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Hollow Knight

Earlier this year, Team Cherry and Skybound Games announced a partnership to publish a physical version of Hollow Knight. Sadly, the deal has fallen through.

Skybound said on Twitter a short while ago that it is no longer working with Team Cherry on Hollow Knight. Team Cherry itself has not yet provided a statement.

It might be possible that Hollow Knight will be receiving a physical copy, but it won’t be with Skybound. We’ll keep you updated on any future developments.


After 28 years of publication, Prima Games is closing its doors. DK is closing the company following a “significant decline” in the video game space. Prima Games will end in Spring 2019.

Prima has worked with many video game companies over the past three decades on strategy guides, including Nintendo. It’s unclear how Nintendo guides will be offered in the future, if at all.


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Nintendo Switch - Nintendo 3DS

Even though Switch is the focus when it comes to Nintendo hardware these days, 3DS hasn’t been entirely forgotten. The system is still being sold and there will still be games released on the dedicated portable next year.

Speaking during the company’s latest financial briefing, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said that 3DS will continue to be sold as long as there’s demand. Furukawa also reiterated that 3DS has its own advantages compared to Switch thanks to its size, weight, and price.

Nintendo Switch

During Nintendo’s financial results briefing last month, one investor brought up how Switch has some major games missing from third-party publishers. President Shuntaro Furukawa was asked if he believes this will change in the future.

In response, Furukawa indicated that it’s unrealistic to expect every major game on Switch. Nintendo is speaking with publishers, however, and he believes “the number of titles on it will increase a lot more.”

Nintendo Labo

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa shared a few words about Nintendo Labo during the company’s latest financial results briefing, mentioning that sales are expected to increase this holiday and it will “sell for a long time”. Sales will also be different to core titles like Mario and Zelda.

Furukawa also left a very interesting comment to close out his response. Labo was one way in which Nintendo wanted to expand Switch’s user base, but Nintendo has other ideas that don’t rely on franchise titles. These will be announced later, Furukawa said.

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa weighed in on Fortnite’s success on Switch during the company’s most recent financial briefing. Thanks to strong momentum, the game has been downloaded by close to half of all Switch systems worldwide. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Fortnite is doing the best in Japan, but “is also growing in Japan.”

While addressing the same investor, Furukawa said that cloud-based games from third-parties “is a very positive thing.” He believes it can also have a good impact on expanding the user base since “there are some titles that probably could not be offered on Nintendo Switch any other way.”

It was recently revealed that Trine 4 is coming to Switch. So it makes sense then that past games in the series will make their way to Nintendo’s console, starting today.

Frozenbyte announced that the initial Trine games are all bound for Switch. Trine Enchanted Edition launches today with Trine 2: Complete Story and Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power coming “soon after, with exact release dates still to be announced.” BlitWorks is working on the ports.

Nintendo Switch Online

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa had a few interesting comments about Switch Online during the company’s latest financial briefing.

Furukawa started out by stating that the service “had a good launch”. Nintendo’s current objective “is on boosting the appeal of the service” and “further enhance the content of the service for the subscriber base to reach a certain size”. Using the NES-exclusive controllers as an example, Furukawa added that Nintendo has to “develop the service beyond being merely digital, in ways play to our strengths as a company that operates an integrated hardware and software business.”

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

A year after launch, Nintendo has a few Switch games that continue to sell. The likes of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Super Mario Odyssey still regularly appear on the charts.

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa described these titles during a recent financial results briefing as “hardware drivers”. He added that Nintendo intends to “incorporate add-on content and other factors that will keep these titles in the spotlight, so they will continue to sell alongside the hardware.”

It’s time to say goodbye to streaming services on Wii. According to a Netflix email sent out to customers, such services will be suspended after January 31.

The full notice reads:


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