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Miitomo has surpassed one million users, Nintendo has announced. That milestone was reached in just three days.

Miitomo debuted in Japan on March 17. It should be making its way to other territories before the end of the month, along with My Nintendo.


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My Nintendo Picross – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was made available as a My Nintendo reward in Japan this past week. Some footage of the download has now emerged – see the video below.

Update: We’ll keep the rumor tag until it’s 100% confirmed, but this is looking even more legitimate. Here’s another look at the same footage from one of the SXSW panel attendees:

Niantic may have just shown the first Pokemon GO footage during a panel at SXSW. Take a look at some off-screen gameplay below.

As this has not been 100% confirmed, we’re marking the post to indicate its current rumor status.

Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice is launching for 3DS on September 27, SEGA revealed today. That announcement was just made during a panel at SXSW.

Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice was originally on track to release last holiday. However, SEGA delayed the game last September. The company said this was done “to make sure the game has the time and polish needed”.

As part of a new feature on Yo-kai Watch, MCV spoke with Nintendo UK product manager Remy van Leeuwen about the series.

First, van Leeuwen discussed Yo-kai Watch’s potential in the west. The Yo-kai themselves, their emotional abilities, and the comedy aspect could all help to connect with kids.

He said:

“It is difficult to say whether it will have the same impact in the West, but I definitely think that there is a lot of potential for it, especially working together with the likes of [toy company] Hasbro and [TV company] Turner. Everyone is going to back it to its fullest. Because of the nature of Yo-kai and their emotional abilities, it makes it quite easy for kids to relate to them. For instance, there is a Yo-kai called Cheeksqueek, which basically makes people fart. That’s been a hit with kids in our research.”

“One of the other key aspects that will definitely resonate with kids in the UK is the comedy aspect to it. The characters themselves are just funny, and they’re quite deep, too. We will be trying to bring that out in our campaign.”

Who led the way on Miitomo, Nintendo’s first mobile app? It may not come as a huge surprise, but we now have confirmation that it’s a Yoshio Sakamoto joint. IGN’s Jose Otero shared that noteworthy tidbit of information during the latest Nintendo Voice Chat podcast.

Sakamoto was the producer on Tomodachi Life, and Miitomo takes several cues from the 3DS title. He’s also played a big role in Metroid as well as other series such as Rhythm Heaven.

Nintendo is keeping quiet on a number of other specifics surrounding Miitomo and other mobile apps. IGN asked about the team size and how long the app was in development, but couldn’t get answers to either question. Nintendo was also asked if the company has identified the other mobile titles they’re planning, but did not have much to say on this front either.

Bravely Second made its way to Europe last month. The RPG came with some changes in its western release, such as how completing optional side quests always provides players with a “good” ending.

Nintendo Life has now managed to obtain a statement from the Big N regarding this change. In its response, Nintendo noted that Bravely Second’s developers believed that this modification would be appropriate based on “overwhelming feedback” from Japanese players. Users “felt an unsatisfying disconnect between their intentions and the characters’ reactions” as “each side quest would end with the team lamenting the decision they made, regardless of the player’s decision.”

You can read up on Nintendo’s full statement below.

While Miitomo is in its very early days, the app is doing quite well in Japan thus far. Data collected by market researcher App Annie indicates that Nintendo’s new release took the top spot as the country’s most-downloaded social-networking app on iOS devices yesterday.

LINE is Japan’s most-popular instant messenger, but fell to second place in light of Miitomo’s arrival.

Nintendo spokesman Yasuhiro Minagawa said in a statement:

“We had a good start and have received very positive feedback. Miitomo will continue to evolve.”


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System: 3DS
Release date: March 18, 2016
Developer: SEGA
Publisher Nintendo

The Mario & Sonic series first began in 2008 to commemorate the Summer Olympics in Beijing. Since then, Mario, Sonic, and friends have continued duking it out at each edition of the Olympics, now leading up to this summer’s festivities in Rio de Janeiro. But how does Mario and Sonic’s newest foray into traditional sporting events on the 3DS stack up against their previous ventures?

Members of the media recently went hands-on with Miitomo, which also included some interview opportunities. TIME is one outlet that has an interview up with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. During the discussion, Reggie commented on why Miitomo doesn’t have real-time messaging, “long-term” plans for the app, mobile goals, and more.

Head past the break for some of Reggie’s remarks. You can read the full interview on TIME here.

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