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Data miners have managed to unearth a new costume for Super Mario Maker ahead of its official release. We’re trying to avoid spoilers here, so head past the break for the full story.

In just a few days, Super Mario Maker will be receiving a new update. We’ll be seeing new items like the Fire Koopa Clown Car, the Bookmark feature, and World Records for the different courses uploaded online. You can find the full news here and patch notes here.

Game Informer caught up with Super Mario Maker director Yosuke Oshino for some insight into next week’s update. Head past the break for comments about the Fire Koopa Clown Car, P Warp Doors, and Bumper.

Nintendo isn’t slowing down with new costume additions in Super Mario Maker. Starting tomorrow in Japan (likely today in North America), you’ll be able to use new outfits based on Mr. Saturn and Master Belch from EarthBound. Trailers for each are below.

Nintendo updated the Japanese Genei Ibun Roku #FE website with new content for Genei Ibun Roku #FE. Check out a new trailer and details below, courtesy of Gematsu.

It’s almost time for another weapon update in Splatoon. In just a few hours, Nintendo will be making the Tri-Slosher Nouveau available.

Here’s the news from Nintendo:

You’ll be able to use the Tri-Slosher Nouveau at the following times:

– 6 PM PT
– 9 PM ET
– 2 AM in the UK
– 3 AM in Europe


More: ,

Nintendo has added in yet another Event Course and costume in Super Mario Maker. Players can begin taking on the “Nintendo Badge Arcade” level, which nets them an arcade bunny costume once finished.

Here’s a trailer for the costume:

And the Nintendo Badge Arcade course description:

“Hey there! Welcome to the Nintendo Badge Arcade! It’s the place to be if you want to play crane games and catch badges you can use to jazz up your HOME Menu.

…HUH?! The arcade got turned into a Mario course?! Ooh. I hope the boss approved this, or I’m gonna be in big trouble!”

Nintendo sees potential in amiibo. So says president Tatsumi Kimishima, who told Japanese outlet Sankei the following:

“There is still potential in amiibo. We want to make ‘the expansion of function to play with the game as a single entity’ one of the big pillars.”

Kimishima echoed something similar in an interview with TIME earlier this month. He said that Nintendo hasn’t yet established amiibo “as an enhancement for all of our software at this point.” Rather than using them in games, amiibo have instead been used “more as a collection item”.


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Island Flight Simulator – $7.99
Minecraft: Wii U Edition – $29.99
Temple of Yog – $5.99

Wii U Virtual Console

Mega Man Zero 4 – $7.99
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Colonel – $6.99
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team ProtoMan – $6.99

3DS Download

The Delusions of Von Sottendorff and His Square Mind – $12.99
The Legend of Dark Witch 2 – $6.99

3DS Themes

The Legend of Dark Witch – Blad Theme
The Legend of Dark Witch – Klinsy Theme
The Legend of Dark Witch – Sola Theme
SEGA Hi-Tech Theme


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS DLC – Cloud makes his Super Smash Bros. debut and brings the Midgar stage with him, complete with Summons! Cloud + Midgar stage is now available as a download in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS or Wii U for $5.99 each, or for both game versions together for $6.99.

eShop Sales

Wii U/3DS

– Turtle Tale (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) is 50 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $1.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
– 3D Game Collection, Suspension Railroad Simulator and more games from Joindots are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 31.
– Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) is 50 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $4.99) starting 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 22 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 4.
– Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) is on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 26.
– Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS), Mighty Switch Force! and more games from Wayforward are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 6.

Wii U

– Costume Quest 2 is 65 percent off (reduced from $14.99 to $4.99) starting 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 21 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 28.
– Star Sky is 50 percent off (reduced from $4 to $2) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 31.
– Momonga Pinball Adventures is 50 percent off (reduced from $5.99 to $2.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 31.
– Tengami is 50 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $4.99) starting 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 23 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 11.
– Tilelicious: Delicious Tiles is 50 percent off (reduced from $5.99 to $2.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 6.
– Arrow Time U is 50 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $0.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
– Swords & Soldiers II is 30 percent off (reduced from $19.99 to $13.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 31.
– Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut, OlliOlli and more games from Curve Digital are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 31.
– Journey of a Special Average Balloon and Maze are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 2.
– Art of Balance is 25 percent off (reduced from $8.99 to $6.70) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
– Canvaleon is 30 percent off (reduced from $9.95 to $6.95) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 31.
– Armillo is 35 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $4.99) starting 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 18 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 1.


– Fractured Soul is 80 percent off (reduced from $11.99 to $2.39) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
– Gunslugs 2, Sumico and more games from Engine Software are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 4.
– Karous -The Beast of Re:Eden-, Mercenaries Saga 2 and more games from CIRCLE Ent. are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
– Etrian Mystery Dungeon and Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan are on sale starting 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 21 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 4.

Source: Nintendo PR

Update: To clarify, the update will be up during the evening of December 21 in North America. Europe will have it in the very early morning on December 22. Also added in the official announcement below.

Nintendo has pulled back the curtain on a new Super Mario Maker update coming on December 21 which adds a number of new features.

Those are as follows:

– bumpers (create one by shaking a grinder)
– P Warp Door (create one by shaking a Warp Door)
– Fire Koopa Clown Car (create one by shaking a Koopa Clown Car)

Aside from these new elements, you’ll now be able to see the world record time for each course in addition to the person who completed it first.

Here’s a look at the upcoming update:

The Bookmark web portal, which was announced during last month’s Nintendo Direct, is also releasing on December 21:

A few hours ago, Game Informer published a new interview with Splatoon co-director Yusuke Amano and producer Hisashi Nogami. The developers talked about things like the single-player campaign, why it wouldn’t work well on 3DS, and no plans for voice chat or paid DLC.

A good amount of Amano and Nogami’s can be found below. You can read the full interview over on Game Informer.

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