing a new game for Switch with a Japanese aesthetic, and we discuss if Metroid Prime Trilogy HD is ever gonna happen. Speaking of, will another F-Zero ever happen? Oni Dino has some ideas for a himbo Captain Falcon in a No More Heroes-like game where fighting is replaced with racing.
We’ve recently created a podcast discord for listeners to chill, chat, and make friends. Check out links and timestamps below and come hang out.
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F-Zero Twitter account rumored to be tied to Nintendo debunked as unofficial
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
A couple of Twitter accounts started to spread online last week after some fans believed they could be connected to Nintendo. By using the social media’s password recovery feature, the possibility was raised that handles for @FZeroJP may have been registered by the company. The email address was never shown, but certain letters and the amount of characters suggested that the email domain could have been associated with nintendo.co.jp. Unfortunately though, that wasn’t the case.
The FZeroJP account has now tweeted, and while we won’t share the post here, it clearly indicates that it has no ties to Nintendo. And though this will be disappointing for fans of the series, we didn’t have to wait long to receive clarification that the username is not official.
SuperMario35th is the other Twitter account that was heavily discussed last week. It still doesn’t have any messages associated with it, but there’s definitely a chance that this username is unofficial as well.
More: F-Zero
Rumor: F-Zero Twitter account from Nintendo potentially found
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 0 comments
After fans came across a potential Twitter account for Super Mario’s 35th anniversary, they’ve again been poking around the social media website to find other possible hidden user names from Nintendo. That sleuthing may now have resulted in a discovery tied to F-Zero.
The account in question is @FZeroJP. Just like the Super Mario account, it has the same “aaaaaaa” handle. By attempting to reset the account password, we can see that an email would be sent to n*******.**.**, which could very well be nintendo.co.jp – Nintendo’s Japanese website. We also know that the account was registered on March 16, so it’s not someone simply trying to piggyback off of the Super Mario findings from earlier this week.
Here’s a look:
More: F-Zero
Former Criterion boss clarifies rumors that the studio was asked to make an F-Zero game for Wii U
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Rumors emerged a few years ago that Criterion was asked to make a new F-Zero game on Wii U for Nintendo. Alex Ward, the studio’s founder who left back in 2014 for his own company Three Fields Entertainment, indicated soon after that the talks weren’t serious. During last week’s episode of the Game Informer Show, he clarified the situation once and for all.
When asked about those original rumors regarding Criterion and F-Zero, Ward stated: