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Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World launched in North America and Europe today. With that in mind, Nintendo updated the original Wii U game to support the Poochy amiibo.

Those who own Yoshi’s Woolly World will find version 1.1.0 ready and waiting. Once installed, players “can tap their Yarn Poochy amiibo to the Wii U GamePad while in a course to make Poochy appear in game.”


There’s a lot going on with Miitomo right now. Nintendo just began a collaboration with Fire Emblem Heroes today, and first details were shared about an upcoming update.

Here’s what you can look forward to from the next patch, which is “coming soon”:

– A “Miifoto Log” feature, where you’ll be able to post Miifotos or images from your device with comments.
– The ability to attach images to your answers.
– The addition of a customizable Bio in your Profile.
– When sending a friend request, you’ll be able to attach a message.
– Wallpaper or flooring will be available for use as backgrounds in Miifotos.
– You’ll be able to select the outfit your Mii character wears when delivering a message.
– Daily items will not include selectable color variations.
– Other various system improvements.

Minecraft: Wii U Edition

Update (2/1): The patch is now live. Takes up 74 MB.

Original (1/28): Minecraft: Wii U Edition will be receiving another update very soon. The patch mainly addresses a smattering of bugs, but also seems to add some new elements like 11 achievements for Survival and 7 achievements for Tumble.

The full patch notes can be found below. When the team sends out word about it being live, we’ll let you know.

Super Mario Run never allowed for true Family Sharing similar to other downloads on iOS. However, players did find a useful workaround last month. With the latest Super Mario Run update, however, it’s been entirely disabled.

Super Mario Run is now entirely downloaded to the device where it originated from. Unfortunately, that means it can’t be shared with family (or anyone else).


Harvest Moon: Skytree Village has received another new patch. Upon updating your game, it’ll be at version 2.00.

Natsume says of the patch:

*The Harvest God and the Harvest Goddess have gotten together and used their magical power to ease the severity of all storms and other conditions which are damaging to crops.
*If you haven’t already grabbed Patch 1.02, all of the changes from the previous patch are now rolled into Patch 2.00 – just one download needed for all the fixes.


HullBreach Studios still has plenty of plans for SDK Spriter. Some new free and paid content is in the works for the downloadable Wii U app.

First, a platformer level mode is coming to SDK Spriter at no extra cost. The indie studio is also making a turn-based battle mode which will be offered as paid DLC. Details on both are practically non-existent at the moment, though we’ll probably be receiving concrete information sooner rather than later.


Pokemon GO

Niantic is in the process of rolling out another update for Pokemon GO. For iOS users, the game will be updated to version 1.25.0. For Android it’s version 0.55.0.

According to Niantic, Pokemon GO’s new update reduces the starting loading time on Android and addresses connectivity issues with Pokemon GO Plus on that platform. On iOS, wheelchair support has been integrated for use with Apple Watch. Minor text fixes are also implemented.


The new updates for Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter are now available. The two apps have been updated to version 1.3 and 1.2 respectively.

After downloading the Pokemon Bank update, compatibility will be added in with Pokemon Sun/Moon. And for Poke Transporter, creatures from Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console can be transferred into Pokemon Sun/Moon.

Pokemon GO

A new update is out now for Pokemon GO. On iOS, the game is being updated to version 1.23.2 while Android users will have version 0.53.2.

Pokemon GO’s update adds support for Korean, as it just launched in South Korea today. Other than that, not much has changed.


Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World launches very soon, though Nintendo hasn’t forgotten about the original game on Wii U. Today, an update was released in Japan to add in Poochy amiibo compatibility. Poochy appears in the game when you scan the plushie.

The update, set at version 1.1.0, does not appear to be live in North America or Europe yet. It should be up closer to the western release date of Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World.


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